Reminder, White Nationalism is Jewish Globalism

White Nationalism is an American Concept to erode Ethnic Culture and Ethnic races.
>Don't buy the "we all white".
Remember that America was Anglo-Saxon up until the 1890s and even the 1950s in most parts that weren't invaded by other whites. Now America is only 7% Anglo-Saxon, White Nationalism is only there to allow shit tier whites into great countries.

White Nationalism Is a form of Globalisation. The only true Nationalism is ethnic nationalism.

Americans reject Ethnic Nationalism because it reminds them how they genocided their own people and invaded in hoards.

I try to explain to Americans that Nationalism in Europe is not white Nationalism, it is ethnic Nationalism.
>>Britain for the British Only.

I love whites ao long as they stay in their own country and do their own thing. Being "White" doesn't give you the right to come to my country.

When I say to an American I don't want Polish or Romanians, they flip out and say it's Jewish.

Hitler was not a White Nationalist. He was an ethnic Nationalist (Germany for Germans only). He talks about his hateed for foreign races and they are white Countries he talks about. He talks about Multiculturalism ruining Austria and Germany, He states he hates the fact other Countries ( namely white and Slavic) are eroding German Culture.

This is exactly what America has become, after the ethnic Cleansing of Anglo-Saxons, they're now trying to do the same thing worldwide to other Whites.

Because America no longer (or the extreme mjnority left) any ethnics, they are pushing the meme of white Nationalism.

White Nationalism is a form of Globalisation. Think about it, they want open borders for whites to white countries.

>Pic Related
Hitler hated Non-Germans

>but Juden Stormers told me other versions of the NSDAP
No, he respected other white Countries like England, but didn't care much for them. His Expansionist policy was to take over Europe and kick out and killnother races to accomodate Germans. NSDAP manifesto.

lol fuck off, civic nationalism = broad ethno white nationalism

With niggers, shitskins and jews, you lose.

>Remember that America was Anglo-Saxon
You know 90% Whites are Colonial-descended. They just claim to be whatever group immigrated last. I would say that Americans are their own ethnic group, but the Jews wouldn't like it if we Whites dropped hyphenism

What are you talking about?

I'm clearly against Civic Nationalism and White Nationalism. I'm an Ethnic Nationalist.

>Your pic
Clearly proving my point. You have to start at the year 1850 because before that the only immigration was Anglo-Saxon, with some Scots and Irish.

That's why the constitution isn't in Gaelic or Germanic, that's why it's in English with people with English names. Some places were Not all Anglo loke New Amsterdam, but you were swiftly kicked out and killed.

That's why their culture is Anglo-Saxon, that's why they speak English, that's why they use English Common law, not Napoleonic law.

Why are you lying, Goldtein?

DNA can trace you to a Specific Region. I.e., there is an Actual Anglo-Saxon race that has been mapped and an Actual Irish Racw that has been mapped.

Americans are mixed white and have no ethnic odentity.

oh well then its okay, its just that I am so bored with liberals that I usually dont read their text anymore. I just look for the generic keywords and then watch them be btfo. Its almost an automated mental process at this point.

carry on then.

I also had this thread that I made, trying to drive home a point to these mongoloids

>Americans are mixed white and have no ethnic odentity.
>Let me tell you about your country
So I'm supposed to identify ethnically with a small % of my family line from a country whose culture I'm unfamiliar? I'll stick to calling myself an ethnic American, thank you very much.

>swiftly kicked out and killed.
Is this what you actually believe? I'll let you in on a little secret; Non-Italian & Non-Jew White Southern New Yorkers have New Dutch blood (myself included).

Exactly my point.

You are not an Ethnic American, only Anglo-Saxons are American. Others are foreigners. Guess what? You ethmically cleansed the creators of America, just like the Jews wanted.

Yes, you are supposed to Indentify ethnically with whayever mix you have.
A half-Caste who is half Nigerian and Half Irish doesn't get to pick and say he's ethnically Irish. That's just not how it works.

Yes, it's what I believe. We don't have White Nationalism in europe, only Ethnic natuonalism, America is laughedat.
>Muh 1/64 Heritage



Isnt it kinda funny though? It is as if we are on a linear progression as an organism.

First we were alone. But then some other person thought it would be good if he could he co-operate with another person to beat you, and they won. Thus the gene for small tribes arose.

Then some of the small tribes decided that they should band together with other small tribes. And thus a kingdom was born.

then a nation

then a collection of nations (like the eu)

the jews wanted the entire world to unite

but apparently, america decided that instead of the whole world uniting, only the successful races should unite with eachother as it now rules over the world.

Just because you are white doesn't mean you can here. I think of Polish like a Nigger and French as Vermin.

Dutch are Okay because you gave us India for Indonesia. Clog nighers.

Listen here you bucktooth fuckass.
Your "ethnic nationalism" fucking DESTROYED Europe

In less than 50 years. WW1 wiped out our most brilliant minds and WW2 possibly set us on the path to extinction.
Ave Europa
Hail Victory

You're very clearly either baiting or autistic; regardless I'll still answer.

