Should make up be made illegal?

Should make up be made illegal?

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If cunts want to make themselves uglier that's their problem.


No, It's how I identify crazies.

No. I don't want to look at ugly girls all day. Let them wear their masks.

Wouldn't it make more sense to make it mandatory?


you just make the mascara run.

The left looks better tho

>implying makeup doesn't just make bitches uglier

yep, its false advertising

It really depends on the bitch.


It lets you know who is false if you ban it you cant tell.

Honestly none of these caked on makeup whores are anything great in their post photos

Bunch of 7s

No, Achmed, normal people don't want bitches being made to be ugly.
Not really. If a bitch is ugly caking that shit on her face just makes her worse. If she's not it will make her ugly.

OP is proof that fascists are autistic.



It would show women their place though.

>make bitches be ugly to show them their place
That's stupid. Cunts exist to please men. They should look good for the man who owns her.

Fucking witchcraft

Hell yes. Think about the effects of makeup.

>women apply 10 minute makeup while men have to work out for long periods of time to become amateur athletes to jump 2 points on the attractiveness scale.
>Women inflate their sexual value artificially, snatching a man beyond her means.
>By also inflating their sexual value artificially, they get more attention, gifts, promotions, etc... without even offering sex (the only thing they are good for).

Maybe, just maybe... if make up was illegal, men wouldn't look at women as if they were all 10/10 princesses that deserve to have all their needs catered to without bringing anything else to the table.

American chicks don't know how to make up. Other chicks do, and the difference once it comes off is ASTOUNDING.

still would plow

>mild uggo magicaly transforms into gross bitch
It also ruins their skin.

Seconded. She's the first I've seen that looks better without the whore warpaint.

Yes they should no longer be allowed to have make up. The compromise I'm willing to make is tattoo make up. Permanent so that these ever changing chameleons have to actually stick by a decision they make. It would teach them the great lesson that the mistakes you make when you're young will follow you for life.

>mild uggo

Your standards must be insanely low.


Why stop at makeup? might as well start making everything illegal~

It would create a blackmarket

Wtf I hate girls and make up now

This is an unfair example seeing as how she just rolled out of bed and she even put a different shirt on for the makeup pic

put offending bitches in jail for using them,

what are you even saying here faggot?

Banning isn't going to happen..(((too much money to be made)))
A meme war on makeup would be a better idea.

Women selling themselves to men. It's natural, men want to fuck and move on. They only want to stay around if it's pleasant to stay. Women need to fight to keep men.

I think it makes girls more attractive, probably boosts their self confidence

No one should have to look ugly. Especially not women

Nah's an unfair and bullshit advantage. Average women look hot with make up..idiot men get mesmerised and empty their bank accounts.
It's turned average looking women into entitled bratty bitches...although as another poster said already it helps mark the crazies..but I am saying it's part if the reason they are crazies.

It should definitely be on the todo list.
Also it's a great way to inform them about reality in general. Since it has long ago reached the point were girls are "forcing" each other to wear makeup. Not even comrade Andropov could have dreamed of such a success.

(I always get sad after watching some older movie because the female actors look so much better. Sure they might have some kind of makeup, but nothing compared to what is used today.)

spoken like a true cuck.

Women have ridiculous standards for men: tall, handsome, confident, funny, adventurous, money-maker, but the only thing we expect from them (beauty) is rigged against us.

if you look at it from the economic perspective, they are artificially trying to inflate their worth to attract a mate they are not worth.

Well there was a taboo against makeup until the early 20th century, it was only for actual prostitutes. Shouldn't be that hard to invoke it again as we could co-opt feminists and the HAES crowd.

Not really. It's so fucking easy to spot a woman who's wearing a shitload of makeup.

If you fall for this shit you're a dumbass.

Damn, you spoke the truth.

Yes. It's all about eugenics. If there was no makeup only beautiful women would procreate and the race would be brought to a higher level. Simple as that.

>idiot men get mesmerised and empty their bank accounts
I honestly do not even think that they know what they are "selling" when they put on this charade. What does it even mean for a 10-year old to put on makeup..

