This immigrant is smarter, better looking, healthier and taller (compared to females) than you

>This immigrant is smarter, better looking, healthier and taller (compared to females) than you

How do you deal with the fact that America would be a better place if you went to Mexico instead of her?

Other urls found in this thread:

Must be nice having true privileg. As a white man I actually have to work for what I have.

She got deported for that tweet fucking kek. Not so smart if you're bragging about being an illegal in fucking twitter.







no way, source? link? anything?


You'll make shit babies and most likely made valedictorian at a C average esl school.

if she went back to mexico wed save the money wasted on her stolen education.. fuck off britfag

>4.5 gpa
Do latin americans grades inflate just as bad as their currency? Oh well, she can think about it when she is on her way back.

You must go back. Hasta luego amica

Is it deported already?


>>This immigrant is smarter, better looking, healthier and taller (compared to females) than you
Not taking into consideration that the liberals probably altered her grades to appeal to their narrative of supporting illegal immigrants, I've had near perfect grades my entire highschool years.

Having good grades =/= being smart either.

You don't have to understand a concept to turn in all your shit and get a pat on the back in today's modern society.
>Better looking
You must be mentally handicapped
Most Mexican or Hispanic woman, having experience with them, never hold out on staying healthy.

The only reason she looks fine now is because she's young, just wait until she gets a sugar daddy to support her every whims and watch those nice
turn into rolls of lard, something you wouldn't have ever imagined touching

Nope, but she's afraid Donny T might change that.

>be affirmative action illegal
>be studying easiest meme major
>probably fucked some teacher aides and loser professors

makes this post on social media. im glad im not jaded and blindsided by the naivety of the internet because i can actually see the things.

r9k may have taught me its not cool to be a virgin into your late 20s i know i feel this but it also taught me that women are inherently fucking useless.

She's going into nutrition kek. Literal meme major

If it makes you feel better I remember seeing a news article about, can't be fucked to dig it up though

Mexico needs smart, attractive whores to better the country. It would be a real shame to deprive them of this valuable resource!

>Adios, bitch.

ay que hora es pinche gringo. chingon wey


send her back

She has to go back

Sure, take a Million Illegals in theres bound to be 1 or 2 Model Citizens

I'd like to fill her taco with my sour cream.

Not smart enough to follow the law, though, right?

Does she know that she'll be the first in the deportation line?

>I have all these things paid for by actual Americans
>I'm so great, look at how good I am for still being illegal after 20 some years
>let me rub it in how good I am and how you paid for it all and not a dime from me, oh and I'll never pay taxes because I'm illegal soy six figured paycheck won't be touched by taxes
There's a reason why we are kicking these niggers out

Colleges/Universities can't enroll people without a legal immigration # or Social Security Number. If her tweet were true, UT could lose its accreditation.

Didn't she get deported?

Amica is italian dumbshit, you mean amiga

>better looking

Peak kek

Trump's making a list,
he's checkin' it twice,
gonna find out who's running from ICE,
Donald Trump is building the wall.

>“Prove us wrong. All the people that didn’t want you to be president, I think now is the opportunity to prove us wrong and do something and really unite us,” Lara said.

>I didn't want you to be president, so you should do what I want

She acts like its a badge of honor to game the US immigration system, I mean it's truly sickening for someone like me who lived in Texas and knew how Mestizo Americans, whites and blacks are locked into perpetual combat with these shit skin wetbacks

>he doesn't know about AP classes
Man you're fucking retarded

AP is new. user is probably an oldfag.

Kek, btfo and checked


Actually the opposite. Texas has a law that gives illegal immigrants work and study visas for 2 years, can be renewed indefinitely

not a green card, but infinite work and study visas

This might change with Trump

>Texas has a law that gives illegal immigrants work and study visas

Fed here. That's BS. Only the Federal government can do that.

ITT: Sup Forums cucks can't admit that they're losers compared to Mayte Lara
>muh white skin
Too bad you clowns are the literal shit bottom tier out of all whites, stay in Sup Forums pls

This, can someone answer this?

I know if you dont have a SSN you cant do jackshit, especially not go to school and such.

