Why aren't there more anarcho-capitalists on this board?

Why aren't there more anarcho-capitalists on this board?

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Although most people are stupid, they aren't stupid enough to think AnCap will work.

I'd rather call myself a communist before ancap, and I will never call myself a commie.

i'm currently violating my NAP for posting this , but we can't affoard to pay for this service therefore you never see us here

they still haven't finished manually laying down fiber optic line to connect to the internet

The autists and retards here think anarcho capitalism = open borders, degeneracy.

They didn't get the memo that says ending the welfare state is the solution to this problem.

There are roads


I think a lot of people will read this, and think it's totally correct. But "libertarian" these days has become synonymous with "approving degeneracy" so people are afraid of the label.

Really, the interests of an-caps, and the interests of fascists, are actually very similar. An-caps just think the return to natural order is done through getting rid of private property, while fascists think a return to natural order requires intense government involvement. At their core both ideologies are very conservative.

*getting rid of public property

every few hours with these threads. Knock it off FBI. These are not the russian hackers you're looking for. make yourselves useful and Investigate pizzagate or george soros, hes a real an-cap

We've been forced into being fashy because of all the damn degenerate commies and feminists

>getting rid of private property
You mean the state. Private property is the foundation of civilization.

1-tax is theft! all the money the state steals goes into shit investments, if this money were to be kept into the people wallets they would manage to spend it better.
2-you cant give something that you dont have, therefore you cant give power to someone to arrest other people.
3- we dont need public roads. we just dont.
4- monopoly is a figment of your imagination.
5- whats the problem of eat marijuana smoked fetuses ham ?

Ancap reporting in


>We've been forced into being fashy
which sucked pretty hard at first.
It really goes against all your natural extincts, especially for people like me whose Grandfathers and great uncles fought in WWII and were embedded with the idea since birth that fascism = bad and whitey claim to American clay < Native American etc... etc..

But once you realize what they do, and you understand that you're forced by ((them)) to be "literally hitler"
the more comfy it is to be a Nazi


ancap here bro



Because we got memed into hiding like India.

Build a wall, deport them all


>not anarco-communist



Because the apocalypse hasn't happened yet.

just because something is theoretically possible that does not make it reasonable. without government people (especially high IQ communities like whites) would not suddenly abandon all morals and turn into murderous, rocket-launching savages. it seems like these memes are basically replacing "god" as a moral authority with "government".

anarcho-primitivist here

How do autismcaps respond to pic related?

What is wrong with that?

>ending the welfare state will stop the third world savages from wanting to move here
>implying they won't keep coming here to loot and pillage our civilization like the savages they are

>dude, what if
rolls blunt
>everyone was like
tips fedora
>just chill man
sells family into slavery
>then the free market
get shot for walking on privet property
>would solve all are problems
dies in pool of own blood for only having a bronze level hospital membership

I dont know user, you tell me?

>Because the apocalypse hasn't happened yet.

You don't need an apocalypse to own property, start businesses, trade with people, or follow a system of natural rights according to the non-aggression principle and human action.

I could just start a business privatizing a service that government offers to compete with the state.


The ocean is owned, fag. What now?

build a wall
annex annex annex

>How do autismcaps respond to pic related?

The picture makes a number of assumptions.

That tech will not improve to sustain both ocean-based cities and space colonies.

an-cap would naturally lead to mass secession and many small city-states and villages

>implying you wouldn't have better access to security to defend yourself in an ancap society

That's what neighborhood watches, fences, walls, prejudice and a good dose of common sense take care of.

>when all the land, ocean, and atmosphere is owned and the only way to kicked off someones property is to get thrown into outer space

You need at least need a minimum sized government.
Your society wouldn't function otherwise. How do you think previous civilizations managed to grow? because they had insurance, which means law, protection etc.
I'm a libertarian myself but anarchism is retarded.

thats not ancap, thats ancom

what would be the an-cap equivalent to the 'new soviet man'?

Who would then form allegiances with oneanother and have wars

hey presto, STATISM

Nigger, in a post-apocalypse the only tech you'll have is ur dick in ur hand.

An 11-year-old is a moral agent and can't be a slave

thank you kek for identifying yet another freemason shithead

They can though

Who's gonna stop me?

you dont really understand what statism is do you?

Because it is retarded

the NAP

This implies that everyone would want to remain on Earth. You have to remember that novelty is highly desired.

It would most likely be the case that, people who stay on land on Earth in the future would be viewed as "conservatives" and traditionalists.

Also, you're implying that it is somehow wrong to kick someone off of your property if you don't want them their, which isn't valid.

If we have ocean-cities and space colonies, then find a place to call home, faggot.

yeah but thank god "libertarian" isn't anarcho-capitalist.

we're talking ancaps, not communists. ancaps actually believe in money and last I checked bitcoin is closing in on 800 per

>How do you think previous civilizations managed to grow?

Monarchies grew because they were privately owned governments.