>You are not an Ethnic American, only Anglo-Saxons are American.
So as a descendant of those Anglo-Saxons I and 200+ million other people have no right to say we're ethnic Americans? Most emphasize on the differences, calling themselves "German" or "Irish" when in reality they're descended of Anglo-Saxon colonists who mixed with a few migrant groups. This is the reality whether or not you'd like to face it

>America is laughedat.
No one here cares

Why dont you wipe out the shitskins first before bothering with your somewhat civil neighbors. Your own people are giving them so much money that the niggers literally became billions in numbers.

Are you going to choose niggers over lesser whites? Because thats the choice you are given today.

I get it you would rather choose neither. But the world is in such a state where you have to make alliances with some undesirables. So the lesser evil?

One of the key points of Trumpenreich is that we invade Yurop, Kill all shitskins, and then subjugate you cuckolds and put you in fucking reeducation camps until you stop being autogenocidal cunts no better than a fucking 13 year old who slices her wrists for attention

No, you don't have a right. Let me explain why.

If I build a house with my bare hands and a Nigerian moves in, it is still my house, he just lives there. Therefore I am the rightful aire. It's not baiting, it's common in Europe this type of Nationalist Ideology.

I actually don't think you have any idea what ethnic means. If you are not Anglo-Saxon, you are not a ethnic American, fact.

It was just land and colonies, it was Anglo-Saxons who formed the country. They rose the borders and writ the constitution that is America. It was not the sutch or Germans who did this, but the English Race.

I'm not against whites. They can do what they want jn their own country and I wish them well.

I'm saying White Nationalists can fuxk off if they think being white goves them access to my land. England is for Anglo-Saxons only.

Polish are just as bad as Niggers and will be treated the same.

You're clearly not of any British ethnicity. Why don't you fuck off out of their country?

>polish are as bad as niggers

really user? There are huge differences between them you know. From IQ, to culture and history. I am not saying that you need to accept them, but you should accept the racial reality of the rankings of all the races.

In some choices in life, you can grab the low hanging fruit (that wont stab you and your family to death like niggers will) if ever presented with a choice.

Because right now the jews are forcing you to choose literal animals. You import them, provide money for them, and they are growing out of control.

Why not start at the bottom with the race purging and work your way up?

>he doesn't want Polish, Romanians and Europoors coming to Britain
>I'll say he's not British

Nice try, Goldstein.

since when was WWI anything about ethnic nationalism? WWI was just a buttfuck of retarded politics, nothing more.

>Why not start at the bottom?

WHATEVER I get my hands on is going out.

Yes, really. Have you not read what I said. If you're white I hope your countey does well, but that doesn't give you access to my country. No, it doesn't.

Why should a literal third world Polish man think he has the right to come here because of his Skin colour? Is an Albino white by your logic?

All non-Celts and Non-Anglo-Saxons are subhuman, Germanic people are okay too, especially the Saxons of Germany.

I'm dating a Pole. I think they are fine. I understand Slavs are different than Anglos, but at least they are white. That's the primary upshot

Read the OP pic. That is about the time of WWI. People were pissed about other whites coming into their countries and destroying culture.

Once the events had started, it was kore about politics thena.

Is an Albino white?

Don't be an idiot. White-Caucasian. Of you want to get into ethnicity differences between whites, fine. But the problem today is race-mixing/extinction of whites. You can't have your cake and eat it too

there are plenty of niggers around you though. So why not start with them? After the niggers you go for the kikes, after the kikes you go for the arabs.

and once all of these forces are gone close to you, you will have an excuse to go for the rest.

Because why wouldnt you want to go for an animal who has 5 times more desire/ability to rape your wife. Several times more chance to kill you and steal your crap. It just doesnt make sense dude.

If you are attacking them while there are bigger threats around you, it seems like you are not actually manly enough to deal with those.



If you are not English and are here, you are equal to a nigger. Outside England you might jot be, but if you're here in england and are not English, you are all fucking equally sunhuman to English Nationalists.

Brexit was about stopping Poles and Europeans coming here. M8, our News is constantly littered with News of Polish Rapes and Murders. Just Yestereday a Pole murdered and raped a woman, they are equivalent toexicans in the US.

They are equally as bad a threat as nighers, taking jobs and eroding culture is just as bad. When I'm not working I'm literally helping grassroots movements up and started.

White nationalism is just the pre-stage to Mixed Race world. First you errode all white races and combine them into one supra-race. Than you errode the white race.

It's a process, and a process pushed by Jews. Pan-Europeanism is the same shit, soon there will no be any Germans, British, Polish people, they will all emerge into "Europeans". And later they will emerge into mixed-race people.

Just look what the writer of the Pan-European manifesto wrote: "The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future will replace the diversity of peoples."

This guy fucking gets it.

That quote in the OP pic is directly talking about Austria too.

so because they actually work, instead of leeching wellfare off your hard working countrymen, you must target them first? Kek.

Because you dont see them directly in your cities (because you work), you think that the niggers and the arabs arent there?

While you are worrying about polacks there are entire cities of yours being given to the arabs, based on gibs me that. A major of your capital city that will probably revolt against your own nation kek.

