Beerfags CANNOT refute this

>inb4 muh yingling drumpf beer

Other urls found in this thread:

>non addictive

>in charge of decision making

i will take smart scientists' words over yours


People who make mistakes like this need to be euthanized.

Every liquid other than water is degenerate. Smoking any material is degenerate.

no blood for u

Well there are heavy users of marijuana that report growing man boobs and becoming sexually impotent.

>smart (((scientists)))

>box beer

>implying weed is illegal
t. Grassachusetts


>Cures cancer

I smoke weed from time to time and i fucking despise people that believe this. Its an alternative treatment for side effects of cancer you brain dead retard, it doesn't fucking make cancer cell disappear from your body you dip

Every time I've tried smoking weed, it's made me incredibly paranoid.

I applaud your taste in webcomics, sir.

That's from the innate trauma you inherited from your grandfather's years in the gulag.

Not even the side effects of cancer. It's proscribed to mitigate the side effects of real cancer treatments.

This. Its to help you eat when chemo starts killing you



If people believe it, maybe eventually it'll placebo their cancer out?

>cures cancer
>zero deaths
>saves any money

cancer doesn't really work like that

Either both should legal or illegal.
I completely disagree with this notion that weed is a good thing, but honestly, there's no way it's worse than alcohol.

The current situation is very unfair.

If it's not addictive, why is it so ubiquitous in ppothead' lives? Why are there potheads?

It is a depressant, going by medical terms.

It helps with chemo side effects - one of many ways to do so.

It does not lead to deaths most of the time. Instead, it makes you a lazy FUCK who is worthless.

How does weed save money?

This guy gets it, would should just be regarded as alcohol in my opinion and not to be over used.

It's not phisically addictive, I think that's what the image was supposed to say.
You can get addicted to anything, especially things that are pleasant to you.

Who else /vodka in a plastic jug/ here?

there is over 100 individual proven studies showing it does you fucking retard. stop shilling for pharma

depressed people

Man, this thread is really making want to roll a J up.

Be back in 15, thanks Sup Forums!

I will end you
Saged, reported, called your mother, called the governor, called trump

not sure how to feel about that. almost the same concept as a keg but it feels wrong somehow.

Pretty much everyone who smokes pot gets fucked up. Still it might be a good idea to legalise it for various reasons.

Sup Forums actually wants people to beat their wives

Sup Forums is the center of degeneracy

You may not experience physical withdrawal symptoms if you stop using it, but it is absolutely psychologically addictive.

How the fuck is weed an antidepressant? Does it function similarly to an SSRI or some other actual antidepressant?

>Cures cancer
Obvious b8, neck yourself.

>Zero deaths in history
Impaired driving?
What about the fact that weed leads to the use of harder drugs?
>inb4 someone says gateway drug is a meme
The only retards who believe that shit are faggots who've never actually done drugs.

>Saves money
This is not an argument in and of itself. Economic benefits must be backed up by other VALID arguments, of which you have provided none.

Who in the everloving fuck thinks that would be a good idea ever?

jokes on you i almost only drink whiskey

So I'm degenerate for drinking Arizona? At least I don't drink Red Bull and Monster like some JewTube degenerate gamer.

user what the fuck is malt liquor, is it something fancy because I'm pretty sure we just call it beer here.

making alcohol illegal -> prohibition
making weed illega -> nobody gives a fuck

Did someone say Yuengling thread?

Why consume either?

What niggers drink if I'm correct

>cures cancer

I've used both, and I say both of them are okay, as long as they're both used moderately.

You shouldn't be so offensive over the internet, It's not good for you and you just hurt people.

I know plenty of potheads and ALL OF THEM are FUCKIN degenerates. I don't know if it's coincidence or it's the weed shrinking their brains, but at this point I'm convinced weed is 99% used by scum. Plus it's the drug of normies.
I read a lot of statements on the internet (usually from filthy jobless, illiterate libtards) how weed is healthy and shit, but everything I see in reality is the exact opposite.

Only in short-term makes you more depressed long term
>Cures cancer
Increases risk for some types reduces risk for other types
>Zero deaths in history
Weed smoke is hazardous to your lungs and increases risk of certain cancers
>saves police and NHS billions

It is addictive it is destructive. Terrible drug.

t. Someone who wasted half their life stoned on the devils plant

I've done marijuana many times now and i just dont get it. I just get slightly dumber and forget what i was doing. Things aren't funnier, things aren't more colorful. I don't hallucinate.

I still have that critical voice in my head that goes away with alcohol.

So many claims so little citations

>Marijuana non-addictive
Look, I hear this one all the time, and it's 100% bullshit. How do I know this? I have a friend who is legit dependent on smoking pot. He can't function without smoking a bowl every 3-4 hours. If he goes without it, it's legit like he's having nicotine withdrawls, he gets hyper-aggressive, moody, turns into a total bitch until he smokes again, at which time he calms down to his normal self. I've know him for about half my life too, long before he started, and the person who he is when he is stoned is closer to who he was than when he's not stoned.

Bull shit it's not addictive, you degenerate scum. All substances that have potential for abuse are addictive. Fuck you, fuck all your stoned hippy friends, fuck all degenerate "functional stoners".

