/diy/ - Right Wing Safety Squads - #70 DC METRO AREA EDITION

previous thread

The Oakland warehouse fire occured in a venue popular with leftists and degenerates, as well as normie party goers. These venues are known as "DIY Spaces", and are often unsafe, as they don't necessarily follow the fire codes. You might even have one of these places in your neighbourhood or city and not even know it.

Our communities need people like us to report violations and keep unwitting leftists from getting themselves killed. Do not visit these places, do not harass squatters, and do not make false reports. City officials are depending on us for correct information so that they can prevent this type of tragedy: youtu.be/nnul_HDvXMM

>Flop House Directories/other leads

>Reportable Violations

>Who Needs to Know
City Councils/Public Works
Fire Marshals
Alcoholic Beverage Control Boards

>Kill list, cases pending, places that need to be reported ASAP

>Discord link

>Articles/Videos/Reddit/Forums/Salt about us!

>Other things
National Fallen Firefighters Foundation firehero.org/donate/
Support your local firehouse, consider becoming a Volunteer Firefighter

Click directory links.
Find a venue near you.
Research it to see if the building is up to code.
Report violations to the authorities.

>Thread theme

Other urls found in this thread:


1st for fire safety pepe

safety bump

3rd for caltrops


>Flop Houses Already Shut Down
Bell Foundry (Baltimore, MD) baltimoresun.com/news/maryland/baltimore-city/bs-md-ci-bros-future-20161214-story.html
Rhinoceropolis (Denver, CO) pitchfork.com/news/70344-beloved-denver-diy-venue-rhinoceropolis-shut-down-in-wake-of-oakland-fire/
Glass Menage (Nashville, TN) nashvillescene.com/news/features/article/20846839/inside-the-diy-closures
Drkmattr (Nashville, TN) nashvillescene.com/news/features/article/20846839/inside-the-diy-closures
Kitty Castle (San Jose, CA) twitter.com/mikehuguenor/status/808033828891553792
Purple 33 (Los Angeles, CA) laweekly.com/music/after-the-ghost-ship-fire-underground-venues-in-la-are-getting-shut-down-7715893
Big Art Factory (Los Angeles, CA) i.sli.mg/I1tmtd.jpg
Church of 3 Cats (Lansing, MI) i.sli.mg/kivzog.png
Bridge Art Space (Richmond, VA) i.sli.mg/8pWns9.png
JOKER JOKER Gallery (Athens, GA) i.sli.mg/zwKpIl.jpg

QuoLab (Savannah, GA)
Queer Agenda (Charleston, WV)
Boing! Anarchist Collective (Salt Lake City, UT)
Seventh Circle Collective (Denver, CO)
The House (Jacksonville, FL)
Victoria House (Beaumont, TX)
Purple Polilla (Knoxville, TN)
Studio Vostok (Vancouver, Canada)
The Toast (Vancouver, Canada)
Flux Capacitor (Colorado Springs, CO)
1919 Hemphill (Fort Worth, TX)
The Black Cherry (Toledo, OH)
21st St CoOp (Austin, TX)
The Matador (Vancouver, Canada)
Elmwood Park DIY Co-Op (Middledton, WI)
Tribal Haus (Baltimore, MD)
Cafe Infoshop (Fresno, CA)
The Firehouse (Worcester, MA)
LAVA (Philadelphia, PA)
924 Gilman Street (Berkeley, CA)

we need to develop caltrop-proof footware




I made a pepe, this will be the only time i post it on diy in this clean template form.


Can we get a cute firehat pepe edit here?

Remember Sup Forums, only YOU can save your community from the scorching flames of dangerous DIY spaces!

Reminder, that there's more to it than building code violations. These events push lots of illegal and seedy shit, and DIY openly admits to their wrongdoings. Make events quit that shit, and you have future teens and young adults growing up to be normal functioning citizens.

Hold these bars/clubs/warehouses responsible and get the law involved and a bunch of criminal activity that plagues California decreases drastically. Not only are you stopping SJW culture from spreading, you're also stopping mainstream edgy culture as well.

>Stops drug trafficking
>Stops drugs being sold to minors
>Stops alcohol sold to minors
>Stops degenerate performances
>Stops statutory rape
>Stops regular rape
>Slows down propaganda by Antifa
>Slows down propaganda by BLM
>Slows down Antifa from recruiting new members
>Slows down BLM from recruiting new members

All of that goes away and you've got people who'd prefer to get their shit together. Crime would also go down drastically, and rioters would be almost zero.

Here's evidence of DIY openly telling the police, FBI, etc to fuck off, as they know their events are unlicensed, allow underage drinking, statutory rape, drug peddling, and aren't up to safety regulations.

