How the fuck is this racist?

how the fuck is this racist?

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It's not.

People conflate hatred of a race with the hatred of one individual of a race, and therefore they believe that you must think well of all members of that race, or you are a racist.

We live in strange times.

Because if you criticize any person of colour you're racist.

If you ever criticize a non-straight, non-white, or non-male, you're a homophobic racist sexist. Sure seems like somebody needs a trip to the reeducation camp.

its criticizing black people. So its totally racist.

Same thing with sexism. Perfect example: before the pussy grabbing stuff came out, Trump was called a sexist because he called Rosie O'Donnell mean names.

if you oppose the leftist you are racist

Montel was a motivational speaker at my inner city junior high school, way back when. His opinion is invalidated by that alone

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People

Colored People? Wew, lad. Racist much?

Little did I know but I was being racist when I called my nephew a kindergartner. I must make amends.

Ah Barber, the 400-pound gift that keeps on giving.

>comes from the german word Kindergarden
>german word
>literally Hitler

It's not racist when they say it

You're white so you have to say people of colour

Also another thing: why hasn't anyone tried to meme the NAACP into being racist because they claim to speak for people of colour but have an almost exclusively black leadership? Why aren't Asians, mestizos, Indians and red-indians represented?

In the USA the first year of elementary school is called kindergarten

What a little bitch.

if you insult black people in any way that is racist

Because niggers are racist? Shocking. I know

>In the USA the first year of elementary school is called kindergarten

> American education right there

it is a German invention brought over to the US by Germans. Thats why you call it Kindergarten because that is our word n sheit

Blacks don't go to kindergarten

Montell's tweet is the only thing trying to make it racist.

I'm sorry we culturally appropriated you Fritz