How does it feel to be jewed ?

Trump appoints neo-cohens to cabinet. Appoints cuckservatives. Appoints future (((Goldman))) CEO to cabinet. Transition is run by his democrat liberal daughter and cuckservative VP. Appoints Generals who committed crimes similar to Hillary.

The dude won't get rid of his conflicting business interests.

You got conned. I got conned. Trump was just another shill trying to make a shekel.

Stop sticking your heads in the ground. Stop falling for false dichotomy of "it's either Trump of Hillary".

>inb4 CTR shill
>inb4 non-arguments
>inb4 trump-cucks.


And now instead of having a president that pisses off Russia, we have a president that pisses of China.

Conservatives are going through the same "hope and change" idealism that Liberals went through with Obama. The end result will be the same.

But he truly *is* better than any other alternative. Of course he's not perfect, but what, what else would you have?

>no one's reading my shitposts REEEEEEE!

>bumping your own thread
kill yourself you fucking kike shill, get the fuck out of here and go back home to reddit.

A president that follows through with statements and promises they made during his campaign.

I know. I ask for a lot.

What's the point of obviously faked twitter posts?

>When I am president Carrier Air Conditioning will make its units in America!
>Now that I am president, Carrier Air Conditioning has agreed to make its units in America!

What the fuck type of autistic garbage is this, OP? He's not even president yet. He made no promises about filling his cabinet with people who would make precious little snowflakes like yourself happy. He's going to pick people who he thinks are the best for the job.

By the way, what the fuck did you think he meant when he promised to "bomb the shit out of ISIS?" Some sort of bullshit Ron Paul-tier cuck? No fucking way. Mad Dog Mattis is exactly who is needed for the job.;

Unless the MSM starts shitting on the ideals of everyone left of Trump you won't get the """alt-right""" fighting him for your benefit.

lol who's the fucking kike shill again?

Literally bribes carrier with millions of taxpayer dollars to keep jobs they will probably automate in a couple of years.

If all he's going to do is bribe companies that's worthless. That money has to come from somewhere.

Trump is to the alt-right what Obama was to the ctrl-left. Drumpflets will be left just as disappointed.

>look guys, stop attacking our allies. It isnt cool ok. Please stop. 4 reals guys.

>wad da fug ameriga? Why you talk to Taiwan! You can no talk to Taiwan! Is ours!! We will attack you fucking pussies!!


Even if this is the case, he's not going to drag us into war with Russia like Hillary would have done. I just want Anzu to keep modeling, if nothing changes that's fine too.

Yeah he's going to do it with China Instead. Much better.

Yeah he's just gonna let them regain power in the world

>he's not going to drag us into war with Russia like Hillary would have done.

Plus China has a military pack with russia.

Just checked his Twitter, he never said this. This whole thread is fake news and thus can be hand-waved away. Sage.

>look guys, stop attacking our allies. It isn't cool ok.
>takes over crimea

Yeah, real peaceful guys.

You know America's gone bad when cunts like you would've gotten executed 60 years ago for sucking russian dick like the commie cuck you are.

how many lobbyists are on his team

i voted trump because i hate women

>how many lobbyists are on his team

70% of them are

And the rest are neocon generals and CEOs

China also isn't militarily bankrupt.

There are more merchants on his team than inside a Hollywood exec meeting.

Half those generals essentially committed crimes similar to Hillary's. Patreus is literally on probation and has an ankle bracelet.

>tfw anzu blocked me

so no lobbyists? already destroyed obama then. Obama said he wouldnt hire lobbyists then OOPS RAYTHEON

Low sperm count.

Trump ain't gonna be president kiddo. All the alphabet soup agencies AGREE Russia literally hacked the election.



Is a lobbyist much worse then hiring the future ceo of the most echoing organization in human history.

Where did you get no from 70%? is it the same place you guys mistake 60% white for aryan nation?

>hurr I dont even know what a lobbyist is hurr
like I said, obama tried to say he wasnt going to hire lobbyists then OOPS RAYTHEON lol

>obama should stop complaining about what bush did wrong. He's president now. it doesn't matter

>obama did the same thing. why are you getting mad at trump

Why do you resort to false equivalence? Just because Obama doesn't mean anything unless you buy into some stupid false dilemma where if one dislikes Trump he must like Obama.

Stop going all 'murican and present a good counter-point.

most of the ceos are pro russia

He has to or Clinton will rule

Of course they are. They want a Russian style country. Russia is pretty much a hell hole run by oligarach run monopolies. Putin is supposedly worth 32 billion yet he has never produced or done anything in his life.

>oh another "trump should have hired hobos off the street" thread

You realize that the media will create the "he's corrupt and lied to you" narrative no matter what he does right?