The only drugs that should be legal are mushrooms and *maybe* Lysergic-Acid-Diethylamide. Reason being they are both non-addictive and can't be abused due to the bodies remarkable ability at developing a tolerance to them over a short period of time. That, and, they make you think. But even then, people shouldn't do that more than twice per year.

Former drug user

We need to ban these lefty faggots

Pot is a depressant, depressant doesnt mean what you think it means.

That little wet patch....

Donald Trump is Marijuana, Hillary Clinton is Alcohol.

Think about it

>MARIJUANA IS BAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
>well here is proof that it's actually pretty good
>Are you implying MARIJUANA aka DOPE is good???? its a GATEWAY DRUG
>here is facts and evidence to the contrary
>THIS GUYS SMOKES WEED!!!!!!!!!!! MARIJUANA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ARREST HIM!!!!

>dude everybody drinks alcohol come have fun! you dont like alcohol? what a fucking creep
>its pretty bad for you and causes diseases and hurts people, its just poison in a pretty bottle. you only accept it because everyone else does and you've been fooled by marketing etc
>dude its JUST BEER BRO you dont like BEER????? you dont DRINK BEER???? i bet you never get laid!!
>its literally poison and kills people daily, there's a reason they call it intoxicated. here is facts and evidence that this thing is bad
>whatever man you're just a STONER

Just Wikipedia it, yep it's just beer here.
In the US apparently anything under 5% is beer anything over is malt liquor..... this explains why I never enjoyed American beer, your good stuff isn't called beer.

> Saves NHS billions

Because stoners are too lazy to go to doctor?

and yet when asked for none of them seem too exist... strange

Beer is for lower class degenerates

In the US any beer over 5% is also called beer, assuming it's beer. Beer is not the same thing as malt liquor

Not really.
Caffeine is the most addictive drug by far.
Alcohol really isn't that addictive. The main issue would be if you use it to fall asleep, then you might develop a dependence.
However, marijuana is also used by people to fall asleep, and thus could also cause a dependence by self medication of insomnia.
Alcohol is weird, it is both a depressant and stimulant.
Weed is not an anti-depressant (aka stimulant). It's not like this matters anyways, it is just a classification on the mechanism of action on neurotransmitters of these drugs.
>Causes cancer.
The only reason certain medical organizations put alcohol as a "possible carcinogen" is because it is a passive aggressive move by the temperance movement. Even though they know they've lost, they saw what happened during prohibition, they are still passive aggressive as ever.
To be precise, the "scientific consensus" is that alcohol is a "risk factor" for oral, esophageal, and stomach cancer.
You know, despite the fact that the fucking American Dental Association approves of 20% ABV mouthwash, for daily use. Truly there is a scientific consensus here. Or more likely: just passive aggressive temperance people.
>1 million deaths per annum
Worldwide? Maybe. In the US? More like 90,000. Less than abortion, more than guns. Fewer than cigarettes, more than car accidents. Who cares exactly?
>Cost police & NHS bissions
What the fuck is a bission?

It is ignorant to say marijuana doesn't cause deaths, ignoring the cartels that sells bundles of it and the gang violence as well to say no one is killed over marijuana is just inaccurate.

>Implying Trump condones any substance use.

Degenerate HUEs like you should be lashed to a cross.

>moving the goalposts
your post is just an argument for legalization

Marijuana turns your brain into a muddy pile of shit.

Disputes over a drug aren't going to change just because its legal you fucking idiot, if you think legalized pot means there still won't be competition in selling where violence occurs you are wrong.

only if your brain isnt fully developed yet, so yes, your brain would turn into shit

Who else /gin/ here?

Probably less addictive than alcohol, but still potentially has the same dependence due to people using it to fall asleep.
Already said why this is fucking retarded.
>Cures cancer.
THC has some anti-carcinogenic effects.
Weed smoke often has more carcinogens in it than cigarette smoke. So it might balance it out.
However there are few long term studies on weed smokers and their cancer rates. The long terms studies are what is crucial, because as with the case with cigarettes, for example; cigarettes hardly affect your life expectancy at all if you quit before age 40! Even if you are a hardcore smoker, quit by age 40, you have to squint at the data to see its slight effects.
The point is, the carcinogenity of the smoke is more deadly at older ages. Most weed smokers are young, and haven't been tracked past age 40, where the damage of the smoke starts to not be stoppable by the body's natural recovery mechanisms. The anti carcinogenic effects are unlikely to counter these effects, considering there are more carcinogens in weed. Yes, people smoke less, but it is still inhalation of very carcinogenic smoke. It's about as bad as cigar smoke except cigar smokers don't inhale.
>Zero deaths in history
Until the carcinogenic effects are fully known, this is propaganda and an unscientific claim.
My guess is on average it would be not as bad as cigarettes (due to frequency of use, addiction, etc.) but still would have a carcinogenic effect. If you want to avoid the carcinogens, vape THC, or vape nicotine. Or just be normal and don't smoke weed erry day, enjoy a cigarette or cigar every now and then (not often) and you'll be fine.
>Saves police & NHS billions
It's probably just as bad as alcohol to be honest. Dealing with high people is about the same as dealing with drunk people from a legal point of view. Yes medically drunk people are worse (vomit in lungs = death) but legally, there is still enforcement of DUI, etc.

t. both drugs should be legal

>depressant as depressed
Proof that weedfags are retarded.

