R/politics salt

If any of you haven't noticed, r/politics has been freaking the fuck out and have grown aggressive with terroristic threats and threats against our democracy.

Lets enjoy the salt. Remember how uplifting they were supposed to be with Clinton? Kek.

Other urls found in this thread:


They're gonna get violent guys. Watch out.

r/politics is a fucking cesspool.

And it's glorious. I browse it everyday since the election.

Again with armed revolt talk.

>try to take our guns for years and years
>get so triggered by them they literally shake

>threaten us with guns

These people make me rage and laugh at the same time.

Remember the democratically elected Trump is a threat and not the liberals telling the EC to ignore the vote.

If any news story or political story ends in a question mark, the answer is always no.

And when people point out their hypocrisy they respond with condescending remarks and Russia/Putin shit, after which they get downvoted to oblivion

Remember winning the EC means nothing

Congress refusing to vote is also "undemocratic"

Giving more power to Senate's (like on their beloved Europe) and not one person is also undemocratic even though both were democratically elected.

Democracy is shakey guys

This is just as bad when Obama as elected, maybe worse.
I don't think it got this bad until around Sandy hook when they pushed gun control.

>power grab
do they even think about what they're saying?

They're talking about a political happening in NC. Not Trump, for once.

I haven't noticed because I don't go to reddit.

>this kind of power grab

How braindead can you be? Libs got BTFO not only in the executive, but governorships, the House, and Senate, and they're on track to lose even more seats in 2018, and these aren't affected by the EC. People do want a track for change, just not the change you want to see and the majority of Americans spoke up.

Either one or two things happened but I'm sure this retard won't believe it.

1.) Americans are sick of libshits and voted straight GOP
2.) Liberal retards forgot that they aren't just voting for the executive and only filled in a vote for MADAME while leaving the rest of their ballot blank.

Hillary "winning" the popular vote yet Dems getting absolutely shut down everywhere else is hilarious and either shows gross incompetence in the part of lib voters or how far they went trying to rig this shit.

So, losing an election means your opponent succeeded in a power grab? WTF

so we might see the secret service blow reddits brain out?
kek that would be a good start to 2017

Then you're not enjoying enough salt in your life.

They're talking about the NC happening.

The one where the Republican legislator are stripping power from the Democrat governor.

Also a random neck beard on Reddit has Trump figured out.

>phone user

Reddit won't do anything. They're punching the wall in anger.

im pretty sure the mods there are legitimate ctr employees

>laughing at this shit
It's not funny. It's fucking infuriating. Liberal opinions should be punishable by crucifixion.

What exactly is being done to the governor of NC?

the democrats are basically just waiting until whites die out so they can run the country on their batshit social policies

they would rather lose a few elections until they have a clean demographic lead than back down on their social policies

Which is why it's absolutely primary that massive deportations happen and immigration laws change while they still can

Sorry mate I'm eating a burger getting ready to go to my job.

Unlike those on Reddit.

Since the election EVERY SINGLE front page post is a negative Donald Trump post EVER DAY.

>woefully unprepared

You can just see the 17 yo kids furiously typing this shit.

>using guns

when they say armed revolution they probably mean siccing spics and nigs on us

>that time their patron saint was cutting deal with iranians.
Who? Obama?

Republican legislator didn't like their Republican incumbent losing to a Democrat governor so they're stripping poor from the governor position.

Throughout history this has been done. Legislators like taking power away from the one man elected ruler.

However Reddit is treating it like literal Hitler Nazi take over. They don't understand the Republican legislator was also elected.

since the election?

its been that way since march

Furthermore everything the Republicans are doing they're treating like an attack against Democracy itself instead of just attacking the opposing party.

Democrats are the literal embodiment of Democracy guys.

Its pretty amusing, i think a lot of them are mentally ill desu

>pushing for the "us vs them" narrative still
Trump has already stated on multiple occasions that he wants to bring everyone together.