>Antifa direct involvement
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Safety regulations are just icing on the cake. The biggest issues are how they're hodbeds for heavy illegal activity, especially towards minors. Many of these events are all-ages, and tend to have adults and teens engaging in sexual activity and drug use and solicitation.

Proof of illegal activity such as selling alcohol to minors.


Godspeed, brothers. Let's clean our streets, not just of stupid hippie performances, but the real shit they're harboring.


Stay on mission folks. Trolling people at work or home is unsafe. Giving out warnings is unsafe, because these people won't act. By working with local authorities, we can Make America SAFE Again!





Major offenses:
No sprinkler system
Anything within 18" of a sprinkler head
Unsealed penetrations into walls, floors, ceilings
Holes in ceiling or floors
No emergency exits
No lit exit signs with battery backup
No emergency lighting
Obstructing a path of egress
Exposed wiring
Extension cord used in permanent application
No fireblocking barrier such as drywall
Combustible gases present (propane, acetylene, etc)

Check also in public record for zoning, occupancy permit, building permit if any modifications are present, tax license, liquor license, music venue license, etc

Together, we can save lives and protect our communities. MASAfrom the bottom of wbrc.com/story/33967664/fire-marshal-shuts-down-nashville-music-collective-operating-out-of-barbershop

>Bill Herbert said if anyone has information about potentially-dangerous venues, they should contact Metro Codes or the Fire Marshal’s Office immediately.

so don't worry about false report bullshit or leftyanons saying why bother, the authorities want to know

He is a cute Pepe face.

even the most basic and untrained civilian can spot potential hazards and safety risks
1. if it looks flammable, it probably is flammable. things like insulation, wood, paint, neon signs, or unknown liquids can be a hazard
2. exposed electrical wiring of any kind poses not only risk of shock but also starting a fire. if it looks unsafe, treat it as unsafe. you can not get in trouble for reporting possible safety risks
3. when entering any building, look for exits and emergency exit signs to ensure the highest possibility of safety, be sure to always check and test your smoke detectors for proper functionality
4.in the case of a fire stay low to avoid inhaling smoke, if possible cover your mouth and nostrils with a wet cloth, look for emergency exit signs that will be marked and head for them in a calm orderly fashion if possible
5. if you think something is a violation or safety risk report it. you CAN NOT get in trouble for doing so. and always remember only you can prevent fires and ensure not only yours but others safety
this has been a public service announcement brought to you by right wing safety squads, ensuring the safety and lives of others

Were any of you safety minded before we started the SS?

>three years ago
>at college
>doing factory work on the weekends
>factory is safe, yearly fire extinguisher training
>decide to inspect extinguishers at school
>last inspection was 4 years ago
>complain often and loudly to administration
>extinguishers replaced

feels good desu

massive salt mine (added onto from leaf in last thread)

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Pic related: typical DIY space owner.


somewhat. not to this extent. I'm freaking out about my house and getting an electrician in here to increase the plugs and check the lines in my walls since i use a lot of power strips.


based. no i was never safe and used to have the mental illness like these misguided people that hanging out in death traps was edgy and a e s t h e t i c. baka desu senpai

These threads are pretty great.
Can someone explain why caltrops are being mentioned?

I will, thank you father!

add haushaus to the reported list


i'm sure someone will post the screenshot, but some mong on a DIY forum was suggesting they put out caltrops to keep us out.


Can anybody fill me in as to why Werk isn't on the kill list anymore? Did they do last-minute safety renovations or something?


Reminder that /qa/ is working to sabatoge these threads.

>keep us out
Did anyone ITT actually go anywhere though?

Anyone want to Make Christmas Great Again?


some people have infiltrated places, yeah. Nobody's going in there to harm them though.




They should go buy some bear traps and set them up inside


Good work!!

could you show us that email in your sent folder? cant be too careful with reports you know

Gee. I wonder why we don't reach out IRL to help these nice sweethearts that are so full of acceptance.

I started seriously paying heed to safety when I got shocked by mains voltage once. 230V from hand to hand doesn't feel very nice.


That's nice that they suddenly care about their country again :^) .

I can do better

Probably the same reason why we don't reach out to rabid wolves.

thanks bro

You're doing Kek's work user, keep them safe!

>right wing attacks
Has anyone done anything but call the fire marshal on them? They could thwart Sup Forums by fixing their sprinkler system and filling up their fire extinguishers.

