
Malafaia forcefully escorted by the Federal Police: noticias.uol.com.br/politica/ultimas-noticias/2016/12/16/silas-malafaia-diz-que-esta-em-sp-e-que-vai-se-apresentar-a-pf.htm

Cabral and wife have become defendants in Lava-Jato: veja.abril.com.br/politica/sergio-cabral-e-mulher-viram-reus-na-lava-jato/

Temer's popular approval has declined - 46% consider him shit: politica.estadao.com.br/noticias/geral,aumenta-indice-de-avaliacao-ruim-de-temer-mostra-pesquisa-cniibope,10000094992

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we are slowly cleaning our country my simian friend.

When are we going to destroy the Freemasonic and anti-Christian Republic?

You sure? istoe.com.br/nova-lei-de-migracoes-e-aprovada-pela-camara/

I doubt we can get a sufficient number of hues working together toward that goal.

>You sure? istoe.com.br/nova-lei-de-migracoes-e-aprovada-pela-camara/
"permite ingresso no mercado de trabalho e direito à previdência social."
hahaha eles ja estao sendo enganados, ninguem vai se aposentar mesmo! haahha

REEEEEE out olavetes!

then the brazilian people deserve at least 500 years of darkness.

Yeah, everyone gets fucked here. No democracy in the world compares in that regard.

You're too optimistic about the fate of humanity.

God's punishment will be 500 years of Darkness and He won't have mercy and kill everybody like before.

Temer may be corrupt as shit, but he needs to stay longer in office in order to desmantle the welfare state (or, at least, prevent it from growing).

anyways the new laws in the social security was something we had to do, simply there is no money. I was in favor of stop with this at once, and let the people manage their savings themselves.
>>imposto é roubo.

PMDB is part of the international jewry like PT/PCdoB.

Lock the doors and burn everything in the congress,

Think they fuck often at the Senate?

It's the future we've chosen

All I can do is smoke a cigarette and drinking a soda pop while I watch this whole country burn

>All I can do is smoke a cigarette and drinking a soda pop while I watch this whole country burn

This. Too bad I can't get out of this place.

>Too bad I can't get out of this place.

if you stay here...
The good news: you'll work for the chinese
The bad news: and work for CUT as well

>Lula diz que o pré-sal deve ser explorado pelos Chineses


Probably works for the government, which is bad enough, hence why he can't leave.

i have an idea that can make we profit. check this shit. Venezuela is mining bitcoins, the volume peaked 7 million bolivars (hue due inflation i cant say if its alot), anyways, energy there is cheap as fuck and they are using the money to buy food and medicine. I say we should smuggle shit into venezuela through a tor silkhoad shit and profit out of gommie misery, and helping capitalism flourish there.

you're naive. It's Maduro and his jewish party mining bitcoins.

the people are mining too. check this out bro. reason.com/archives/2016/11/28/the-secret-dangerous-world-of

>why is it too bad
Don't wanna live like this >why I can't leave
Too poor.

>Probably works for the government

Would never do that. Private sector for life.

I hope you're planning on mail order, because I wouldn't be trading with people who put such low value on human life, especially when they're desperate

If you can save up a few grand you can move to Paraguay. At least it's predictably shit instead of unpredictably shit. Bet you could make money smuggling stuff into People's Republic of Brazil, try to find an user with a computer shop or something

i was thinking mail. selling small shit like medicine would be possible. pain killers or anything. Food is heavy and it would be hard to make a profit by the mail this way.

I'm going to buy a home in Bolivian's mountain and watch Brazil burn from there.

Paraguay would be an option as well.

you will starve, be forbiden to get back when bolsonaro make anime real again.

kek, just -membered that I have family in Argentina. It's alright, folks, I'll get to see the downfall of Brazil from a nice spot.

>you will starve

At least there there won't be savages trying to kill me there.

What are some good br political commentary channels on YouTube?

Do you have freedom of movement in Unasul? How's it work?

Well there's always dehydrated food, jerky and dried fruit for example, good price-per-volume and doesn't go off

I'm bored of my gay life so if you ever need a hand let me know meu irmão, you'll have to bullshit the visa for me tho

The only one which the jews fear

Btw what do HUEs think of Maro Filosofo


well, there is not a big difference.

I've been gone for a while can a hue very briefly fill me in?

Semi-based regarding politics but 100% based regarding culture


Look for "Congresso Brasil Paralelo". It's a really recent thing that is worth checking out.