>picks family member like Ivanka
>picks a business friend like Giuliani
>picks someone in government like Newt
>picks someone in business like rex

Just give up already CTR please

I'm not an anti-war faggot so I don't really care.

If you're a pussy who is afraid of your country being a great power then sure I see cause for alarm.

He was head of KGB once.
I mean this dude has the best job ever. At first he opens a few companies, places strawmen as CEOs then he decides which governmental deals they can fulfill.

Этo нe cтpaнa, a кycoк гoвнa. He пpeвpaщaйтe в этo Aмepикy, пoжaлyйcтa...

>You realize that the media will create the "he's corrupt and lied to you" narrative no matter what he does right?

sure. Except this time he's proving it.

>picks family member like Ivanka
>picks a business friend like Giuliani
>picks someone in government like Newt
>picks someone in business like rex

These are literally all correct. Nepotism is banned for a reason. So is croniesm. Newt is as swampy as it gets. He might as well have appointed paul Ryan. Also picking a bunch of Sachs bankers is as jewy as it gets.

>You got conned. I got conned. Trump was just another shill trying to make a shekel.
No shit.

Feels pretty good to be honest. Now you have to do it for free CTR shill!


Well gents, hopefully this will encourage all the neocons to fuck off back to r/the_donald

... it'll happen, right? right guys?

Ho мы yжe здecь, и paбoтaeм нaд этим

WTF are you retarded? He never was head of KGB. He was just an average officer there. Then a mid tier person in the administration of Saint Petersburg's governor. And then suddenly a president.


You didn't get it schlomo.
He can't pick anyone without you complaining.
You will complain no matter who he picks.
If he picks someone that was never in government then he's not taking the job seriously, he's corrupt, or he's a jew. If he picks someone in government, then he becomes part of the swamp.

Who was he supposed to pick bernie sanders? Ron Paul?

I seriously don't get the outrage. He's picked by far the best people he could pick.

He picked someone who doesn't believe in the minimum wage for department of labor for Christ's sake

>Appoints future (((Goldman))) CEO to cabinet.
This is the same as when one nation took another nations prince to be a captive and foster son in the other nations army.
Trump is covering both flanks.

Trump getting in and being anti-globalist fuhrer was never in the cards, comrades

Nice fake tweet faggot. Likes and retweets are usually equal.

>takes over crimea
Why should I care about Crimea at all? I know we American's are ignorant and arrogant, but can you explain why I should give the slightest shit?

this tweet can be real?!

What's the point? You're American. I might as well go to the zoo and educate a Chimpanzee, at least that would be entertaining.

Sorry I mixed up KGB and FSB.

Witty banter is all fine and good, but it appears you're using Russia taking Crimea as an argument against Trump having a good relationship with them. But how does that argument align with our interests? We actually care to start shit with China.

Then why don't you take of it, you fucking koala.
Why does America always have to solve the world's problems?

Seriously if you have no idea of the purpose of the creation of the UN, International law, sovereign states and enforcement of International law there is no point having this conversation, I am not your professor and this will take quite a bit of time to explain, there's sites/books/articles you can read.

Oh and in the future, don't ever phrase a question as 'why should I care?' or any equivalent because it's a weak and fallacious line of conversation because it's a loaded question, in the end you shouldn't care about anything, nothing truly matters, you might as well kill yourself.

>UN, International law, sovereign states and enforcement of International law
Stopped reading here. MAYBE, if you or the EU declared war over it, we would support you. But why the fuck should we shit up our relationship, when you fucks don't care enough to fight about it anyway?

Like I said; no point in continuing this conversation, at least I can excuse a Chimpanzee for being stupid.

You're a stupid fuck that doesn't know anything. Who the fuck do you think regulates and enforces International law? It's your stupid shithole nation. Read a book, nigger.

The US would not support the EU in World War III. WWIII would be a continuation WWII, with the Five Eyes and Russia aligning against a mainland European bloc. Middle Eastern territories that made up the Central Powers in WWI are still showing signs of allegiance with European powers as well.

Rubes impotently angry they fell for the bubba-bait like the backwater fucktards they are!!


>Carrier Air Conditioning has agreed to make its units in America!

Another backwoods hick who fell for the bubba-bait!!


Are you coming to my tent revival Sunday, cleetus?! Bring your checkbook!

>How does it feel to be jewed?

Questions only jews ask.


Wow. Start arguing any time now.

Speaking of which I need to rake my yard.

Nice fake fucking news, kike. The tweet is fake and you're a nigger.

Ha ha ha... funny you don't get it. People or I did anyway so know the game.

Over all this is better then having that old bitch

I thought you all hated communism, why did you vote in a Russian pawn?