
How do Ethnic Romanians feel about Gypsies?
Did they ruin your international reputation?

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Saying Gypsies are not Romanian is like saying Injuns are not American

why wasn't there ever a roma/gypsie purge? iafaik they've been in eastern europe/balkan for centuries.

I thought Dracula ruined you guys' reputation.

You can't really kill cockroaches Norway..

despite the fact that gypies are not native from Romania

Hitler tried to cleanse Europe from them, Dracula did as well

romanians arent white, most of them are yellow , even the non gypsy ones

stop cherry picking radu

Ethnic Romanians scum as well

>for her role in his brutal death.
Dublin Circuit Criminal Court heard that Romanian Adrian Bestea was murdered after Marina Sourovtzeva hired three Russians to teach him "a lesson" for his violent attacks on her.
Sourovtzeva (31), a Russian national, of Strand Road, Sandymount, yesterday pleaded guilty to false imprisonment and assault causing harm to 21-year-old Mr Bestea at the Strand Road flat on July 8, 2001.

>Judge Yvonne Murphy, in sentencing her to two years' jail, said she accepted Sourovtzeva never meant to have Mr Bestea killed.
The court heard Sourovtzeva was the victim of countless beatings at the hands of her boyfriend, but could not report him to gardai because she was an illegal immigrant


Are gypsies the equivalent to niggers in Europe?
Now Europe has the best of both worlds since they now have mass niggers coming in and gypsies.

Are you telling me roma people are not from romania ???

My Romanian friend said the only difference between gypos and niggers is that gypos don't smell that bad.

Ok im a romanian living in spain but seriously, the bullying against Romanian members of this community is getting way out of hand, especially since Romanian are some of the biggest contributors and most involved in this board.
Its not just "memes" or "banter", its vicious attacking and regardless of intentions it does demean people and hurt feelings. I can't say I'm the only Romanian man who finds it hard to take pride in his own country after having years of constant and needless attacks defaming my heritage from insecure losers here. Why not bully Swedes or Germans? Do they not have much more to be ashamed of than our peaceful little country? Potato niggers get bullied less than us and yet we are the purest whites in Europe.

Like when its not just banter, when a meme is repeated over and over again, repeated systematically, it eventually becomes a truth irregardless of the intentions in repeating it. And that isn't just jokes any more then, then its harmful !
Would you call an Romanian man a "gypsy nigger"(disgusting word) to his face? Would you say to a kind,peaceful and hard working salt of the earth Romanian man that they are a "gypsy nigger"? Would you say those words to your fellow white brother? Are you starting to feel ashamed now? You fucking degenerate?
Your destroying national pride, your dividing whites against each other, your doing the opposite of what you claim to support when you engage in this incredibly abhorrent behavior. So I encourage you to stop now.

>romanians males perpetuate the despicable behaviour of hitting the women
hey, wait a minute! but BUT romanian are just like irish!!!

Every now and then they are purged.

Why do you think they marry at 13 and have double digit children?

They were used for entertainment

imagine an entire group of people used as slaves, for the sole purpose of making shitty music, for thousands of years

People were more willing to put up with their antics. For that I have no reason why, maybe the casual violence of eastern Europe just gave everyone lower standards of behaviour.

It's an interesting field to study. Gypsy kings were employed by the Romanian princes to tax collect and administer justice, with a cut of taxes as payment. Through much of Romanian history, gypsies had their own legal system, and the state only interceded in situations of murder or interethnic crime. Slavery was quite mild, too: one week of work a month, food and board the rest of the time. Plenty of gypsies signed documents to enter slavery in order to marry an enslaved gypsy they liked, so it couldn't have been that bad. They seemed to be more manageable in this arrangement.

1800s onward, high imperial micromanagement and nationalism fucked everything up by emancipating and trying to Romanianise the gypsies (and succeeding in many cases, resulting in a great many shitskin "Romanians" today), causing their birthrate to skyrocket and giving them liberties that most don't have the culture or mental capacity to accommodate.

t. gypsy pro

Injuns aren't American.

