China Seizes Unmanned, Underwater US Navy Vehicle Off South China Sea


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It's already in some chink factory getting cloned.

crone a drone


They want it back.


Possibly related: China has been selling off US treasuries.
>there has never been such an aggressive selling of US Treasuries over a 12 month period in history.

I was wondering where I left that....

>US foreign policy under Obongo


The yuan is also at the lowest it has been since 2008. The Chinese market has had a very bad week in general

China respects Obama

I don't see NPR claiming this is a act of war like Trump's Taiwan phone call, hmmmm.

good way to give away your technology for free.


this idiot is determined to start a war with every major power before he gets tossed out on his ass

Are China in trouble economically?

Why the fuck would Chinks give it back? It's theirs now

>US oceanographic vessel had its underwater drone stolen by a Chinese warship literally right in front of the eyes of the American crew - CNN

Big bully China stealing kids lunch money

Yes, they're in deep shit. Last February and before that in October 2015 they went through several crashes and started jailing their domestic short sellers. China is basically a bubble of cheap manual labor imploding before our eyes.

In two months US will be capturing the same drone but with a Chinese flag on it.

>a US oceanographic vessel Thursday had its underwater drone stolen by a Chinese warship literally right in front of the eyes of the American crew
china just stole my sides.

China is going to take it apart expecting ayyye lmao technology , and be like "wow these fuckers are like 10 years behind us in technology, let's just put it back guys I kind of feel bad."

Happening if doubles

HAHHAHAHA! American imperialist pigs btfo China is #1 military in the world.


what was the navy doing there ? spying ?



On official paper they look good. Unofficially they are screwed. Their shadow banking and economy is larger than a small countries. And the housing bubble dwarfs several counties GDP. Add more and more companies moving shop to places like Vietnam and there is only a race to the bottom for them. They are munching throw their foreign reserves at record speed.

Deep enough shit where war would be an economic boon for them? Are they going to keep encroaching on our SCS bases while we're busy in this anti-Putin globalist shillfest?

Anything in it that they don't already have?

>hahah behind every noisy chinaman sub there is a U.S. attack submarine hiding hahahah
>actually Chinese knew about all of them everyone

>hahaha! home country number 1
>But fuck living in that shithole

People like you are the worst.

Stop biting click-bait articles. This incident is literally nothing but China being stupid.

The "drone" was deployed from a ship belonging to the National Oceanographic Office, not the USN:

You would know this if you read an actual news article on this, not click-bait.

>On board, surveyors are equipped to conduct physical, chemical and biological oceanographic operations; multidisciplinary environmental investigations; ocean engineering and marine acoustics; marine geology and geophysics; and bathymetric, gravimetric and magnetometric surveying.

chinese stock market crashes are irrelevant. they opened their stock market purely as an experiment to see if they can increase economic activity and size by drawing in small investors.
They would be fine with it all failing, well not fine but like i said, it's an experiment.


Don't let the flag fool you, bong. We've been invaded.


Maybe not mechanically, but the software running it and possibly the sensors would be of interest.

Any /k/fags provide the stats for this unmanned sub plz?

How big is it? Is it armed?

Redpill me on China. Is that sort of shit they do regularly? I expect Iran and North Korea to pull that shit, China not so much. They just stole a military ship?


suck my dick cumskin


You're spoiling the fun

No and no. It's about the size of a torpedo.

In fact it basically IS a torpedo with the warhead taken out.

Even if it is a military ship it's just a drone to measure the environment of the ocean. Salinity, temperature, that sort of shit.

>β€œIt’s a sovereign immune vessel, clearly marked in English not to be removed from the water – that it was US property.”

Why didn't they mark it in Chinese?

If the US didn't want to gift free tech to the chinese so badly they should have given it a human escort.

They have problems with discontent in old factory town and cities. There's been many incidents of mass rioting, but most are hidden from the public eye.

But whatever happens the people are very nationalistic, even more if they identify as Han. So in time old fashion the angry masses can always be brought into line by giving them an enemy that is not the government.

Russia and China have been playing 7D chess. Got half you faggots rooting for Putin.

> g-give it back!

underrated reference

ignore shills and pained in the ass investors who speculated into another Chinese crash hype

they claim its okay on paper but the economy is shit when its exactly the opposite.

The stock market intentionally stumbled to bleed out speculators while the economy never even was hurting, it was just intentionally and investments moved and diversified to prevent a real bubble that isnt backed by real economic growth (there never was a bubble to burst in first place) and now has already rebound after the correction

>do they do this regularly?
China has been poaching technology from us for over a decade. Their cyberwarfare is focused on corporate espionage, stealing trade secrets and schematics off Western computers. It is reasonable to assume they have our level of drone tech, although I can't speak to the quality of their military manufacturing.

Nor do I have any idea how many of our more...exotic military systems and HFA have been identified or reverse-engineered by them. They are a serious threat at the moment.

still a pretty advanced piece of technology....

Canadian s hate China. Americans gate China.

China is an authoritarian piss hoke.

Until the people of China rise up and overthrow their fascist government the west should boycott China.

Other than thosee that are psychopaths he Chinese that moved to the west recognize just how horrible the government in China is hence that's why they left.

this is one fucked up news. my sides are in orbit

Obama sent it on purpose to get caught. He's going all out to cause WW3 against russia and china.

He's also going to piss off on vacation somewhere safe to avoid what is coming.


You are comparing them in the current market and current state of global politics.