This is all starting to look like some horribly written fanfic.

Why not just report them to the FBI

There were positive Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders and Obama posts.

That's all gone.

Crop your fucking screencaps, dumb phoneposter.

>"those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable"
>they quote this because their candidate lost a democratic election fair and square


heres a gem i got on election day

>republicans must stop what they are doing.
Winning the election?
So Hillary wasn't divisive with all her alt-right talk?
I want to make an account there to tell them why everything they say is garbage but I would probable get banned in minutes.

>yfw Sup Forums really is a board of peace

Are you actually using mobile anti-virus?

What's wrong with you?

I went to /r/politics a few days after the election. Next thing I knew I woke up in a hospital due to overdosing on sodium.

They're just parrots for and don't compare to Keith Olbermann's TREMENDOUS meltdown where he literally says we're at war with Russia and calls for a coup


>he's literally shaking

It is the best watching them freak out

It's about the actual text. Who cares, read the text.

I'll copy and paste

These are top level and semi top level comments btw. I don't have to even dig, just scroll

>The current Republican party is the threat to democracy. Trump's candidacy was an attack on democracy. His Presidency will be the disaster.

>Trump will remake America in Russia's image: A one party state controlled bywealthy oligarchsrun by and forthe benefit of corporationsby a super wealthystrong man of questionable characteralong with his family who plan onprofiting from the administration and don't care who knows it. Whoreallywon the cold war?

>Made an account just to respond to this. As a neutral observer (born and live far from the US) I have to say this: The American people are so mind-numbingly reactionary it drives me mad. Do you honestly think the US hasn't been governed by corrupt corporations for, at least the last 60 years? It's shocking how everybody is losing their mind over Trump like it's something new. The US has been exploiting foreign countries for decades, not to mention - it's own citizens have been put under debt. All this energy directed at Trump instead of the real problem - your system is massively corrupt and no matter who you choose, you're always choosing between two evils.This is the cult of personality - everybody is railing against Trump. Nobody is railing against the system. Trump is controlled opposition, no matter if it's intentional or not. As if the Democratic party doesn't also represent corporative interests. Both parties represent corporations - just different ones.You aren't going to be remade in Russia's image. You already embody imperialism. It doesn't matter if you abolish the EC, the rich and powers that be will find a way to campaign without it.

>Yes and even worse with Putin as a besty. Do you really want to live like Russians?

"No cause justifies violence as long as the system provides for change by peaceful means." - Richard Nixon

there was so much to be had that night, but that one's a real beauty

This is why they will get perma-btfo in mid terms for the foreseeable future. A really disproportionate amount of Republicans had to hold on to their seats in the Senate bc those were the ones from 2010.

holy shit this guy is legitimately on the edge of sanity. he fell off the cliff of reason already. legitimately wew.


I also use Juice Defender because I'm too much of a pussy to crack my phone.

>Although such words have been used as campaign slogans in many an election, it really is true of Trump and perhaps moreso his GOP congress. I have never seen a more authoritarian, warlike, greedy, corrupt assemblage of people in the government in my lifetime, regardless of party or era. Buckle up.

>You can look at the wake of Trump's life and see destruction in many forms. A cat does not change his stripes. Ther are no checks and balances with a Republican controlled government. Twitter Dorsey should show him the power of the free market he so hypocritically endorses and ban him for reasons of abuse. Force him to communicate with dialouge instead of one way communication and expose why he is not qualified to be President. In my circles we call people like Trump whack jobs and nuts.

It needs a proper scientific study, but excess salt seems to turn liberal's in to Nazi's.

For a place with thousands of users they all sound like the same person.

>Vol. 1
Please post the rest.

I think everyone on there is in high school. Most of Reddit is just high schoolers and liberal arts majors.


Make america safe again.

>civil war
>not ratting out degenerates.

How could they have an armed uprising if they're against gun ownership?


