Mc'donalds meat contains worms/horse meat/human meat -- true/false?

Mc'donalds meat does taste very strange / bad. But are these accusations properly debunked?

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Many articles say it's not true, but with only argument that you can't trust the sources.

Soylent green 0_o

>are these accusations properly debunked?
claims don't need to be debunked, they need to be substantiated

more like soylent pink

who cares

Not going to watch the video but do you mean human meat as in the occaisional unreported chopped off finger or something stupid like that's where all the pizza gate sacrifices end up?

>Any claim made without evidence may be dismissed without evidence

>horse meat
who the fuck cares
extra proteins

>tfw you work at mac donalds
>tfw meat is normal but normies think it's strange

McD uses local meat in most countries, so if it tastes like shit to you, it's probably because Russian beef is shit.

"Human meat."

It tastes good

The worms part is absolutely true
I don't know about horse meat tho

Literally nothing wrong with horse meat.

>mcdonalds tastes bad
>millions keep buying it
rly makes u think

Horse meat is delicious though

I'd be more worried about the allowable amounts of fecal matter and other assorted bodily fluids and solids and chemicals etc.

Pizzagate distraction thread

It tastes really bad actually. Try it after it's not hot. No meat tastes worse.

wouldn't surprise me if a few made their way in somehow
There aren't enough horses in the U.S. to maintain a viable supply and horse meat in general is too valuable to throw into a McDicks burger.
A lot of people would get sick and it would be easy to track, plus the legal and financial problems associated with getting human meat would probably put it out of dollar menu price range.

Donald Trump is a homosexual pedophile. Has anyone debunked this claim yet?

Quads of truth. Shit.

Not that corn and soy-fed cows are much better, but animals that aren't raised specifically to be eaten tend to be fed garbage throughout their lives. You wouldn't want to eat a horse raised on hay, but on oats and good grass.

>burden of proof

Are the amount limitations applied before or after Shaneequa and Paco handle it?

It makes no sense for a company to kill its customers. Will they try to cut costs every way they can? Of course, all business should do this. Will some bugs and other weird stuff make their way into the product? Of course, this is true for all food manufacturers especially producing at the level McDonald's is.

Point is, they're not trying to kill you. If tou don't like the food, don't go there. I don't. Let the market decide which businesses live or die. So far, market don't care about worms or horses or pink slime. So there ya go.


Its fake offcourse a health inspector checks that kinda stuff
It's not for a financial profit.

But worms? It's profitable.

Oh.... It's one of those... Lel nvm

>mcdonalds is one place
You know there are other mcdonalds that are not connected to the main company, right?

Can't you read? The sign says fukin' 110% beef.

But were there any real lab tests to determine type of meat? It would be strange if not. I'm googling for them right now.

>Mc'donalds meat does taste very strange

Does it?

I've never actually managed to taste the meat in their hamburgers.
It's really just a sauce and pickles sandwich.

This is why I'm not a Christian
>But am a zealous kekist

I heard that the meat is imported from their own farms however. That they don't use local farms.

rabi finkelstein is a mega troll

its over for you white race

Yes, I have a vegetarian in a family, she eats everything except meat, leaving meat to others. So we had to taste the meat alone many times. And it's really hard to eat after it's not hot. Try it.

>There aren't enough horses in the U.S. to maintain a viable supply and horse meat in general is too valuable to throw into a McDicks burger.


Here in Europe horse meat is cheaper than beef.
There is an oversupply of horse meat because of all the teenage girls who get a horse only to get rid of it a few years later.
Also most supermarkets here don't want to sell horse because it upsets the same teenage girls.

Most burgers made with fatty meat and no condiment taste like shit after they cool. It has something to do with the oxidation of fats or some shit like that.

still gonna eat it because its cheap and two blocks from my house sorry for being a fat slob op

I work in the meat department in a grocery store.

The meat comes in vacuum sealed tubes to prevent decay and extend shelf life.

The quality of the meat depends on the workers and the managers that run the place.

We don't sell bad meat. We can smell bad meat before we sell them.

Meat might be past the expiration date but we know expiration dates are fairly arbitrary so we just go by the smell. Out of 1,000 pounds of meat we order, maybe 20 pounds end up being expired then recycled and resold as breaded meat with 3 extra days of shelf life added.

The bad smell is from bacteria. Decomposers start small. If there's worms in the meat, and we've never seen worms, the meat is FAR PAST the relatively mild "rotten egg" smell stage and into something that smells like death.

If it smells like rotten eggs at our place it's thrown away.

We've heard of other mangers grind up bad meat and mix it with good meat to try to save cost. Those managers tend to have customers complain at their store and then the managers get fired.

As far as we know, the meat doesn't have any horse meat.

Some places are run well and provide quality meat. Others don't. At my store I'd trust the manager that runs the place, but we don't know who runs the place we order our meat from.

meat good

why hate meat?

eat meat

be meat

actually wouldnt care if meat had worms and insects in it.

that shit is supposed to be healthy and the only reason people dont eat it is mentality. If Mcdonalds put it in their meat no one would be able to tell

Can confirm.

Tried meat with worms in it on a food fair.
Couldn't even taste them.

Farming insects is a meme, though.
Chicken is cheaper and just as energy efficient.


Nothing to see here, move along.

>not knowing that cannibalism is the ultimate red pill
>not absorbing your enemy's courage by eating his heart
I think reddit will suit you better, faggot.

For me, it's the McChicken. The best fast food sandwich.

PETA is an anti-Kosher hence an anti-Semite organization!

Yes this is true

Fucking leafs

>eating beef

Wtf, i hate trump now !

OP has used 'meat' twice in the title where, as an inaccuracy, it simply does not belong

Worms & Horse are apropos

- - ->proceed

Notice how every mcdonalds burger has cheese on it?

Where i live there are tons of mom and pop hamburger stops, i found getting a burger with no cheese allows you to taste the quality of the meat.

Then i ordered a mcdonalds burger without cheese, it was the foulest burger ive ever had.