If this system breaks u then have to consider the net equity / assets being resources production value.

Labor potential and production was shipped offshore from US to China, as was chemical manufacturing & technology.

If political efforts kill China/US relations and trade ends, the US is cut off from its main source of manufacturing/tech/chemical supply & doesn't have the infrastructure anymore to recover quickly. On the other hand China could just bridge gaps with Russia, Japan, South American countries and Iran/Elsewhere and still remain functioning much as they have.

At the end of the day it's very few political superpowers (elites) who call the shots & control outcomes as well as fake markets, fake money, fake politics.

The only thing separating a country from realizing it's own value (in base resource/power etc) are all the ((((theoretical)))) control powers ---banks, exchange, politics etc. ((((IMF/World Bank/UN/WTO))))

So while these real value assets can normally be ignored, with political instability in the West and a rising power group in the East, including Eastern Central Banks, it's possible for a Eastern coup of global power and control (so to speak)

The only question is: is it truly a coup or are they functioning behind higher influences which work for the same ends essentially bennifiting the current and long standing power structure. Given the amount of conflict it seems like there is a real push for control happening.

>unmanned reconnaissance sub
>it's larger than a fish


Their economy is extremely terrible.
I invest daily from home as a job and the only time I invest in anything China related is when I hear rumors of a sell-off or something related.
Their entire economy is based on air, it won't collapse thanks to their huge industry. But putting pressure on it will make it bend hard.

China's biggest problem is their prosperity raised a whole generation of middle class people and they ain't happy about the way government runs shit there.

i don't see how americans expect other nations to just let them sniff data around, i have yet to find someone that still believes american words after reading some history


China is a piss hole where they have roaming execution vans that harvest organs.

The Chinese need to overthrow their fascist government!

Say no to fascism. Boycott China.

When I spoke to an MI6 spy he told me that if he wanted to take photos of something he'd take the biggest camera he could find - just like happened to his pals who got caught in Greece.
It's the same deal here. Pretend to be something else and hide in plain sight.

the reason for that is because time and time again the Chinese witnessed (or at least are one of the few who still have recordings) that when they split up they all go to shit.

there is never an argument like in Europe whether or not they want to get out.

>illegally spy on a country
>said country catches the spy equipment

Why are you burgerniggers so butthurt?

spying is legal under the GC but theft of equipment isn't

We're so fucked.

South China sea is not Chinese, their claims are bullshit.

ANY country has the right to be in that sea and observe what bullshit the Chinese are doing. They only seized it because they are trying to hide what they are doing.

But Europeans are such butthurt cucks they just can't take the tiny yellow dick out of their mouth for two seconds to think.


Get ready Ivanka you are next

They didn't even have to play, the sheer incompetence of the politicans did wonders for them.

Oh fuck I remember that, top kek!
>"You're oppressing our laws! Please leave now!!"
>Few seconds later

>I invest daily from home as a job
opinion fucking discarded

get a real job faggot

The Chinese people need to overthrow their fascist government and bring in democracy like the country of Taiwan has.

FF to 1:43 for maximum kek

>illegal spying
>neutral waters

>pretending all countries don't engage in espionage

MMM yes Wang Pang, your 3 inch penis tastes sooo good.
t. Estonia


This is ridiculous. You fucked up, take it like a man.


Seriously fuck china, the paper tiger of the worst kind, with all those people and hardly any innovation, and whatever innovation that occurs is used to copy shit off of others, no research and development costs, no imagination, just copy and sell for cheap. That's just half of it, then there is the part of having people living in cages, is this really who the fuck we are supposed to compete with? Fuck that shit. Im sure we'll see China fall one day, no? I heard it's always at that point but they keep it just enough to not making it fall.

DAYUM! The shit is getting thick now! China done stole a remote-controlled boat!


>let china "steal" secret tech
>they duplicate it
>its actually a mini black hole generator and destroys china when they get turned on in the factories

>abducting the military equipment of a foreign nation from international waters
The fucking nerve of these Chinese, wars have started over a lot smaller things than this.

It specifically stated that it was in international waters,

Dude they are way off of China's coastline.

I can make around $3-4k/month with my current education IF I manage to find a job in this retarded job market and I'm currently making $6-8k/month from investing.. so.. no?

English is the international language.

Thats why all Air Traffic Control is done in English.

look sperging about how europe is cucked by china while being americam really makes no sense, go throw off some government or blackmail some diplomats and shut the fuck up

Ok, but they're spying on china right? We would do the same thing if not worse.


>Trump wins presidency
>Suddenly stuff that could cause war pop up

What if losing the election was part of Hillary's plan? What's the next step?

Fuck china

>We would do the same thing if not worse.

read the article you retard

>This "seizure" takes place one day after China's influential state-run tabloid, the Global Times, called for a plan to take Taiwan by force and make swift preparations for a military incursion. The article urged China to rebalance its stance towards Taiwan to "make the use of force as a main option" and carefully prepare for possible moves toward independence.

the international community has a right to observe neutral waters especially after you make claims like that.

So what was a US spy vehicle doing in the South China Sea?

>Tfw spied on by giant flying solar panels in space


>Chinese grab anything they can find to steal it
>End up stealing some USN robot
>USN sends angry letter demanding the robot back
>"Ohhh we so sorry we no speaka engrish we have no robot we hope you arr find robot soon prease no carr us again!"

What if Obama sold them the sub/tech and instead of outright shipping it to them and making everyone angry they just put in coordinates so they could "seize" it.