But democracies? They may get bigger in size but democracy always causes a decline in the value of money (inflation and democracy go hand in hand) and social values

did we need any more proof that the anti ancap sentiment is fabricated

i would not say i have been forced to change my ideas at all. nor opinion, nor attitude; nothing. i simply treat Sup Forums fascism as an ally for the time being, because it is actually being one. electing any businessman, no matter what his political agenda, is one step forward, not backward.

you're right thank god we are forced to bake cakes for gays. I love libertarians, I HATE ANCAPS


electing a business man is gettin closer in tune with the ways of the world and maybe even chance at peace if it benefits everybody

This is a false equivalency. You are comparing a private business to government.

A private business isn't forcing people to patron their restaraunt by making it illegal to not eat there.

Government looting private businesses and citizens for whatever reason, is not the same as a restaurant giving their customers a deal.

Because people grow up.
You're only an edgy teenager for a couple of years - enjoy it.

>on a computer

bad start bros

your inner child called. Said you were a pussy

is it intentional that the boot ends up in the green square in the second panel, or just a happy accident? it makes the drawing even deeper because it implies that communists rebrand themselves as "social democrats", or something similar, when they are on the losing side

No internet after my neighbor destroyed my home when leaves I was raking blew into his yard breaking the NAP.

I am using a friends computer to post between gay-for-pay transactions to accumulate sufficient wealth to rebuild my home after paying a local security-for-hire firm to retake my land from my neighbor

the wrong word. but i see what you mean.

>without government
this is not anarcho-capitalism. anarchy is the literal state of the world, of reality. youtube.com/watch?v=VIs5r3ujBmw it has nothing to do with whether there are any "governments" or not, or how they operate. if you have realized that you live in anarchy, then you're an anarchist, and vice versa. that's it. anarchists typically understand that people will simply govern themselves (or die off).

>people would become savages
demonstrably false mises.org/library/pennsylvanias-anarchist-experiment-1681-1690

>replacing "god"
christianity is in fact fully compatible, there is no "replacement" necessary to explain it to yourself or anyone else. the word literally means "no king." all anarchists will be a king's subjects the day christ returns; christ is king. until then, we just don't deceive ourselves on satan's behalf.

from the content of your post i surmise that that, apparently, is your job. you make yourself the goyim to the jew.

Autistic screeching

i chuckle because its a funny meme, not an argument. isn't that what you do?

it's not feasible in this day and age when one can only choose between more or less authoritarian states as far as western civ is concerned

All it takes is that one immoral dude and no one to stop him from doing otherwise

The majority of teenagers are authoritarians. Marxism and fascism tend to be the "edgy" political philosophies of young adults.

I started authoritarian, and became more and more anarchist as I got older.

How old are you mate? Or at least what generation are you from

I made an argument, you're simply being retarded

>An-caps just think the return to natural order is done through getting rid of private property,
i forgot to tell you that you're a complete idiot.

Because Sup Forums consists of government babies. Who's going to pay their autismbucks if there's no government? The horror of actually being responsible for your own life and safety is just too much for most posters here.

I'm 31, I was born in 1985, not sure what generation that places me in.

Probably still millenial, but oh well.

>statist non argument

thats an argument AGAINST statism

Who enforces the NAP?

>Millenial anarchist

Sure am glad to be part of a conservative generation

I'm ancap but mostly because I can't intellectually defend taxation or the moral hazard governments invariably introduce.

I don't swing my black and yellow cock here since I'm usually shitposting.

Pic is for the youtubers and e-celebs that were ancap and fell into the hitler dindu nuffin trap.

i concur. teenagers are raised more by the public schools than their parents, and the rationalizations that the state has for all the evil it has worked in history with force/fraud through government power are taught to them as if religious canon, without any serious consideration for the opposing narratives. they conclude on their own that there is nothing but authoritarianism to believe in.

our own nation's founders believed different. the articles of confederation prove it. they are not enough centralization to let the scumbags take over. symbolically, we failed when the US constitution was adopted.


I don't like being associated with the millennials.

I'm not an omni-queer bi dragonkin with 4 headspaces, so there's that.

New an-cap man

That's why.

Somebody doesn't understand the concept of the labor theory of ownership

Do AnCaps really believe that a society would function will out a judicial system?

Somebody doesn't understand the concept of automation giving individuals near infinite labor and therefore unlimited ownership

Labour theory of ownership doesn't count for shit with someone's gun at your back

>b-but i'll draw my Glock brand Glock and execute them for violating the NAP

>what is a court subscription

We're not arguing to get rid of arbitration.

The argument is that government is a monopoly on the services it provides, and that the market--through competition--could offer the same services at a lower cost and higher quality.

Thas part if it at least.

i'm an anarcho primitv-


>y-you're not a-allowed to fight back when someones threatening you

>You can 3D print nukes at home
What happens next?

Like Somalia?

It is an odd belief that, for whatever reason, the demand for security would simply disappear in light of the fact that humans evenly distributed power through a society, as opposed to only giving power to a handful of people.

Government didn't make the tennis shoes I am wearing, and yet--even without their oversight--here I am wearing them.