>Do you have freedom of movement in Unasul? How's it work?
Not really. Don't know.

dude everyone can go to brazil. but i would not sugest it tho. i mean we are recovering by a 15 years of socialist oriented government. this shit im planning is obviously illegal. taxes here are absurd. mabe you can do the same im planning from the UK. just build an app or webpage an check the prices. medicine is a viable option, food in europe looks expensive i think.

nando moura is a inteligent guy, but he is too traditionalist.

He doesn't recognize that race exists and will never name the jews. He's also a childish cuck who has to swear and scream at the camera to get subs from 12 year olds looking for "treta" on youtube.

Ancaps follow him :

conservatives/progressists him:

traditionalists follow him:

those are the 3 major sects of the right on the youtube.

exacly, its funny that mamae falei and rafael from ideia radicais both got into the brasil paralelo interviews, but Nando didnt, and the reason is that even tho he says he does not like the visibility, he is actually screaming like a bitch to get attention.

Boo hoo, conservatives are idiots when it comes to racial and social issues. Is this your first year learning politicts or something?
Regardless, he's way ahead of the leftists and since Brazil is never, ever, going to have a racially aware movement, people like Nando are our best bet.

>since Brazil is never, ever, going to have a racially aware movement, people like Nando are our best bet.

i smell south. I hope you guys secede, because this racial bullshit is not funny anymore.


I'd say he is not enough traditional. Reminder that progressive ideas = cultural marxism.

why don't you name the jew then?

Lesbian argies kicked out of the police force for kissing in uniform right after their graduation: correio24horas.com.br/detalhe/mundo/noticia/por-causa-de-foto-de-beijo-na-boca-aspirantes-de-policia-sao-expulsas/?cHash=b1e20a764366c64712487455e2b6d63a

here let me school you.

>school me

Brazil is a hell because arrogant people. The more idiot and coward, the more arrogant.

it wellcome.


Liberals and libertarians are almost as bad as marxists.

the guys that fall for the cultural marxism are on the lower left. the lower right cant accept cultural marxism, for exemple an libertarian will never endorse the state to give free shit to feminists or minorities. As we know both are using the cultural marxism to get advantages. thats my argument to break your idea that progressives on the right are not pointing to the left, but down, that means individual liberties.

>f-free market will solve everything

Why is that Daniel Fraga followers think they can talk about politics?

i think otherwise, i think i would tolerate bolsonaro, but not lula in 2018, so this war is far from over, and we are at the same side despite your hate from everything that dont look like you.

MBL and other libertarian movements already declared war on Bolsonaro. Wake up.

because they understend economy. And economy is the basic truth. An economist can say : WE DONT HAVE MONEY, WE CANT AFFORD SOCIAL SECURITY, WE MUST STOP PRINTING MONEY etc.. the kind of stuff everybody hate, but should be done. anyways im not even an ancap.


mbl are not libertarians, they are liberals. and i tend to stick with novo instead of mbl. im more of a conservative (but not a single bit traditionalist tho, im agnostic and i think the state should stay out of our life. but i also belive that we have to respect laws, and im against revolutions of any kind )

Bolsonaro should be further to the right.

>energy here is cheap

not a lot cheap, 75 cents a killowatt, and asic miners prices here skyrocket in the last year, only if you stole some or get for free you can make some real profit. Paying for the hardware and energy, the profit will come reeeeeally slow, the dificult in mining is increasing fast.

but its not a bad ideia, you just need some X.000 Temers to invest

he seems more nationalistic than traditionalist to me. either way that spot is fine. he is conservative/nationalist/traditionalist.

read again. i wrote, energy THERE is cheap. i was talking about venezuela, try to copy properly

Actually, he's whatever he needs to be in order to get votes. He's simply another politician with no ideology whatsoever and I think that's pretty obvious. That guy is trash.

oh sorry, my bad.

just to illustrate, the person that should be on the far right in the traditionalist square is Marco feliciano. Traditionalism is a mix of religion and tradition values guiding the state.

he is sounding more and more appealing to the masses, he stopped talking about dictatorship or closing the congress, he sounds alot more moderate. on top of that there is the trump effect that will push the right. not saying he is the best we got, but he is obviously a valid candidate on the right.

Actually recently they started to get closer and closer they disagree in few issues like gay marriage and drug legalization.