For such a glorious race that thinks so highly of yourselves, you sure are shitty in information gathering, and categorizing your bigger enemies properly.

Its probably for the same reason why Constantinople has fallen to the arabs.

Are fucking Polish?

>They work harder than you, t.Goyim
That's a fucking myth and has been debunked.

Polish are here "legally" and still take less tham minimum wage to undercut Brits.
They work on Contracts called Zero Hours that amounts to Indenture, paid slavery that is bordeline illegal and is agaimst British rights, but they're techjically.Polish so it's okay.

Why do you care? I don't like any other Europeans or other peoples in my country living here. You have no right to be here.

Why do you keep bringing up who's worse? If you're here and youre not English, you're the same subhumans.

This isn't just me, it's the inlt.Nationalism we got here, It's parties like the EDL and BNP.

You are literally a dumb fucking cunt and are obvious a Jew.promoter.

White nationalism is fine FOR AMERICA. We are a melting pot of European peoples. Britain and France should follow their ethnic nationalism. We agree on that.

I am a racial realist.

So? Like that's my problem?

You're going mad because I think of Poles just as poorly as Africans when they're in my country.

What age are you? Early 20s? You sound like you need a bit of Growing up, Hitler said you shouldn't be allowed to Politicse until your 30 because retards like you get a say in matters.

ethno-nationalism is good for cunts from Europe
civic nationalism is for good for cunts like US , newworld

But many right-wingers in Europe support Pan-Europeanism.

White is Right.

Like who? We only got Ethnic Nationalism here and I knowost of Europe do too.

I bet it's the Slavics who want access to to our Lands?


how this shit actually started ?

Can we just be economical union , only free trade and shieeet ?

Yea it is your problem, different races have varying effects on you and your economy and on your cities. Why so focused on polacks? Are you actually a shitskin lol?

any normal person would look at the worst of the worst and start with that. But clearly you are not part of the better genetic stock to even go into the racial realism science. Even if you are english, you are basically something low like a low IQ chav.

Nah cuz you faggots will just fight each other over stupid shit. We're not killing you're Nationalities, just uniting as whites.

Everyone knows Poles are OK really mate. There is no systematic threat to our civilisation from them.

This is a forum for discussing politics, that's why people are disagreeing with you.

Zero hours contracts are not slavery, they are voluntary agreements freely entered into that define hours of labour. You sound like you need a bit of growing up, kiddo.

I am perfectly fine with European countries maintaining their ethnic heritage, but all non-whites must be globally exterminated and the entire world outside of Europe must become a global melting-pot of European peoples. The future of the planet is a global white America.

We tried free trade.

Britain,France and Germany tried it amd the Germans turnednit into the EU by stealth. Now theu say only Free trade without borders.

Yeah, my problem is that there should only be one race here. I don't need to know what others do.

How is hating Polacks shifskin? This literally the Jewish tactics Hitler apoke of, when nothing left, insult the man is the oldest Jew trick.

I have clearly stated a thkusand times, that it's not just polish, it's all non-English people. Simple. Polish and Romaniams are the most prevelant so I use them as examples.

Again, I went to a grammar school and was in the Second top class. I'm educated well and have a good Job.

This whole Genetic stock thing soumds to me like white Nationalism,
>Poles can move to other white countries because they can spell their name.

Where do you not get the part of England for the English only?

I don't care if some Chav is scum, he hads more right to be here because of his ethnicity than a Frenchman (Farage is French and a Foreigner) or a Israeli.

England for the English. No Surrender to the Taliban.

>England for the English. No Surrender to the Taliban.

well I can live with that, its just that with our multicultural white nationalism culture here, you will not really be accepted if you dont show enough nigger, kike and mudslime hate.

Because think of it this way, what if everything non english was removed from your isle. What if you could unite with other whites to make your numbers increase into non white countries, like mentions. At that point again you should become aware of the rankings. Of the many variables around nations.

Many things are tied to racial realism, from choosing your vacation (good luck not getting stabbed by niggers or other bad races without racial realism lore).

To global trade, economics and industry. Even pollution management. You will have to deal with these races one way or another.

HAHAHAHHAH, an actual fucking Pole. Go home.

ZHC are fucking Indenture and no self respecting Englishman will work like a slave. Its freely entered, hence the term I jsed of Indenture. It's paid slavery.

Being told you have to be in work in 20 minutes or lose your job is Slavery and extortion, they can make you show up to work to clean a toilet and go home, then pay you less than a pound.

I thought Brit/pol/ was a containment thread for leftists?

It's actually called Politcally Incorrect.

Where you live? In multicultural London where Poles and Mudslimes are everywhere? That's the only way you'd find it acceptable.

You're clearly of Polish stock.

Well it's certainly a step up from what you've got now.

>If I build a house with my bare hands and a Nigerian moves in, it is still my house, he just lives there. Therefore I am the rightful aire.
Your reading comprehension is sub-par. Reread my post, I don't think you fully understand what it is exactly I've been telling you.

But what about Etiopia? it was only occupied temporarly.