>trump rounds up and deports the first two, Pence rounds up and tortures the last one

you dont know shit about the nazis stfu

When will these retards get that American is not a Democracy? It's not founded on Democracy. It was never a Democracy.

>In my circles
Gay bars?
Why do all leftists retards think so highly of themselves? Humility is dead.

reddit is easier to control than Sup Forums but not by much, Sup Forums is as easy to control through strong narritives as a childrens playground.

You mean /r/CTR?

That shit subreddit has been for Clinton since before the campaign, the rest of reddit says shit like "oh they're just anti-trump" like a bunch of dumb faggots.

>fuck white people, fuck all of you racist fucks

lol how non whites turned racism and the idea that you shouldn't be a cunt to people of other races, into whitey = devil

Really makes you think about how unsustainable jew multiculturalism is

Does anyone have the picture of Pence with the "You left-wing leaning parasite." comment on it?


I love the comment at the end about losing hormone therapy treatment.

With out white people there wont be anything for them to loot to them bribe their brown hordes for votes.

>it's only undemocratic when Democrats lost and Republicans won

It really makes you think

Oh, I fucking wish some skinnyfat liberal would come at me with a knife. I dream of it.


only another reason to stop demographic changes

please post vol 2

"the last to make the moves are the first to say the words"

Thank you.

Not going to argue against stopping this demographic change. I am with you 100% there. I don't understand how these libs and their leaders think there view of the world is going to end well. Either we stop it the right way with votes or it gets worse for them.

Choose Wisely Sup Forums

Leftists are patriots now.

I still can't find volume 2, but here's volume 3.

>patriots that want to put the needs of teoubled people in some Middle East shithole before their own troubled citizens
Someone get the damn helicopters already

I literally posted "what about Hillary saying half of the country was deplorable, that's not divisive? What about President Trump's victory speech where he specifically said he was on the side of all Americans? Most of these comments read like bad tumblr fanfic dialogue."

Comment was deleted and I was banned less than 10 minutes layer for the reason "troll".

I hope these faggots get bedbugs.

>thomas jefferson
>his intention was revolutions of thought.
>his intention
>revolutions of THOUGHT
" I was not alarmed at the humor shewn by your countrymen. On the contrary I like to see the people awake and alert. But I received a letter which represented it as more serious than I had thought. Mr Adams however restores my spirits; I believe him and I thank him for it. The good sense of the people will soon lead them back, if they have erred in a moment of surprize." - TJ to Abigail Adams, Dec. 21 1786

"They left off too in a critical moment; just at the point where the Malcontents make their submission on condition of pardon, and before the answer of government was known. I hope they pardoned them. The spirit of resistance to government is so valuable on certain occasions, that I wish it to be always kept alive. It will often be exercised when wrong, but better so than not to be exercised at all. I like a little rebellion now and then. It is like a storm in the Atmosphere." - excerpt from a letter TJ sent to Abigail Adams in 1787

This was in reference to Shay's Rebellion.

Think about that.

I'm completely fine with working with left economically left, largely because when it comes down to a war of ideas a freer market will probably win.

They probably know this as well which is why they have no interest in playing that game.

Though I do agree, if it ever came to a time when the US was

I wonder what rage-laughing would look like. I feel the same way, but I can't seem to fathom how one would express it. I usually just bottle up everything inside and hide my powerlevel.

The day one of these leftist faggots raises arms will be the day I jerk off on their corpse.

They need to drastically cull libshit powers in Commieornia to undermine leftists there.

Then maybe a """Russian hacking""" of libshit and (((problem))) politicians by planting CP on their computer devices to imprison them and throw away the keys.
>You wouldn't really need to plant CP on (((problem))) politicians as CP is part of (((their))) culture

Then Jew York. Get rid of the (((problem))) once and for all, in the same fashion.

>the libertarian left attempting to place itself in the viewpoint of the libertarian right



>leftist fags comparing themselves to based liberty soldiers who BTFO the largest empire ever