>too traditionalist

how is that bad?

i could not give a fuck about gay marriage and drug legalization. 1 : im not gay, so i dont give i fuck, i really dont mind gays, i have gay friends and i saw a couple making out and my dick did not get hard. 2: i used to smoke pot, i stopped smoking pot and drinking. I think that if we study how is the marijuana market is going in the USA and the impact of the drug on a country like brazil we can see if its a good idea or not. The problem is, we cant even conduct experiments on marijuana in brazil. So since its illegal fuck it. we have more pressing matters as : fixing our political system.

muh progress :((((((((((((

Care to update me on what's going on, having difficulty translating portuguese to spanish or to english

i belive values should not come from a superior (the church, the state, or anything like it) values should be tested against life, and updated. Im an agnostic, and i cant denny the existence of god nor say it exists for sure, but i know the impact of beliving in him and not beliving in him is real on society, and laws can be passed based on those basis. So i belive god is a matter i cant grasp to understand, so i just ignore it. What i cant ignore is that sometimes christians get to do pretty stupid choices, like trying to raise a child without the money to do it, the child grow up to be a marginal, and the same person that forbids a abortion is pro death penalty (well, mabe not the true christians, since jesus would obviously condemn both abortion and death penalty). Anyways thats my oppinion.

>fixing our political system.
This. A popular initiative bill instituting a recall mechanism for defective politicians would be a decent start.

big politicians are getting caught in the biggest corruption investigation of our history

ok : we have this oil company that is part national, part open capital(as in : you can buy stocks on the stock market). Its of public knowledge that this company have heavy influence from the president. Turns out a dude gave a statement that there was a major curruption scheme in this company involving all the bigger parties in brazil (we have like 30 parties). After years of investigation and a huge list of names, chaos was layed out and the politicians were in a war trying to crush their oppositors and blackmailing people. In one of those fights our ex president Dilma got impeached because she commited an illegal loan that was masked by the government books. now this investigation is showing brazilians that all those big parties were stealing money, giving favors to construction companies that made the brazilian conclude that Pt (workers party) was controlling the oposition through political favors and money. now our VP that is our current president that have 40% approval ratings is pushing some austerity mesures, but he is being obfuscate by the congress that is trying desperattly to stop this huge investigation at all costs. the list have now more than 400 politicians.

>Janot pode pedir o arquivamento do caso ou arguir a suspeição do ministro, o que levaria a pedir explicações ao próprio Toffoli.


>Do you have freedom of movement in Unasul?
That's Mercosur: Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay, which have some kind of free movement.

I feel we are in the eye of the hurricane right now, I wouldn't move here if I were you, but don't know how's Brazil right now. Hope I'm wrong tho.
BTW is Lula going to jail?

>BTW is Lula going to jail?
thats what everyone here wants to know. i think people are afraid of a social commotion. he has everything a person needs to go to jail.

>BTW is Lula going to jail?
I've no idea, but 25% of hues declared they'd vote for him if he runs in the next presidential election - *if* we're to believe polls.



i actually belive this datafolha is making the right a service. showing that high approval only makes us belive we must fight the left even harder. So i belive those numbers are way lower, and they makes us belive its high so it can inspire us.

A coalition of Lula - fucking hell, even Dilma -, Marina and Ciro (and the token PSOL candidate) will likely crush whoever we scrape to throw against them.


Ciro is my only concern. He has the same appeal Freixo has, but with far more experience. Aecio cant hold a debate against him. Lula has so much stuff on his file i think it will be hard to prove him to be innocent. Marina is just like jose serra. No charisma. They cant be president. so they are irrelevant.

They are not irrelevant, for fuck's sake, as they would easily transfer their votes to him on the second round of the election, as there's no way in hell their voters would sympathize with either PMDB or PSDB.

the fun part is : bolsonaro has been increasing in intentions of vote, 1%/month almost.

We need Bolsonaro, Eneas tier people on the government and Olavo on Culture and Education.
Simple like that andf then in less than 2 years we're 1st World or getting linked to America.
But yeah mamaefalei will drop on the thread and talk shit and call everybody of Olavettes and in the end I don't even care about this shit hole anymore I will take a H1-b next year. AehooOOO

>and Olavo on Culture and Education.
thats your mistake right there.

Hardly. Ciro would make shit soup out of him after eating him alive.

Hi Arthur. How's it going brah? hue

Useful for support on the second round, though.