Obama's Legacy

What do you think his legacy will be?


Same as Carter. Liberals will love him and write positively about him in history books. Conservatives will hate him but no one will care.

His legacy is that he doesn't have a legacy.
Throughout his entire time in office, he's hopped from one thing to the next without ever actually accomplishing anything.

First "black" president. There's little else worth mentioning.



First black president, brought Bin Laden to justice, and instituted national health care

First nonwhite President. His legacy (and portions of every President since FDR's respective legacies, including Republicans like Nixon and Reagan) will be quickly dismantled by the GOP.

being the first "president" to be deported or executed for treason

novelty nigger president

Pic related.

First black president

thats literally it

>can burn the american flag
>cant burn a koran

Bin Laden died long before that, shortly after 9/11.

There's a reason you never saw his body.

Literally nothing but memes

>first black president
>first gay president
>first non-american president
>first SJW president
>succeeded by the first actual meme president

A legacy of memes is still a legacy, tho.

Nuclear war with Russia

Last black president

Nigger. Oh, and traitor. Yeah, that's about it really. Niggercare sold us to the insurance companies, and we're openly supporting ISIS in Syria. And he wants to start a war with Russia now that his fake birth cert is hitting the news. That's about it. I guess he WAS a president, that seemed really important to him for some reason. Didn't seem to care if he was a good president, just that he was a nigger president. So progressive. He'll go down in history as one of the worst presidents ever. @realdonaldtrump was right again.

>First nonwhite President
There have been presidents with Irish ancestry.

Is it illegal to burn a Quran?

>brought Bin Laden to justice
ok now believe what you want

He's black.

dead children in 8 different countries whose lives didn't matter


>first Black president
>Affordable Care Act
>Nobel Peace Prize
>entered Syrian Civil War

That's about it. (Now that I think about it, the last two are pretty paradoxical.) He was effectively a continuation of Bush. Also worth noting that racial tensions increased dramatically, and for reasons that had little to do with him being Black.

As a symbol of our nation, he helped spur more racial division.

His administration poisoned the Colorado river.

Continuous lies about the economy.

Sold the internet to the grubby UN.

Likely a Chinese puppet.

Praised tyrannical dictator Castro.