How can we remove Antifa infiltrators from Sup Forums ?


Other urls found in this thread:

Remove antifa
kill antifa
kill their families
kill every single one of them

Being anti-fascist isn't an argument

First cut off their money supply, then shut down their by the state funded safe spaces.
Expose their faces to the cameras by trying to rip off their facerags.
Expose antifa-sympathizers that are high or low ranking politicians.

lăsai să rămână ..futui în gât

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By making constant use of the word nigger.


Oopsie, meant to quote OP

Look at that poor antifa! How is he supposed to prep mandingo's monstrous bbc now?! HIS LIFE IS RUINED! FUCKING NAZIS!!

You best have not broken his hands so he can't vote, now that would be a true crime!

that's gonna cost at least $3k (2 teeth and lip)

So antifa is mainly in europe.

you guys ever see them in the USA?

they go to Richard Spencer's events

They broke up one of our meetings in toronto and shoved cameras in our faces

I think only a few

I suspect without his teeth, he'll actually be a bit better at prepping it

Honestly, we shouldn't care about them.

They are clowns, aking to get to the stage where world destiny is played.

We should continue with our play.

2 teeth don't cost 3k. And the lip will probably heal naturally.

Maybe not in your country. I got 2 knocked out in a dirt bike accident. The 2 implants cost me $3500.

Death to left, may our people prosper.

That's cause implants aren't the same as fixing knocked out teeth, dicklord.

It does if it's the American medical """""insurance plan."""""

top cuck

romania in the EU was biggest mistake in the history of the union.
now this scum has flooded wealthy countries

there is a website which is posting pics of nationalists and their address, threatening to kill them and their families.
They also post pics of their mother, sister and even grandmother.

Wasn't that group that got BTFO by bikers in the US? Where that one got stabbed by a flag pole.

these people need to be killed

From what I've been studying Antifa is a front of the globalists, international bankers and United Nations

Common goals:

- Import third world refugees
- Gay marriage
- Destroy Christian morality and institutions
- Vegan/Anti-meat
- No borders, No Nations
- pro-LGBT
- Promote and work in anti-american institutions such as SPLC and ADL.
- Promote world religion through worship mother earth
- Legalize marijuana (then cocaine, heroin, etc)

What am I missing?

Aye aye. You talk against them and then take the Gandhi-way of approach to violence. The antifa can't help themselves, they will attack people and look like complete and utter violent fools.

there are many videos of nationalists literally spanking these antifa scum.

The only nations that has decent anti-antifa movements are Poland, Russia, Hungary and Serbia. Of course Greece but they are not focused on beating antifa, they are more into politics.

Not only they will atack people but they will get away with it because they have their people inside human rights organizations. No judge or police will ever bother them. Violence is the last and only resort we have against them.

Yes, they recruit black gang niggers. There was that one incident in Sacramento a while back where they tried to stab some skinhead group, a black antifa ended up in a coma with permanent brain damage.

Kek, the hilariously pathetic part of this is they actually think they're badasses. Notice how they put all of this shit up there hoping someone else besides them will do something about it.

If one of these cowardly cunts ever got in a 1-on-1 fight, they'd get their fucking skull caved in. So they resort to this pack mentality to make up for their weak genes

>If one of these cowardly cunts ever got in a 1-on-1 fight, they'd get their fucking skull caved in.
They know this, that's why they never attack unless it's at least 3 on 1. They bus people in from neighboring cities. Some of those guys in Sacramento came all the way down from Chicago just to get stomped.

They always attack in group which makes them more dangerous because they will often look for a person walking alone and attack him/her when the person is defenseless.
See vid

Another thing from my experience here: they always make sure the target is not carrying a knife or a weapon

They attack the person when they know he/she is doing a normal walk at night or getting out of their work.

I thought they were kids out to have a bit 'o the old wilding that used politics to cover their desires - they just want to start shit because they're tired of feeling powerless, perfectly normal desu.

I can hear the hand rubbing

Just like the new political party in Norway, The Liberals as they call themselves. I fear they are gonna get alot of attention from the cucks, hipsters and self haters in Oslo..

Is he, dare I say, our guy?

Based belgian guy. There is a pepe artwork for him i don't remember if i have it

The Greens (or Liberals) are much more aggressive when it comes to adopting UN agenda such as open borders and LGBT even compared to so-called the traditional left.

If the guy who threw the punch is a nationalist then it's fair to say there are still real men in europe.

Dat lip lick

Post stuff like this

Or this

damn he is fucking based , makes me watch to punch libtards and numales

If they are out to fight shouldn't they know how? Also the old guy with the camera is pissing me off, he missed some awesome shots.

Yes. Also, 7 antifa got stabbed by done nationalists in California

yup, have a different angle


Looks like a nasty way to die.

fkn Boromir

why is he puking so much blood?

They only exist in libshit cities, like Portland, San Francisco, and New York. Which is why literal Nazis seek out those areas for the expressed purpose of provoking a fight and making Antifa look like retards/get them arrested.

Unlike Europe, we have a functioning judicial system that will happily crush commie ass in a holding cell.

Looks like he got stabbed in the neck.

The nationalists stabbed Antifa with Antifa's own knives. That's what's funny about it. They were disarmed and shanked with their own shit.

>Where that one got stabbed by a flag pole.

wtf I love America now

if the guy dying is not a antifa it's not that worth to watch


>all others ITT too much of a pussy to admit it


Fucking commie scum

Poland has a strong anti-antifa sentiment. We know they bring degeneracy and destruction


Can someone buy skunks in Europe? Imagine letting loose a bunch of them at antifa (((rally)))

That's a weak promotion bro



How do I join the Sea Nazis? Sounds pretty rad.

Dibs on being Captain

Sea nazis rule the waves.

Some also got their heads cracked with their own 2x4s. Sweet justice.

I'd didn't know that bit, Jesus those commies are useless.

Implants are fucking expensive, veneers less so.

agree with them but slightly disagree about an obscure communist author. this causes them to disintegrate.


Why I agree, the Antifa scum here in Germany should all hang. Would improve this whole god damn country.

You shouldn't target their families - that's some leftoid behaviour.

Many of them probably come from decent families that they're senselessly rebelling against.

>cucks ahoy capn'


100% agree

>stabbed by a flag pole

Any Husar would spit on those lower than vermin scum.
Good red is dead red.

dont worry god will sort them out

pretty much this

liberals and leftists rebel against good families that just tried to make sure they didn't fuck up in life and instead the kid chose to fuck up in life because muh differences muh individuality

happened with my parents for damn sure

If I wanted to release information about the identities of Antifa, what is the best way to go about it?