Actually gypsies were most prized by the state as blacksmiths and goldworkers, for which they had surprising skill

Are they related to your travellers at all?

No, zero relation. Travellers/tinkers/pikeys are some abomination of the Celtic (or pre-Celtic) fringe

There have been purges of them. Even king of sweden once laid down a decree that after a certain date every gypo that was seen on swedish soil was to be killed.

In France we call them "roms"
They look like syrian refugees

Purges were very common in every country we now recognise as West European, but comparatively rare in the East. Hence the population distribution

>not "gitans"


What do you look for when you want to emulate the super nes

It's amazing when you read Swedish history, then look at them now. What happened? Massive estrogen dump into the water supply?

You're not bullied because of gypsies, you're bullied because you're thin-skinned and easily butthurted into walls-of-text like you just posted

I used to be afraid of gypsies but after watching Varg Vikernes on youtube, I came in contact with my native European barbarian nature, undomesticated myself, and stood up to some gypsies who were making fun of random people on the street.

I told them "Fuck your mother's dead ones", which is one of the most strong insults in Romanian, along with "Fuck your mother's race", also preparing myself for my first fight with a gypsie, my heart racing.

They asked me who did I say that to and I saw they weren't really reacting, I took it as a sign of weakness and told one of them to look me in my eyes and got in his face personal. Then she apologised to me, with his gypsie girlfriend shouting really loud and then getting angry at him because he didn't do anything after I insulted his mom's lineage.

Shit was so cash.

link to your blog?

Ditching traditional values and then using tolerance and gender equality as a replacement for religion.

Romanians smell like shit. Take showers, you primitive faggots.

I noticed the gyppos in Cluj were pretty well-behaved while the ones in Iasi were sub-nigger, wielding weapons, littering, frightening the elderly and just generally acting gassable. Why is that? Residual butthurt from Moldavia being stricter on them?

>after watching Varg Vikernes on youtube
>I came in contact with my native European barbarian nature
>I told them "Fuck your mother's dead ones"


I have no blog, but this is the video inspired me the most.

In Cluj they are a bit more prosperous because Ardeal is as western as you can get in Romania.

Fuck your mother's race, cockroach. Fuck off back to central Asia.

99% of the gypo population are subhumans, degenerate scums, they don't have jobs, they beg, steal, threatean people on the streets and act very violently.
Too bad there's nothing that can be done about it.
The only solution (apart from mass murdering them) would be to place them in labor camps and force education upon them until they become humans. But that's not going to happen in today's world since someone will say they have the same rights as us and should not be treated so.
However, as I said before, they are animals and degenerates; they shouldn't even have rights.
Also, there's the rest of them (1%) which are only half-gypos and can behave like humans, sometimes they can actually be nice people.

thanks honey, it was a nice story btw :DDD

But we used to purge the gypsies in the 90s, till you faggots told us to stop

We don't fucking care.

Some City Cosmopolitans might get butthurt. But in all honesty why should we give a shit?

If you as a person fail to see the differences between the two ethnic groups then you are not worth the time.

How bad do fucking niggers smell

t.Person who never once in their life met a black person.

>1800s onward, high imperial micromanagement and nationalism fucked everything up by emancipating and trying to Romanianise the gypsies (and succeeding in many cases, resulting in a great many shitskin "Romanians" today), causing their birthrate to skyrocket and giving them liberties that most don't have the culture or mental capacity to accommodate.
so did they really mixed with romanians in a huge number of cases or not? i'm not provoking just curious

our reputation wasn't good to begin with
nevertheless, Western "standards" of education and a bit of successful Hungarian propaganda ensure that the Roma==Romanian meme is here to stay

Onur, is that you? I thought you had been sent to gulag, you gay cockroach!

