Can we meme this into happening

>2016 Sup Forums gets Trump elected
>2017 Sup Forums causes a nuclear war

America needs to take one for the team, for all the destruction they've caused to western civilization they still have a chance to right all their wrongs

Sacrifice themselves and end globalism once and for all

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Yeah, c'mon yanks. Do what you do best instigate a war and lose

>2017 Sup Forums causes a nuclear war
>2018 everyone is dead

No, only everyone in USA. After the USA is wiped out Europe can return to normal


Only everyone on the west coast

so california

China has something like 250 warheads. Less than half are ready to go in less than thirty minutes. The other half would take days to rearm. Their best ICBM can't cross the Rockies. They aren't a threat. Never have been. We could flatten them with a single MIRV to the Three Gorges Dam.

>What is M.A.D.
Once the nukes launch then everyone else's nukes launch

Don't listen to the two bit chink OP who is probably posting from his Chinese Shop in Auckland. Globalism is great it feathers out opposing forces and will put an end to wasteful Military Spending and Racial Conflict.

USA gonna lose the war like always and gonna need the help from Europe but this time they gonna BTFO

MAD only applies when the countries involved have meaningful arsenals and/or are targeting half the planet like the Soviets and US were. If the Pakis and Indians went hot, no one else would be slinging a damn thing. With China's arsenal there is no M in MAD. There will be a lot of carbonized chinks, hawaiians, and califags, though. Over all a net positive for the world.