Shit is getting real

With all the shit happening on Sup Forums this election year, (e.g FBI user, pizzagate,etc) it is only a matter of time before this racist shitposting board on a website for anime loving faggots gets censored bigly. Hiroshima already showed he is willing to sell out this website(ads and censorship). So we need to go to the one place with true free speech which is the deepweb. Anyone know about any torchans that are still active? It may seem stupid but Meme Magic has put us at the forefront of a new era of history which we need to protect.

Other urls found in this thread:

The internet will never be silenced. We can (And are) already infiltrating and taking over the mainstream. We don't need to create another hugbox if this one goes down.

>is willing to sell out.
He's already done so. More than once. You really think your shitposts on Sup Forums haven't already been sold to the best bid? C'mon naw user...

I'm just saying we need a backup just in case. It's pretty insane that we have investigated these government conspiracies and we don't have a plan B.

Pete Saget rather than Pizzagate.

Organize under #Jesus if #pizzagate gets banned. If millions of gun-loving Christians hear that "Jesus" is banned, they will know it's the apocalypse.

Organize peacefully at pizzerias suspected of human traffic (hint: there are a lot). Write hashtags in chalk. Sit down peacefull, refuse to pay. Tell them why. Pay off a waiter, maybe. Make your voices heard.

Tor has been one big honey pot for a while now user. All exit nodes are compromised,

Help, how do I shitpost on Sup Forums and remain anonymous while using tor? It wont let me post and usually captchas don't even work properly at times.


inb4 newfag

Sup Forums banned tor exit nodes a long time ago.

nice try eef bee eye man

Tor is literally FBIchan.
they have enough entry / exit nodes to know everything and everyone that uses it if they have a good enough reason to look it up.

There are no preexisting alternatives. You must make your own. Make Sup Forums twitter and it will replace regular twitter.

Simply not true. The owner of every node is publicly available. Even if they controlled every entry node and exit node, they wouldn't be able to deanonymize the network unless they also owned every middle node. If you are really worried, just run your own bridge or your own entry node.

Is this the part where you start shilling for an """""""""alternative"""""""" to Sup Forums?


that's what I expected as well

>we have investigated these government conspiracies
>we have investigated


exit nodes are irrelevant to hidden services, user

I can't wait until Hiroshima requires logins to post.

The faggotry will drop 95%.

there are a few backups, you just need to lurk more

You have no idea what you're talking about you fucking retard

It's a shill, ignore

It is right. The only way Tor can be broken is if every layer of a connection is compromised.

>We don't need to create another hugbox if this one goes down.
It's finally time to come out of the basement

So long as there are Sup Forumsacks out there to unite and shitpost together they'll always be a Sup Forums no matter what they try and do to censor us. Sup Forums is not yet lost.

Sup Forums has not yet perished,
So long as we can shitpost.
What the globalist has taken from us,
We shall retrieve with our keyboards.
March, march, Pepe,
From Reddit to Twitter.
Under your command
We shall rejoin the internet.
We'll cross the shills and the leftists,
We shall be Sup Forumsacks.
Trump has given us the example
Of how we should prevail.
March, march...
Like Farage in Brexit
After the EU occupation,
To save our home board,
We shall return across the web.
March, march...
An oldfag, in tears,
Says to the newfags
Listen, our lads are said
To be spreading the dank memes.
March, march...

hidden services?

elaborate. The only reason I don't use tor is because I know it is compromised

Here's a hint:
While we're still here we can be tracked, and silenced.
If they push us off here and onto tor, all possible control they have over Sup Forums will be completely lost.

site ends in .onion = hidden service (never leaves Tor network)
site doesn't end in .onion = not a hidden service (leaves Tor and goes to clearnet)

just go to 8gag :^)

Decentralization will be the future, just you wait faggots

Can you please or someone confirm this news

I don't know that site and can't be fucked with the article but I think its important if it's true someone start a new thread about it.

FBI doesn't openly hunt dissidents. At least yet. Tor will protect from "fake news fake laws like European one. Even if FBI an read Tor they can't admit it openly and start jailing people for posting pepes. But britbongs and Russians can be jailed fro posting pepes right now. And pressure of these laws can be applied to US corporation hosting media like youtube or twitter and it can be expanded to Sup Forums.

is there some quick tldr guide to navigating this dark place


lurk moar

i dont want to lurk on tor that seems like a bad idea man

Round Table employee here, no evidence of human trafficking. In fact it would be impossible we barely have enough room to store pizza boxes.