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>entire video is in arabic

this isnt int; fuck off with your shit language

Makes me ashamed to be a Norwegian snow nigger.

If you don't let your children watch this they will be taken away from you.

This is why Breivik happened. These people are the equivalent of child murderers with the blood on their hands.

why do your women have more hair on their legs than your men?

>The video about breasts actually shows an adolescent girls developing chest

Its a tranny, thats the point, they are brainwashing kids into 32 gender propaganda.

Flag it.

My God, that female model has hair on her thighs like a man. Must be a jew.

Jesus Christ dude. Norway is turning into Japan. I guess to much cold fucks up your brain.

Wtf i want to fuck nirwegian boy

Northern Europeans are fucked in the head, honestly. Disgusting people.

>wake up see this what do?

Well technically children have to learn it FROM SOMEWHERE. We all did. So why not government agency?

>uh, a naked children?!?! Nobody should EVER see this atrocity!!!!!

A fucking leaf, anyone living above the 52th parallel are fucked in the head

I never knew a woman can be this creepy.

this really doesnt seem that bad to me?

compared to all the fucked up stuff Nords let their kids watch this seems fine.

she touches the penis without consent, rape.

>pick the most creepy/pedophile looking person possible to make this type of program

Eh, I'm not opposed to sex ed.
At least it didn't feature interracial sex.

only peds sign up to talk about child sexuality

the nose , you knows

I don't get what's so bad about it.
Being anti sex-ed is retarded.

I hate Europeans so much. It's such a sick fucking culture, all of it.
>inb4 hurrrrr Puritanical Americans
There is a right way and a wrong way to teach kids about things like sexual education. Europe is a shining example of the wrong way to do it. Only a liberal could think up sick shit like this and force it on children.

I want to see Finland make one of these.

Is this is like my fully erect one

I'm also cut...

This video makes me sad.

Let her touch my penis but then realize I don't have a foreskin so I cry.

This is bait right? Someone please help me, he can't be this stupid can he?

What the fuck did I just watch?

Taking it a bit too far there mate.

It's in poor taste, I'll give you that. But to claim that it's responsible for the mass murder of 100 children is a bit of an exaggeration.

>sex is fun while sober


>OP tricks people into watching cp

small penis humilation?

at least they were all white. i dont see whats wrong about showing willing adults' reproduction organs as long as theyre not doing it in a sexual way.

kekked hard at this part

They were both adults you stupid nigger.

The video was disgusting and degenerate as fuck. But I'm glad the models were white.


>the woman touching the boy penis
>that hairy pussy

shes hot tho

Sexual education, whats wrong?

Fuck off, degenerate. Your entire continent is an amoral shithole. Atheism always leaves a moral and religious vacuum. And guess who's swooping in to fill it? At least when the European Caliphate is formed you won't be seeing this dirty shit marketed to kids anymore.

Why is norvegian dick so small?

most of pol is just retarded when it comes to sex ed

i dont see anything wrong with this

the virgins will think the children are naked, and not the teens they showed at the begin.



This. Being open about sex is the ultimate redpill. Without it, there is no future.

that "woman" is as hairy as the man. really makes that brain going



wtf I thought this was a good video to teach kids

I hate Norway now

>the Bible does not forbid anal sex

Do you not have a dictionary? You don't know what sodomy is? Why are women so stupid and unfunny?

>his cow has hair
absolutely haram. i bet your house has a toilet too

Gas Norway Cuck War Now

Is that a woman on the right? What is with that fucking leg hair ugh

>dick halfway down thigh

lol 5'6 manlette eh?

>american humor

This is how start.

>Hey kid! You know what sex is? Let me tell you, its something amazing!!! :D In fact you shouldn't be ashame of it, because of course, we live in a tolerant and open minded society. In fact, you can practice sex, just be careful. :D Remember, its fun!!!

>Since our education system is so progressive and our children understand sexuality so well, we as a tolerant and open minded society want to lower the age of consent to 12.

This kind of shit just creates a precedent, do you think pedophilia will be accepted overnight? Of course not, its a long process of brainwashing.

