Is this fake news?

Is this fake news?


Is he Jewish?

What? It says "legitimate" right in the title goy!

They're pushing that narrative.. buckle up boys.. this isnt going to end well.

every time

HuffPost is one of the fakest of all news sources.


seth abramson is the most jewish name since kike goldbergstein

I present to you the Chan of the future, free of bigotry and hatred.

Go Plus!!

Hmm, it would be easier to use this comparison chart if he turned to the side.


99.9% of everything that comes from HuffBlow is fake. They've never been known for accuracy, honesty or integrity.

Basically, if you're a liberal faggot who needs your retarded opinions reinforced, then HuffPo is exactly what you're looking for.

This person is absolute fucking useless as a citizen. Why are we wasting so much money, capital and time at universities to educate someone in 'metamodern studies'


We need not businessmen. We need more people in technology and research to keep American dominance.

They already recounted the questionable states and nothing was even found except for democrap meddling and Trump gaining votes.

What kind of "conspiring" are they trying to say even happened.


Engineers and scientists to tackle tangible issues like managing the amount of food produced per acre of land vs the sustainability of that land's soil.
There are social issues but they have to be observed in a way that borders on orwellian before we understand the issue well enough to attack its cause without resorting to trial and error social experiments

if there are anti clinton faction in the fbi why wasnt she arrested because of the email fiasco?


>"Bigger than Watergate?"
>Conveniently forgetting that Clinton's email scandel was Watergate x 1,000,000.

At the very least he is a cuck.

Fat Fedora fuck who doesn't know his ass from his face. Does what he's told to write about from his no-doubt rich fat, jewish boss.

Good boi who doesn't know shit about how the world truly works and is content in his shitty journalist job that he gained doing fuck all.

>metamodern studies

They don't even care anymore.

Huffpost FAKE NEWS, sound legit.