>they put on makeup
>get positive response
>must be doing something good
>repeat and spread (because of the natural competition that already exists)

>sometimes take advantage of the response and sometimes confused and disgusted by response
>why is he staring
>men are pigs

Can't we just meme makeup into uncanny valley?

Are you really implying that ugly women wouldn't get fucked?

Right it boost their confidence and in turn lowers men's. How much easier would it be to approach the chick on the left..than her mask on the right.
Fact is women would get 80% less male peepers on them (something the allegedly hate) but they would be easier to communicate with as human beings.

No make up = less attractive, except for the top tier of naturally beautiful women, who we want to have pass on their genes for a healthy race.

If you want a white race where the average woman isn't a total whore then you'll achieve that once chads stop hitting on them..and take make up away and women will start having to compete for men in other with intellect and actual they once did.

Making makeup unpopular will...
Lessen sexual harassment (like feminazis say they want but get depressed when nobody harasses them)
Make it easier to communicate with women..(actual equality that feminists also claim they want)
Lower women's unrealistic expectations of what they deserve just for looking hot
Wake men the fuck up
Make average women actually get their shit togeather in order to turn themselves into marriage material
Leave the top tier of naturally hot chicks at the top, where they should be.

AKA restore the natural order and destroy (((their))) divide and conquer bullshit and primary (((revenue stream))) because men pretty much only get out of bed and go to work in order to fuck women and then to continue paying for fucking them for the rest of their lives. You would destroy men's motivation for working to fund women.

Also an added bonus..women would actually stay married..because they couldn't guarantee other men would be drooling over their non caked up face.

Declare war on makeup Sup Forums you know it makes sense.

let's just say they would be having a much harder time.

Are you retarded my fellow?
It's the women who believe that we only want beauty. In reality, a man wants far more than that including, but not limited to, children, emotional safe harbour, homemaker, and sex.

Unlikely. There is always some loser willing to fuck an ugly chick or a fatty.

If a woman wants cock she'll get it.


Yes because if an ugly fuck like me did that and fugged a woman because she thought I was chad mc chadderton the third esquire I would be jailed for 70 years as a rapist.

Women are the realists, men are the romantics.

You truly believe men want children on a level equal to women? who's entire biological function revolves around popping out kids?

homemaker? LOL. maybe when women do the work outside the house instead of pushing buttons to wash clothes and dishes... then you might have a point.

Emotional safe harbor? wow bro... not even touching this one.

Sex... yeah. what do you think BEAUTY IS YOU FUCKING LEAF MORON. Beauty => fertility => increased desire to have sex.

It's sad how easy it is to destroy the arguments for makeup without doing any actual research, and yet it is so hard to make it happen.
If we actually put some effort into this we might get things moving. Not for this generation but for the future.

At some point the mothers will catch on, thinking back on the ~2000-current year and how they performed this ritual every morning and simply refuse to let their kids go trough the same thing.

Yeah fat ugky chicks would get fat ugly dudes..the natural order of things.

Where as now we have 100 chads fucking a thousand average women. That means you future average wife, has been fucked by 100 better dudes than you and only settled for you to see her through her "mature" years when chad no longer found her hot enough.

Get it yet?

I say we ban face makeup that hides pimples and scars, but allow mascara and eyeliner because it's fun.

How are you stupid enough to get duped by ugly whores?

You deserve it by being gullible

>underestimating women.

You can tell a thread is gonna be good when 80% of the posts have the words "cunt," "bitch," or "whore" in them.

It's a wonder you guys are still virgins.

who is this?

Left is hot as fuck thought.

I don't...most men do though. And because most men do, it has created a epidemic amongst all women, where they are all super fucking entitled brats..who can't cook, won't clean, have no fucking loyalty or self discipline and abort on demand..and when they are willing to have ONE kid it's when they have hit 30+ and their best child rearing years are behind their shit attitudes makes them shit mothers.