Cute lolis btw.

>Select all images of pizza


>topless underage girls
>completely naked female baby
so video game videos with nudity get taken down but this is ok?

>being a feminist hater
You have to go back to 8pol

>that adult woman they use

I think most people here just dismiss it and say "those Europeans" and roll their eyes.

It's educational unlike your shit tier hobby for idiots.

The same thing the hippies said in the 60s. The same hippies who are now ruining the West with social justice

Total cringe.

What's even the fucking point? Everyone knew differences between boys and girls even before internets were created.

>tfw you realize you're watching CP on Youtube

They on purpose choose weird looking women in order to say



One would say Fifty second, rather than fifth twoth.

5'8'' :3

I flagged it.In the U.S. you can't show any child nudity and the video should atleast be blocked for the U.S., The lady is also very very creepy.

How is showing kids puberty and explaining it bad? Did you fags never get Sex ed at school?

Also at least it wasn't a nigger guy and no shitskins in it.

Stripped / Viewd for Japs pay for view/clicked / Ruin/Rape /then kill .. Kill the clicked frenzy /save one , kill one is best ! 12 gold kings decide ! if they deem it she saved set go over 12 yrs none let go ...lol japs eh

ctr get out

lol at least your honest

>and you still got a bigger dick than me probably

encouraging little girls to not shave their legs like that feminist is bad

i don't understand... what do you guys have against this? It's important to teach kids about puberty and sex, why the fuck do you shitheads complain about it and want to censor the reality from them?

>this is what I pay taxes for
wtf i hate working now

ask christ for help

When I was in 5th grade and the adults started jamming this stuff down my throat, even at that young age I knew they were doing something wrong and evil by taking my blissful childlike innocence away against my will.
People are supposed to discover these kinds of things on their own, at their own pace.
Forcibly involving yourself in someone's discovery of such things is an order of magnitude worse than rape. Same with all indoctrination.
I would love to hang this woman by her ankles, slit her throat, bathe in her blood, and upload it as the final video on her youtube account.

I only got one class (1 hour) and I personally derailed it by turning the discussion on whether condoms should be free or not. I argued that they should not be free out of pure edge, I didn't even know I was ironically paraphrasing Ayn Rand back then.

>New reaction image

Thanks breh

>political correctness has even come to this
What the fuck, Norway? What the fuck?

why are that womans thighs so hairy? jesus get it together norway

I still remember it, they showed what the diseases did you to your gentiles



>superiror nord genes

Fucking niggers talking about a cute woman as if she's creepy looking because of one frame. She's just a TV personality and nobody could pull off this episode without seeming a little creepy.

By the way, could someone explain why this video is negative in any way? Everyone has to learn this. It's a quick and visual way of learning.

>all these fucking newfags

Holy fucking shit. Also literal retards like who apparently don't know the law whatsoever.

You obviously have a problem with your own sexuality. When i was in 4th grade and the teacher told us about this stuff i was laughing my ass off with the whole class. Shit was the funniest thing in school i remember.

>Angela Merkel daughter of a pastor, her party is the Christian Democratic Union
>President Gauck a literal protestant pastor
>AfD on the other hand is secular to atheist
Really made me laugh at stupid burgers

>Americans ITT
>children shouldn't be shown this, it's immoral!!
>why is the 13 year old girl not shaving all her pubes and sexualise her body like a full grown woman!!

I hope Trump fucks up your whole country and you get raped by Chinks. I'm so sick of you all.

>When I was in 5th grade
I was taught that in 3rd grade and never again until high school. I gotta admit its not a bad thing as you are so young you just don't give a fuck about that disgusting stuff but when you reach your teens you start remembering what you were taught and really fires your neurons.

LOL at the imbeciles that believe those hairy legs belong to children.

yeah why did they pick a pot-belly hipster for the guy?

those are your typical refugee welcome nordic cucks
pathetic hahaha


>those sad saggy malformed titties
they could have at least found a cuter girl

That actually isn't bad at all. I mean, minus the whole period and ejaculation thing being quite disgusting. The rest was "okay" I suppose.