So every one of these in circulation is going to be vandalized isn't it

So every one of these in circulation is going to be vandalized isn't it

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oh you bet it will.

tubman was a progun republican and I don't see the issue

Jackson hated the central bank and is probably rolling in his grave to be on jew banker monopoly money

I will never use a nigger bill.

So you sayin
We wuz money an shieeet?

fuck niggers

literally this

Crybaby veggies and hindus are complaining about our new £5 notes that have traces of cow fat in them. They're even boycotting them. In total, across all the new notes, the fat used is equal to that from half a cow.

Taking action against this is likely.

Do you even use bills at all? I personally haven't used used in months.

I have no problem with "muh diversity," but she was literally a criminal helping fugitives.Also she is so fucking ugly holy shit i don't want to see that face when I pay for sex from a toothless whore...

It won't be circulated dummy. They aren't going to ever exist. Stop being retarded and think for a second. I'll give you a hint. Who's the head of the Treasury Department and who appoints them?

>a leaf is poor
What a surprise
They're actually rushing production to make sure it starts before Trump takes office

It has it's perks

That exact article says it is retarded and would backfire though.


I would be writing "RIP HARAMBE" on every single one of them.

I'm gonna be sick...

What the fuck is the point of a 12 dollar bill

>Can I get two tens instead?

Problem solved

Top Kek

Don't forget that Lincoln, Grant, Jefferson and Kennedy didn't like the idea of a Central Bank controlling the issuance of currency either.


no? are you retarded? faggot actually thinks the whole world is racist? retard

I'm taking Tubman to the KFC a couple of times so she can work of her run away slave debt.

I'm also going to ask random people if it is a hate crime to joke about niggers and fried chicken while paying with a Tubman.

vandalized... with my semen stains

No one is going to vandalize a 2nd Amendment Trump card with a racial component to shut down gun grabbers.

"Oh you want to regulate my magazine size. (Pulls out wallet, shows R-Tubman bill) Why dont you tell this black woman running the underground railroad you want to control how she chooses to defend herself."

>putting a chimp like black female on your money

Tip top kek

If you get one of those bills make sure you write "nigger" on it somewhere

Looks like it was already defaced.

t. civic nationalist

I'm going to collect as many of these as I can and hold onto them until they get changed back to Grover Cleveland.

Then I'll trade em all in and be rich

Looks like the Uncle Ben's guy.

>Americans want to replace this based man with a nigger

You know the only reason they picked Harriet Tubman was because she was black. They should've given it to Betsy Ross. She actuaily did something to affect the country.

Didn't even think about this OP. it'll be the equivalent of graffiti on walls.

Just write nigger on every one and feed them into a bancomat.




>Also she is so fucking ugly holy shit i don't want to see that face when I pay for sex from a toothless whore...

Top keksimus.


He's still going to be on it. From what I understand they'll each have a side

I don't get it :c

As if Republican meant anything similar to what it means today.


i will be using a red and black sharpie to bamboozle every single tubby i get

>i dont have a problem with muh diversity
you have to go back

top tier post

Truly we see now that they are two sides of the same bill

Wait, that is a female?

Harriet Tubman, America's most beloved thief of privately owned property

Well meme'd my friend.

Harriet? Is this a woman? You're joking right?

Why would people damage their 12$ bills?

>helping fugitives

You mean help property stealing itself?

Lmao it really is too easy

Kek nice

You're getting a 50 Cent banknote?

Any that come my way certainly will be.


In blue ink, lads. US currency isn't uncommon at all. I could even go to the bank and ask for 1 or 2 hundred dollars in used in 20's once they come out. say im collecting or something and vandalize them in a decent way and over time spend them back into circulation

I wish

German bantz

Took me awhile to get it

I don't get it

12 is 3/5 20

They couldn't have chosen another president to be on the bill? Why not Teddy Roosevelt or something? Hell it didn't even need to be a president, it could've just been someone relevant.

I mean they have to know that people are just gonna write nigger all over this thing. I know I will
