Alright, which one of you did this? He's filing charges now guys

Alright, which one of you did this? He's filing charges now guys....
This isn't funny

Other urls found in this thread:

But seriously tho, Jew




What did he even do? Post something on the internet? He can't be serious lol.

>literally shaking right now

Russian Jews did it. Seizure the meanies.

unrestricted meme warfare

he posted a flashing gif and told eichenwald to have a seizure cause he's apparently epileptic (and he did have a seizure kek)

now theyre treating it like this guy physically attacked him and are subpoenaing twitter to figure out who it is

Fucking kek

After Tucker brutally raped the poor guy on national TV

Post the gif.

secret pokemon episode

those fucking greedy jews. He`s gonna sue Twitter and make a fortune.

Can they actually prosecute over this?

At least it'd be a blow against twitter

Police have posted a picture of this man, identified as Sam Hyde, suspected for the cyberattack.

That's his own fault for going on the internet with a mental disability

2016 could possibly be the best damn current year in history lads

Reminds me of the time Sup Forums spammed strobe lights on an epileptic support group website.

This has to be a joke.

Seizures for everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Kikes can do anything they want


the jew goldstein guy already deleted his account, i guess once eichenwald started threatening.

no. theres no proof he actually had a seizure, he didnt see a doctor. heresay doesnt hold up in court


It was a good name

is that phot suppose to be him on twitter
if so fair make up job lol
hes that ugly IRL

He should not have deleted his account and when the guy sued he should have countered sued.

Post the gif already faggets

this one


>literally shaking right now
all my keks, have you (You)

First he gets raped on TV:

Then "assaulted" on twitter.

Poor man.

Staring at those things full screen kinda hurts the eyes after a bit.

Does that mean I'm prone to having a seizure?
Also, the gif, why does it turn blue in the middle after like 20 seconds?

Can someone posts the screenshot of what happened or a link to jew goldstein. thank you

I'm scared to watch this just in case I happen to be epileptic and never knew about it.

The account got suspended.

It was Putin that did it to him. He hacked that jew's twitter

I know we've don worst, but that's kinda fucked up

I fucking hope it was a flashing Pepe


Sort of thorough summary

He fucking rekt tucker

This was the actual gif that he posted to APPARANTLY give the guy a seizure

what a pussy

>Don't post for a week
That's exactly what ol' Cuck Eichenwald decided to do:

>hello police?
>Yeah, I'd like to file a report against jew goldstein

Also charges as for what? For sending someone a picture?
No one forced him to open it.

>"This is 911, please state your emergency"
>"Hello, I'd like to report a cyber assault"

I wonder if this is this how the conversation went

>have epilepsy
>use electronic devices with screens
Memeworthy in itself.
>claims to have suffered a fit because he doesn't know how to screen links after years of living with his disorder
Yeah, no.

Just called the cops, faggot.

You're going to pound town.

literally nothing

Kek. Let's spam the faggot with seizure/strobe light videos/gifs!

>get raped
>go home to complain on twitter
>have seizure
Wow the anti-Semitism is surreal.

>bad goy you surely gave me a seizure and I will Sue you for 2million dollars now

Ban assault twerts NOW

Cyber assault?

This is an equivalent of coming up to someone, holding a phone and saying "Hey faggot, wanna look at this and get a seizure? (its a link, no one forced him to open it)
The guy comes up, looks at the phone, gets seizure and his wife starts screaming that she will sue you(???)
That is literary what happened
God, people on the interned are fucking dumb if they think that someone sending you a link you didn't even have to open counts as assault


What if people start to mass-tweet him with the same .gif? Could he go after twitter for allowing .gif files that induce seizures? Could we kill twitter? ...

my autism is rising, let's do it reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Fake news

That is five-star trolling

I did my part. Spam the fucker!

It's weak, the time to strike is nigh


I don't think it's been proven that simply viewing a gif will trigger a seizure. If it has, he'd have to prove he actually had one & that whoever they drag in court sent the gif & etc.

This guy is a Jew and I doubt he'll part with the amount of shekels a lawyer will demand to take on such a stretch of a case.

it doesn't work when he has to click on it to open, einstein

He has to click to play a .gif too...

I have a seuizure because Americans are so fat ! LOL


kek. I love the fact that it moves even when its closed when you scroll by it.


People that have seizures should have been culled a long time ago.
Or at least neutered.

lets have him arrested and interrogated to conffess about his pedophilic tendancies.

just make sure you're not standing up while watching them.

seizures arent really dangerous, you just need to make sure not to fall on your head, bite your tongue or choke on your vomit

gifs autoplay on twitter in the app



he deserves pic related not just a seizure.

Haha, good luck. Epileptic niggers should disable GIFs.

It hurts everyone's eyes, it's not many people that actually have photosensetive epilepsy. Also, if you have epiliepsy, you probably already would have known about it, assuming you're not a toddler.

literal piece of shit that deserves nothing not even our attention.

Normies really need to familiarize themselves with the concept of trolling before they embarass themselves.

Then again seeing Jimmy Russel and Scholmo Goldstein tweets on the news is pretty fucking funny.

Holy shit my sides went into another dimension hahahahaha!


not a joke

So the jew of my jew is my jew?

>This isn't funny

is this you OP?



>eating pizza backwards
wtf is this degeneracy?

My twitter account got locked for 12 hours because I replied to his tweet.

>kanye not even smiling
you can tell he hates her

even the tranny hates it

Reported it you'll get a bounty

I just had a seizure. Im not pressing charges though.

what was the gif?

>Sup Forumslster gets arrested over this
>Pres Trump pardons him
Imagine the (((Eichenwald))) meltdown