It's a societal problem you stupid cunt..and as I live in society and want to see improvements it's my problem too..even if I choose a naturally attractive chick she will almost certainly be ruined mentally due to this bullshit.

Makeup is hot on girls. My gf very very rarely wears it though despite me telling her se looks better with it on all the time. She refuses, she's fucking lazy I hate it, any other girl does it and looks hot it's obviously not that difficult

Cunt detected.

t. roastie

vastly prefer the left

from a 4 to a 6-7. tough luck

How do you go from a good girl to a whore


>not being able to tell when a bitch has caked on makeup in an attempt to look pretty but ends up looking like a used bimbo
>not seeking out girls who clearly have a natural beauty and use makeup only in some parts


You can't ban the Jewish burka

op is a saudi proxy


She went from 10/10 qt to a 5/10 whore

I was implying I like the left one better as well

im sorry dude I dont know just some image I saw on Sup Forums a while back


Gooks. Not even once.

these posts are too fucking real

red pills everywhere

it's alaina fox

Makeup turned the 30 wall into the 40 wall. I wish it was illegal so women got their shit together at a younger age.


>I think it makes girls more attractive
Short term, yeah. Long term it fucks up their skin and makes them uglier.

30 wall still exists, you can change bad decisions

reminder that statistically, the median American woman has never had sex outside of a relationship, and will have sex with an average of 4 people over the course of her lifetime.

>No one should have to look ugly. Especially not women
covering up your problems is not a good way to deal with them you dumb cunt you should have to accept yourself for who you are instead of being so uncomfortable in your own body you put on skin irritating and aging makeup

Difference is if I hit on what 10/10 version (in your opinion m8)...I'd have a high level of confidence and she would have a low level..because she relies on the mask of high false confidence. IMO she look cute without the make up but gettable. With the make up all I see is a fucking bitch and I guarantee her attitude and expectations will change once covered in slap.

Women wear makeup like men's to give them false confidence.
The issue is along with the false confidence comes a bitch bratty entitlement..just like a drunk guy acts out of character so do painted women.
You don't seem to get it.

Women wearing makeup are putting on an act..and the more they act like queens the worse they fucking get.

You act accordingly to how society treats you..and women have become bratty bitchy narcissistic whores..due to make up driving MOST men to pander to their fake attractiveness.

We'll I must have dated the rare fucking arse.

Not from my experience it does.

I have a well paying job plus I am good looking and dating still isn't as easy as it should be for me. Girls in their 30's still have that ultra high ego and still treat you as disposable. Makeup can make a 30 year old look like a 20, only at 40 can some things not be masked.

I hate to say this because I know most of Sup Forums is young but don't being expecting women to finally get it in their 30s. I am 32 and there are still a lot of singles in their 30's, numbers don't lie. So if you want wife material start looking now because women en mass are not going to figure shit out until it's too late.

In public at least

I actually dated a chick something like this. Looked angelic without makeup but didn't get hit on all the time..however it was like a fucking feeding frenzy with chads when she got done up..she knew she had leverage on me and it wasn't just her face that changed, she loved the fucking attention and went from Dr jekyll to miss Hyde.

>women being honest on surveys about how many guys have fucked them

Obviously i just made this without paying attention to format the text, the actual message or the symmetry in the image, but i genuinely believe it is time to go to war on makeup.

pic kinda related.

She is cuter without the makeup.

Do you think her asshole smells good?

Not bad..I'd change the "increase expectations" because that sounds like a benefit...
"Lead to unrealistic expectations"
"Create a false sense of confidence"

I'll take the bait on this. You're absolutely correct in saying that most women don't "remember" having sex outside of relationships. They have very selective memory and will leave out certain details of their "empowered" past. Good rule of thumb is what ever number they claim to have slept with, multiply it by 5. Unfortunately, that is being conservative.

so is this the beauty jew now?

meh, it makes average girls hot so it throws off the balance of nature (for every ugly guy theres an ugly girl type thing) but instead of outlawing it, hit the gym. Thats a guys version of make (and cheaper, but harder)

Absolutely, they for sure don't count one night stands.