Wow...i think americans owe a little apologize huh?

Wow...i think americans owe a little apologize huh?

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thank you

you do know that is a list of compliments to the usa, right?

>implying any country in any other part of the world older than the U.S. doesn't have three or five times that number.

Do people actually believe this

*sprays raid*

hopefully trump closes nato and bombs traitorous Turkey SOON

gotta beat the high score yanks

british empire had 100,000,000 kills in its history

China lost like that many in a decade due to 1 reason kek

People's lives ruined by religious people and autoritarians. Everyone who ever lived.

Looks like we a bit low on the Muslim tally. We need to up it to 1.5 billion. No worries there's time.

That numbers higher than yours cunt

Only 12k illegals? Smh


pretty pathetic tbqfhfam

>Native Americans kill count

Prove it.

Thank you, it's about time you damn mudslimes showed some repentance for what you do.

You're just jealous your pussy genocide didn't kill all the Armenians.

So?? I don't see anything wrong

only 2 million muslims?

that's shitty per capita stat to be honest 2/300 million

I'm sorry we didn't kill all the native Americans


*sees flag*

Oh hi Cenk.

Yeah, we can do better.


Jobs not finished yet.

>Native Americans: 82 152 000
Where the hell does this number come from???


Would do again.

How would you like about 500 megatons of freedom, instead, roach?

That is problematic.... That dead Muslim count should to ten times higher at least.

Made up by leftists 50 years ago. All the evidence shows that there were only 10 million or so natives in North America and that most of their societies collasped before the Spanish arrived

How can it be confirmed if that many illegal immigrants died if their is no documentation on who they are?

I'm just sitting here trying to figure out how we can get the african american number higher

Can't wait for Turks to appear on that list.

>Americans artificially inflate their numbers and they're still lower than ours

Let's not make up shit, their societies collapsing was the result of plagues not Spanish people. Spanish people were assholes and still are though.

Yea we haven't killed nearly enough Muslims yet

Shut up Turkey go back to your filthy muslim nation and fuck some more 12 year old girls, Mohamad style

How many blacks did the British kill again? Just curious.

yea einstein could have learned a thing or 2 from small pox

>illegal immigrants
Not high enough

I think we can bump it up to 48 million, theoretically.

You guys were the redcoats. Our armies wear blue.

Pretty easy actually.

Not fair. We aren't as old yet.

No look at cahokia.

It was the center for the Mississippian culture until the 1300s when resource mismanagement forced people to abandon it

shut up you fucking cockroach

Nice good job burgers atleast you're good for something

Get on nuking the middle east and we'll happily take 2nd

We also know that the lack of fires from the indians caused a mini ice age that affected Europe.

>82 MILLIONS of native americans

how do (((they))) expect people to believe this bullshit?

We'll get around to you roaches soon enough. Sorry for the wait.

wtf I love America now

And most of that concentrated in Mexico and Peru. US and Canada was sparsely populated.

They owe us an apology for not killing more, yes.

>only 2mil muslims

Fuck me, I'm so ashamed. We need to raise that number by a lot.

Mexico isn't North America

Nukes were a mistake, we could have raised the kill count at Paraguay levels of ethnic cleansing thanks to their retarded emperor literally claiming every able bodied civillian to be active duty militia armed with makeshift weapons

Do I need to post the graphic of how many Turks killed Armenians during the Armenian genocide and pictures of streets in Armenia flooded with blood, not to mention Muslim conquests which wiped out half of the Christians on earth from Muhhameds reign to his death until the first crusades that were in response to these conquests?

>82 million injuns

I wouldn't worry about a roach's shitposting


>le 80 gorillion featherheads maymay
When will the kikes let this die?

I wish we could kill 80 million Turks :(

There were only like 10 million natives though

I'm sorry we're so underwhelming. We'll try harder next time we purge a people.

82 Million Natives, Jesus Christ.

How the fuck are you going to kill that many people with Muskets and Small Pox Blankies?

>muh 80 million meme

Based Americans cleaning the world!

>Native Americans
>82 million

Muslims sound about right but they had it coming.

Native Americans at 82 million, seems way higher, but it could be true, however they started dying of disease before America became a nation.