I think they mean we're attacking their feefees

if by hate monger he means safe monger then he's 100% right

>Has anyone done anything
Nope. They are lashing out because violence and emotion are the only responses to opposition they know. If the banded together they could solve this problem in a weekend or so. They only make themselves look like bigger jackasses by scheming to plan caltrops and ganging up on people they can only assume are against them.

>Has anyone done anything but call the fire marshal on them?
Not yet

if anyone finds evidence of caltrops being used, photograph that shit and send it to authorities. that's SUPER unsafe.

I'm pretty sure evidence of abandoned property being booby trapped would make local press at the very least.

infiltrate degenerate hives on city-specific r*ddit subs (search 'DIY', 'underground', etc), tw%tter & kikeberg groups

take note of local 'punx' bands', electronic 'music' & 'DJ' flyers and show announcements

report, enjoy hipster salt & stay safe

I wonder how many of their own they've beaten up for being awkward nerds they assume are alt-reich nazis trying to blend in when really they are just like them.

Nope, their safety is our #1 concern, and this response is what we get as a thank you.

Oh well, just because they're ungrateful doesn't mean they shouldn't be kept safe!

We're trying to stop jews and degenerates from getting gassed or dying in fires, /diy/ is literally the opposite of Hitler.

Kids these days

Good morning Sup Forums.

Have some OC for when the firebugs arrive.

Trust me fella as an ex arts and crafts student I know welll how artists and most of the designers and architects act, it's even worse than that post. And yeah they really don't care about safety, they only care about money for drugs, pay for sex because most of them lost the partners to even trade job folks, they spend lots of money on stupid thing things such as some fancy and exepensive working tools that do the same as the cheap ones and apple products.
Most of the galeries I visited or even had some art were almost all the same a Nelly dressing wearing expensive shit making disdain of capitalism and right leaning philosofies, old buildings for maximum profit since they didn't have to pay rent or the rent was laughable, extortion and manipulation of new people and visitors but I never, never seen some sort of building with safety objects, emergency exit, etc...

> never seen some sort of building with safety objects, emergency exit, etc...
That is just very unsafe. It is a very good thing we are doing by making their safe spaces as safe as possible and saving them from themselves.

more info on HausHouse, could do with a US bro calling the fire marshall, I'm far too British to call

Nothing makes me happier than homeless leftist faggots haha. Lets make sure these spaces in DC are shut down for our Fuhrer Trump.

Subtle, well done.

Hi Lefty!

(You) have to go back
thanks for the free bump anyway

I'll be up in DC within the next week or so. I'll try and swing by it so if they ask if I've physically seen the property I can confirm with some more evidence.

Fire killed Lord Sigurd of Chalphy.

Don't doubt that it can kill your ass.

Fix your smoke detectors and wiring today, and get up to code before you die!

Make America Safe Again!

this is moralfag terrritory

why aren't you promoting raves so more of the degenerates die in more warehouse fires?

God we've sunken so low.

The average steel toed boot will protect you from a lot of improvised spikes that would otherwise pierce most cheaply made footware.

You have to go back.

there's a show tonight user, we need to move fast before any one else is hurt

because it's better to better salty but safe than to be happy but dead, r*ddit

What are the best keywords to search for in google to find spaces in and around my area.

Say the redditors. Have you even been reporting the places in DC? I already did 3.


>calling others r*dditors
yeah, that'll show us

I've done one as well brother, and investigating another now, stay safe

Wenn safe you too, leftist scum

adorable. meme stolen


New to this

Why is Sup Forums saving hippie lives? Wouldn't it be better to let them die?

>mfw there's absolutely nothing they can do but get mad

Unless we were starting the fires there is no point in helping lefty degeneracy

remember/ politically incorrect

right now, safety and non degeneracy is politically incorrect



As much as I love dead niggers, spics, fags and kikes. This is a LEGAL way of getting them OUT OUT OUT! It's quicker and these faggots will be homeless in the coldest time in winter.

These poor Lefties want to protest Trump on his inauguration and crash it. While we support free speech and all, it has come to our attention that they live in these horrible unsafe firetraps and are planning to house themselves in these firetraps when they protest in a few weeks. Very unsafe :(

please refer to now you either git gud at shilling or you get the fuck back to r*ddit, I'm tired of seeing always the same low-energy copypasta'd attempts at subversion

Y'all still doing this shit? Waste of time IMHO. downsage this waste into oblivion

I see nothing wrong with what you posted. Not sure why people are thinking its a false flag.

Fuck leftists is what Kek said

bump :^)

Sup Forums is now moral and care about human lifes

These are indoctrination centers. They feed drugs to kids, have sex with them and give them antifa literature.

And on top of that, in UNSAFE warehouses.


how's your whining on /qa/ going?
