
>A 12 year old German-Iraqi boy suspected of having links to ISIL in Ludwigshafen, Germany, it has been revealed on Friday, attempted to detonate a nail bomb first in a Christmas market and then near to the city’s City Hall.

>On Nov. 26, the boy reportedly set down a backpack containing a bomb he made using fireworks and sparklers in the city’s Christmas market.

>According to German magazine Focus, which published a report on the attempted bombing, the boy had planned to leave for Syria during the summer of 2016 and is believed by investigators to have been “strongly religiously radicalised” and “instigated” by an as of yet “unknown member” of ISIL. (Note: He was 'radicalised' in Germany and did not actually travel to Syria)

Second generation:
>The boy, born in 2004 in Ludwigshafen, is currently being held in a “local youth welfare centre”.

Other urls found in this thread:


>He was 'radicalised' in Germany and did not actually travel to Syria
>Second generation
Can't wait to see how they explain this. But I know they'll just ignore it and act like nothing happened.

Errinern Sie bitte - sie sind meistens unschuldige Kinder!

>It's Germany in 2043
>It's no longer called Germany.



Fuck Christmas - the celebration of Satan himself.

>not giving your dear mum a nail bomb for christmas

But at least Germany was tollerant

last time i checked its a jewish holiday

Ein Geschenk für dich. Merry Akhb...er..Christmas!

last time I checked Germany couldn't even deal with it's jew problem let alone it's muslim problem let alone its christian problem

Shoot that kid

>the boy had planned to leave for Syria during the summer of 2016
What, they allow underage youth to just travel out of the country unaccompanied?


>its christian problem

>steal gold for thousands of years
>guy comes and says stop
>must be satan.jpeg
>guy says eventually these kikes will become the synagogue of satan
>guy says love eachother and fuck the jews
>people spread this across the planet
>jews thieve worldwide
>jews continue having their darkness filled by the light of Christ
>they hate this
>modern jews in the synagogue hating Christ..

Kids are dumb dude


Get educated, whore of satan

that pew report actually showed that 2nd generation muslim immigrants are more radical than their parents.


CristCucks triggered ahahaha go buy some """""presents""""" goyim, the "Santa" needs it...


Isn't this the kid that got decapitated?

I don't think so, the goy that took the picture decapitated a kid though

we write that with only one "L", itaka

Internalized self-hating kike plz go. White people actually love stuff, like each other for example. Jews and non-whites don't understand this. This is white we say things like 'gas the kikes race war now' and 'they're ruining this country'.
It's not about what the country looks like on paper or how you think it should be. it's what it is to us desu. and we love it. its that simple.

God bless the USA. Jesus Christ we love you. Holy Spirit 4 lyfe.

1488 1776 World Wide

>Fuck Christmas - the celebration of Satan himself.
fuck off

>last time i checked its a jewish holiday

>last time I checked Germany couldn't even deal with it's jew problem let alone it's muslim problem let alone its christian problem
You´re literally living in one of the heaviest christian influenced countries in the west

tl;dr you dog cock sucking atrocity

THAT DOES IT you're back on the list!!

Fuck you kike

You hate yourself bud, not me.
If Kikelism manages to succeed and rule the earth with machines and yidz in utopia, what will the jew do?
When theres nothing to steal, nothing to hate?
Is the overaching kikescheme to conquer other stars, other life forms? Will the jew eat eternally? Will the jew come to enjoy?


Maybe keep islands of savages, keep de industrialized populations to hunt and rape and kill and sacrifice?
let them start a new? monitor their progress chosen one?

Heil Hitler!

Man, the little ones just grow up way to fast now. It just like BOOM they want to be like their father Ahmed right out of the womb.

>The boy, born in 2004 in Ludwigshafen
and then they say immigrants don't integrate properly

The last time you checked you were more of an ignoramus than you are now. It's a solar pagan holiday meant to welcome the lengthening of the days again since the longest night is over (winter solstice).

Ban assault sparklers