>drinking ethanol
>not huffing the far superior alcohol, diethyl ether

>cures cancer

This is why I hate stoners. Weed dosent cure cancer, it is just being used to cancer patients who knows they are going to die soon to make them so stoned they don't get death anxiety.

I was surprised by how accurate the gin one is.

Marijuana doesn't completely wear off in a few hours, weedboy.

They should both be illegal.

Keep telling that to yourself, stonerfag. Go on and destroy your shitty life.
tldr from some neuroscience user

Serotonine is whatt activates your cortex frontal,and makes your thoughts ,imagery,visual proccess so it is a very delicate item as it is corrrelated with practically all the brain.
Thc,the chemical thing the weed makes you secrete during more time serotonine when you proccess something that activates you,so a long time smoker has zones that are more"used" to big serotonine bombings and if they dont recieve it(if they are not stoned) they dont give an emotional,interesting or a shit about the value(this comes fron habituation,as all our nervous cells can increment the resistance to any substance) this can cause depression, in mid term(1 year) dementia in long term(10 years) and brain malfunctioning(memory loss in a more pprorrogued spawn)
>I know people that are fine
Yes,they are fine,because not everyone haas the same chemical tolerance,havent you see how mexicans get wasted with two liters of beer or how niggers get hiper horny with ecstasi? Race has a little role in the chemic of the brain(a really really slight one) and the enviroment and diet is the main influx. If your life is good,your brain will be sane even in some fucked up scenarios
>then whats the problem?
The side effects of thc degradated. The thc enter in conflict with the consolidation function of the hypothalamus(as it works as an aantidepressor and makes all the thing of the serotoninen mentioned before) wich makes that the brain (that is depressed after the cleaning of the thc) can consolidate the memory properly giving you a bad product of the long term memory and self consciusness or responsability
>what does this mean??
You dont dream. The Rem phase is lowered a fucking ton while smoking weed and in long term ssmokers it almost dissapears.
Weed is indeed,a hell of a druG

That's why the mob is still mowing down people by the dozens over moonshine, right?

The risk of developing schizophrenia increases with the duration and dose of cannabis use. Regular cannabis users have double the risk of non-users. Those who have used cannabis at some point in their life have a 40% increased risk compared with non-users.

there was a kid who was just brutally murdered for smoking all of another kids weed


I smoke in moderation, never got addicted. Suck my dick you fucking faggot.

Ask Alaska about that faggot

>side effect

nice grammar



>causes cancer

citation needed faggot, red wine for one of the best natural products to reduce your cholesterol, protect your heart and even keep your memory sharp (reducing the risk of alzheimer)

>1 million deaths per annum

wrong, stupid people die while drunk, the alcohol doesn't kill shit.

>cost police & NHS "bissions"

nice grammar again, kys

>Saves police and NHS billions

Bull shit! Here in Colorado arrests for driving high on weed now outnumber drunk drivers.

Last I checked there wasn't a war on alcohol going on around the country but there is a war on drugs one of those being pot which is costing us billions

>Zero deathes in history

I guess all the people the cartels killed while trafficking that shit don't count right?

>I guess all the people the cartels killed while trafficking that shit don't count right

To be fair that isn't that fault of weed. Prohibition is the cause of those deaths.

> mfw some of the stupidest people I know are the most educated.

>i dont gotta think shit, someone else already tolt me
spoken like a true brazilian

Me tbqhwy

>Regular cannabis users have double the risk of non-users.
Sounds like utter bullshit to me, because you have to have a certain genetic disposition. Cannabis can't cause schizophrenia in someone who isn't part of the about 1-5% of genetically dispositioned people. (You can never be sure if you are though, so yeah, there is definitely a risk)

ITT : my intoxicant of choice is somehow better than your intoxicant of choice.

>Chose your POISON.

This former druggie is correct about everything.

t. former druggie

Why not both? Are you some kind of cock sucking faggot?

>All substances that have potential for abuse are addictive.
>Reason being they are both non-addictive and can't be abused due to the bodies remarkable ability at developing a tolerance to them over a short period of time.

I've watched people go down that rabbit hole. You're incorrect in your assumptions.

> cures cancer


>Vodka in a plastic bottle
Literally urge to vomit right now

I don't use either because I work so fucking much I don't have time to drug or booze. Feels bad but the large amounts of money make up for it I guess.

It's funny that potheads think that weed doesn't make them fucking retarded assholes with a mean paranoid streak

>stoner while high "dude what if I bought all this food"

How about fuck you?

Same could be asked about alcohol. It's a nonperishable that people use to forget about their shitty and meaningless lives. The market for it is so widely demanded that it almost seems like a stupid idea NOT to treat it like tobacco and make millions in tax revenue.
See:Chicago's economic state

I am very addicted to weed. Ive been trying to stop for almost 2 years and I cant.