You have to go back Mayte

For every one Mayte Lara, there's 10,000 dumb, welfare collecting, anchor baby machines.

so wait it was a clerical error?
or did she mean that she's a criminal illegal alien

pablo, pls go

user is full of shit. He might be confusing it with Financial aid but there's no such requirement just to go to school.

There should be.


She is superiour to you in every single way.

She's just an illegal alien. She's not a criminal because the statue of limitations for illegally crossing is 1 year.

defending her on an anonymous image board isn't going to make her magically fuck you, user

Usually those who think of themselves higher than the norm based on intelligence learned from what they are taught lack common sense and logical reasoning.

mayte lara was a retard as well. She came from a school where the students were basically all poorly educated and 80% could barely read english.

>superior to me
You're gonna have to dig deeper user

No it's not.

Stating the truth will trigger the Drumpftards though.

You mean statute.

And source on that? There should be no statute of limitations on that because it is a CRIME.

>far, far smarter
>better looking
>taller (compared to other females)

>Man, that third world country Mexico could really use people like her to build their economy.

They have to go back to Strom front or r/the_donald

So many assumptions. Do you get off of this?


Shut it Drumpfy.

Fpbp, also digits.

We won, deal with it

Trump qt's > Shill qt's any fucking day btw

No, she's not better looking. I used to buy and sell girls like her in college all the time. Run-of-the-mill, probably smells like sweat constantly and has delusions of empowerment.

No doubt that people who were undecided about the immigration issue sent more votes trump's way after seeing this bitch brag about it.

I'd personally write the check to fund deporting her and her family.

Britbong white night eternally BTFO!

Brains > Looks Drumpftard

Wrong, prettier people are usually more intelligent too. Life isn't fair huh?

>when you're a valedictorian with a 3.5 but still retarded enough to admit you're undocumented right before Trump takes office

Trump won't deport the dreamers screen cap this

For every one like her, Americans have to take 10,000 that are shit?
No thanks.

What the fuck is going on with her left arm?


nice word for illegals

>better looking

Yes, fucking autocorrect. Source? Title 8 US Code 1325(a). Idk the statute for the sol but the Federal SOL for misdemeanors is one year. You're crazy for wanting no SOLs for crimes.

Tricep definition brah. Mirin dat horseshoe

that's just obama's DACA (deffered action for childhood arivals), dumbasses. In addition to all that, it also allows these people to travel to mexico and back again. I bet you also didn't know that illegals can get an ITIN # to file tax and get tax refunds.

I do know that. It's my job. Everyone has to pay taxes.

>tfw beaner think they are smarter than everyone else because one beaner did good
Too bad the stats are against you, Mayte Lara. Maybe your gpa really was inflated because you are a shit-skin.

Get this subhuman trash out of my fucking country. Disgusting

>graduated towards the bottom of my highly competitive, 98% white high school
>3.3 GPA
>underachieved my way into a decent biochemistry and molecular biology undergad program
>decent scholarship but didn't even need it because my family is well-off
>now a PhD candidate
>white, 6'2" 210 lbs former athlete -- smash pussy like a mf like button
>oh... and I'm a documented, legal citizen.

Good, she should be afraid.

If the illegals are of such a high caliber why isn't mexico the most prosperous nation in the world? And if you were to argue that it was, why did these illegals feel the need to leave then? And if they are such upstanding high quality people why were they unable to leagally obtain citizenship when our government hands it out like candy?

Really induces pondering


That's how (((professors))) show off their groomed pets to others so that they can virtue signal and fight up the desiccated husk of a institution knows as academia.

t.ex-associate professor that gave up that shit career.

>tfw no $100k for college
Been at Walmart for over a decade. I guess I am a lifer.

At least WalMart gives employees that great pension.

Reminder that the last time someone bragged on twitter about being illegal, they were reported and deported in less than a month. just sayin.

What pension? We barely get matched on 401k.

How about this: Mexico would be a better country if she was there, so we should send her back.

What a cucked system. Where did you teach?

>jumped a border fence

Pick one.

It is a felony. Fuck you. She should be deported.

She looks like carl the cuck