Japanese with nukes? The nukes part sucks, but they had it coming with pearl harbor.

Enemies by US in war seems a little low, but it's fucking WAR! What the fuck do you expect? People NOT to die?

Criminal Executions are way too high, which is sad because it needs to be higher.

African Slaves? Who cares, we don't have slaves anymore and EVERYONE owned slaves back in those days.

Murder is WWWAAAYYY too fucking high. 15000 murders a year x 240 years of existence = 3600000 murders. The 3600000 is wrong because that assumes citizens have been killing each other in that number since the colonial days, which they have haven't. Complete bullshit.

Keyword, ILLEGAL immigrants, and there's a large chance that most of them were in gangs, safely deported and possibly a few killed by the police for brandishing firearms because they don't want to go back to Honduras.

So now that we got this out of the way, my answer to your request for an apology is a resounding *NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO* and fuck off.

No, we need to thank them for making the world a better place.

Good job man! Nice digits!

Don't worry USA, you'll catch up faster than anyone! We should all make the world a better place!

I hope they do, I don't get the whole 'americans can't do no good' thing - you're obviously trying! But those are rookie numbers man, keep up the good work!

+1 to the muslim count!

Exactly! That's the spirit!

You go America!

I hope USA will fix that soon!

Nice double O's, friend!

Exactly! If you just try, you can get these numbers even higher!

Now that's what I'm talking about!

No need to retry! You still have alot of work to do! Cmon America, you can do it!

Can't get enough of your altitude America, you're great!

...Well I hope it wasn't made up!

I do hope you can figure it out Americanon!

Hopefuly not more than you guys!

You know it!

It's way more than that if you factor in CIA black operations overthrowing governments and starting coups

It's seriously embarrassing that we've only killed 2.2 million muslims.

Why haven't we targeted the evil black box thing they pray to? Spread enough nuclear fallout there, and we'd definitely get some bonus gibs to help our score.

Don't blame it on the US

Blame it on people

Why ?

t. turk

Good lord, this is like thanksgiving! And we should all be thankful for America!

I hope you can at least try!

Well don't sit there! Share the idea already!

Don't worry about it! Everyone had humble beginnings!

No point in bringing up the past, we need to talk about what's now and what's in the future!

Rough talk towards the roaches, lovely!

See? One more reason to finish the job already!

Can't wait America! Give them hell!

I do hope you won't break your promise!

...And it should be, after all, it's your rightful clay!

Doesn't matter! You can kill both America, pest control!

Now, don't say that! Being a skeptic won't help!

I hope right after they will draw their last breath!

Hopefully there will be 0 after you're done!

That's the spirit!

Well, now that you're more advanced in warfare, I'm sure you can do better!

I want this for my wall.

>US apologizes to the weak fucks under it
The bull does not concern itself with the feelings of the cuck(s).


You can't beat our high score, Turkish dog.

>implying there were ever 82 million native Americans

That count for Native Americans is complete bullshit.

Even if that figure was anywhere near close to how many Native Americans there were (most quoted number on this thread seems to be around 10 million) very few of the deaths were from actually killing them. Even if you include potential deaths from being forced out of their lands and them somehow succumbing to exposure or something this is way out. I also don't know if you can argue that those are a US kill count either, as it's surely more appropriate to attribute pre-USA being a thing kills to the relevant countries.

Majority of Native American deaths, as with pretty much any indigenous peoples in lands that have been colonised, comes from disease. Nothing sinister, just simply disease.

Whether or not you like him, CGP Grey shows why this happened and why it didn't go two ways (i.e. explorers, settlers and colonists becoming riddles with native diseases).

Also, that one for Japanese with Nukes is way out as well, looking at being more likely between 129,000 and 246,000:

There is the potential they may be accounting for long-term effects, but it's unclear.

I can't really account for the rest of it. Can't say I know too much about the rest, but the kill count for wars looks legit.

checked. We got sum high pwnage scores brother.

How the hell did 500,000 Japs go nuclear?

The two cities that were wiped off the Map

They were nuclear capable?

step up on the muslims you lazy cunts

Yeah after we were through with them