Just enslave them. Call it "diversified citizenship" if you want. They get free gibs in exchange for an enforced one child policy and a week a month of labour. Hey, it worked before it can work again

Not huge as a proportion of the population, but in absolute numbers yes. I don't know enough to give a good estimate (don't think anybody does) but anyone who says it's a couple of isolated cases is a liar.

thye look like yellow russians , or in racial typological terms ,

they are majorly baltid with darker skin colors, some are also pontid (dark hair fair skin blue eyes + meditteranid cranial structure)

ty for the answer. what nationality are you, romanian?

British, I'm just a weird autist and read that book because I thought it may have some answers in regards to our future mongrel neo-feudal cyberpunk dystopia

the south and southeast is more pontid

>it may have some answers
and, did you find some?

>countless beatings
Sounds like he integrated in Irish """culture"""

In Spain, worse than blacks by a long run.

I fought with gypsies last week. People had to break it up I was about to kill one of them.

Only what I'm sure we all already know: that, unless we are going to have a race-war in future, we can't have one-size-fits-all citizenship. Also for me personally it's something of a refutation of the moldbugger/absolute monarch strain in the far right: things got WORSE when kings gained in power in the modern age, and things actually worked better when there was a balance of power between the three estates of the prince, the church, and the boyars.

>Did they ruin your international reputation?
since romanians blend in and gypsies get on the nerves of everyone.

a lot of people here in austria for example think that romanians ARE gypsies.

" Mention the subject of Roms (Roma, in English) or ‘gypsies’ to a French person and you will quickly realise that this is somewhat of a national sore spot, and perhaps rightly so."

that's interesting autist bro, thanks again for the answer

History tip from me

The Habsburgs went to great efforts to assimilate gysies ,both the wanderer ones ,the settled by turks ones and from other sources.

The result today is massive ammounts of gypsies speaking hungarian(roughly all of Mures,Southern Covasna and Brasov's hungarians are gypsies)
Germanized gypsies ,ukrainian gypsies , all sorts of gypsies they settled and forcefully assimilated.

Today we have these mongrels running around in the former Empire's territory.
Thank you Austria,Hungary and Turkey.

Also,roughly 7-9 million turks descend from gypsies.

the first gypsie lie that'll catch you is that they'e both one in the same.

the church forbade it because muh souls

Today , Romania , Hungary , Slovakia , Northern Serbia and Czechia have huge problems with gypsies.
Huge gypsy populations and subhuman mongrels.

Genetic tests should be run on every citizen then drown those with shitblood.

>Why not bully Swedes or Germans?
Even more? This board constantly bullies everyone, get triggered and you lose

You know that fact that nobody takes a 160 cm tall man seriously regardless of the facts he presents?

Nobody takes someone who puts the commas so wrongly serious either.

>Shit was so cash

I don't know of anyone that says that other than American nogs, let alone an eastern european.

You're either a nog or a faggot, possibly both.

>newfag detected

>you made a mistake, lets ignore everything else ;-)
Mars la cacat tigane

So I guess you're a faggot then

It's a shit meme btw

Fuck you, it was well placed. I bet you just googled it now, fucking kangoroo.

can't tell if meme

also here in south serbia we have them the most, they're over the whole fucking country ffs

you have no idea ,right ?


>Like when its not just banter, when a meme is repeated over and over again, repeated systematically, it eventually becomes a truth irregardless of the intentions in repeating it.

If that were true then Argentina would not be most white countrie in South America.

as a hungarian i would say at least to us romanians will always be STEALERS OF OUR RIGHTFUL CLAY ahem... i mean friendly neighbors.

Seriously though i doubt many people from around the world associate gypsies exclusively with romania.

... you do realize there are other ways to deal with a problem then just to leave it be and to kill it.

>Potato niggers get bullied less than us and yet we are the purest whites in Europe.

also nice pasta. but a bit too much salt