The downfall of the white race by submission to Jewish propaganda

I can't even describe how disgusted I am with the white race and how far we are willing to go with our absolute demoralization... We allow ourselves to be controlled by disgusting jews... and why??? Because we gave our women power, and they're fucking STUPID! So now our fucking youthe is left with the peer pressure put onto them from women their own ages who are filed with a sense of superiority from the jew school system. Women believe everything they see on TV, and men believe they're right because they have a fucking pussy. I can't wait for the rise of the nazi party. SEIG HEIL!!!!!! HEIL HITLER!! THIS TIME THERE WILL BE A REAL HOLOCAUST YOU FUCKING VERMIN!

Other urls found in this thread:

You should change it to "White Races" instead of race.


>mobilephone posters
worse than the jews

I did not proof read. Pressed for time, so I apologize for any grammatical errors.


Do we blame Jews or do we blame the people dumb enough to drink the Jewish kool-aid?

Who is to blame, drugs, or the people dumb enough to take drugs? Hamburgers, or fat people who have no self-control when they eat? Serious question, because to me it sounds a lot like blacks that blame Whitey. Are Jews the Whitey to Whitey all of a sudden?



The joos of course. Personal responsibility is someting for squares. The real niggaz blame the joo.

Don't be mad at the women, theybhave just been taught and raised the wrong way. We are supposed to stick by nature and tribe, the women are simply property and have to be kept and defended like they were for ages past.

In the future it will be viable to replace women with better alternatives. They are obsolete now that they have proven to be uncapable of rational thought and only able to vote and do things that are self destructive.

When men are born in vats they will fade away and we will make room for greener pastures like real life monstergirls created through genetic engineering and other methods, or simple sex-bots(super intelligent ai is A TERRIBLE RISK TO THE HUMAN SPECIES WE SHOULD NEVER DELVE INTO)

* white peoples

is the correct term.


Shut up monkey

>Die Horst Wessel Lied

Girl in the OP youtube vid with her Asian boyfriend

Why not kill both?

>Girl in the OP youtube vid with her Asian boyfriend

Of course, the user in Sup Forums will totally ignore this and go on with their daily yellow fever / blacked threads while in reality asian guys are getting the HOTTEST white girls

>be german

>>Girl in the OP youtube vid with her Asian boyfriend

It's the jews. They have infiltrated all forms of media.

They pound their cognitive dissonance dissinformation everywhere, all the time. Then they supress and demonize the opposition, create artificial unsavory parts of the opposition to stop any kind of intellectual discussion(holocaust, skinheads).

The worst part is that the people who are supposed to be taking care of our own people are sellouts to zionism and money. If people were aware of the FACTS(the jews have been saying x country killed 6 million jews or x country is displacing 6 million jews, they have been kicked out of 130 countries for loan sharking their people into endless debt, they killed, gutted, and wore the entrails of roman citizens as belts in their savagery[the romans retaliated and burned down the jewish temples and sacked jerusalem.], all over small tax hikes, the school of frankfurt and all their stated goals, hwo jews have said publicly that they want to destory european homogenity, etc.)


>>>Girl in the OP youtube vid with her Asian boyfriend

>you will never hold your teen 'celebrity' white girlfriend in your asian arms while watching the sunset on a California beach

Goys getting btfo daily.

Master race reporting in.

The other thing is that how are people supposed to educate themselves about the jews and the shit they have done if it's not in facebook(owned by jews) or on the main stream news(controlled by jews as well), you have to set time aside to dig deep to know the truth, but they knos people are usually too lazy and just take the jewish lies as fact, for granted.

>britain gets a female PM
>she makes it illegal to criticise israel


both, subversion is an actual thing, but you are still responsible if you fall for it
Europeans are the ones who gave jews the tools needed to be able to subvert our culture, especially you and your fucking anglo liberalism

your opinions don't matter conservative shits, you are becomming irrelevant, get over it.

It's not the majority people who did it, it's the "nobility" who allowed the jews to run their banks, and thus their lives, culture, wars, etc. If the regular people knew that the jews were doing terrible shit and controlling everything, not to the benefit of the people, but strictly to the benefit of jews they would have kicked them out

This. They put women in charge because they are easoly manipulated and can pass tyranical censorship laws and no one bats an eye




>all the kikes leave after the red pills drop


But Jews are White.


Also this is funny because jews worship enki.


As deplorable and disgusting as this is, just remember:

It's going to get worse than this.

ITT: LARPing newfags who will do LITERALLY NOTHING other than post memes