Which state in the Midwest deserves to be nuked the most?

Which state in the Midwest deserves to be nuked the most?

Illinois (but only Chicago)




As an Illinois resident, I would be a willing martyr, this place is wretched.

Ohio, just fucking delete this place.

Definitely Chicago.

Cook county

Iowa can eat a uranium dick.

Chicago. Twin cities are a distant second.

Indiana. This state is so fucking dull and boring it should be removed.

Chicago pls small nuke tho, don't want anything outside of Cook County to get fucked up.

>Ohioan finally admitting his inferiority
Thank you t. Michigan

Illinois, for going Hillary by the biggest margin.

Illinois. Any other answer is incorrect.

My GOD this.

I grew up in Cook cunty and still live in this fuckin liberal shithole. Logan square in Chicago gents, the amount of unironic hipsters make me want to jump off the sears tower. NUKE MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Nice use of VPN Michigan fag.

Chicago easily

any answer other than Minnesota is incorrect

after how much brown dick North Dakota BEGGED the mouthwash drinking natives stuff inside their wives, sisters, and daughters; north dakota absolutely deserves to be nuked and ex-governor dalrymple should be raped by 10,000 nigger cocks

in regards to the DAPL pipeline protests****

Minnesota is the most cucked state. Illinois is a close second. Michigan is okay outside of Detroit and great in the UP. Wisconsin is okay if you're not in the south near Madison or Nigwaukee.
Don't know about the others.

whats is wrong with Ohio? very interested


>my state is associated with those shitholes pictured
Midwest Balkanization when? I'd rather be lumped in with Wyoming, Montana, and Idaho. I have nothing to do with those nigger infested shitholes in the picture.

Illinois fag here. Glass this mother fucker of a state!

illinois because of the blacks

Lol i like this

you from the dakotas bruh

fargo reporting in

>t. butthurt southerner who got his job taken from him by strong work ethic Iowan

Chicago or Minnesota

California Jew york, Jew Jersey, Washington oregon

thanks user

Minnesota fag here, if we go rid of the Somalis would we be spared?

No entire state deserves a nuke, except maybe Ohio, but rather a tactical strike on nigger nests like Chicago, Detroit, or Flint

Excuse me?

Kansas City Missouri

Minnesota. Alternatively, Chicago

Bismarck aka Cuckmarck reporting in


Pardon? I don't speak inbred hick

Absolutely nothing. michifags are bootyblasted nonstop

Correct answer here.

Minnesota is Sweden i.e. New Somalia.

Whichever one has the most niggers per capita

Get rid of the fags too and it's fine.

missouri but the terror fags and nuclear countries wouldn't waste their uranium on those inbred faggot fuckos

i say spare minnesota because you have cute girls

but you do need to get rid of the niggers

Minnesota without question. Probably six times over.

Give back Toledo you thieving kikes

Fuck Missouri. Still salty about bleeding kansas desu

The State of Chicago

Alberta. I want to die too.

I'll cut you a deal; instead of nuking the entirety of Missouri, we nuke both St. Louis and Chicago.
>t. St. Louisian


I live in central illinois can confirm this is the best choice.

You can have Toledo but you must take all the Somalis in Columbus.

I live in Chicago and can confirm this is the best choice

As always.

Tous Allemands, donc membres de la master race...

KCMO is a shithole too though

Everyone saying Chicago, keep in mind Chicago isn't all criminals and gangs. It's home to the University of Chicago, an elite world class institution, among other things.
Nuke Detroit, Cincinnati.


SuFu checking in, this snow is awesome. Now I see what you guys were bitching about.

Stay Cucked Detroit

Iowegians. Get it right.


t. chicagofag

Michigan has already been nuked.

Again, and again, and again, and again, and again...

Just nuke Detroit, Ann Arbor, and everything else near them. That's the only way to make Michigan great again, if such a thing is even possible.

Pierre, SD nigga

Minneapolis here
send nukes immediately!
The Somalis are closing in.


I don't care that it's not in the midwest. It deserves it the most.

Missourian here, you're correct about everything south of the river, go ahead and nuke it.

And actually Missouri has a prime nuclear target in it, I think there's a nuclear missile silo complex somewhere around Jefferson City.

Chicago. but Minneapolis, please.

As a Chicagofag, I am okay with missiles being redirected there.

The whole thing

>ignore science
>refuse to invest in education

>as a result corporations with jobs don't develop there as they'd like to hire women/minorities/gays/muslims too

>then they cry that "globalization is hurting us!" when it's their own fault


Woah... a fellow sioux falls fag. They do exist.

I like this

WTF do they mean by "American"? Everyone who wasn't an Indian had ancestry outside the US...


Branson is an affront to god.

>Logan square

Can you also please take out the entire south side, Bucktown, and Wicker Park? If there's any missiles left over, the west side too.

t. /comfy/ northside

Hey look, a Califag!

Hows that calexit thing going? You guys figure out you need to import water and electricity yet?

>Implying "Native Americans" can't trace their ancestry back to Asia

>I don't care that it's not in the midwest. It deserves it the most.

You Swede cucks would just let your Somali bulls back in again.

17th century Europeans...

One for each Indian reservation

>When you kill the Americans YOU BECOME THE NEW AMERICANS

>California wants to nuke Illinois

Caliniggers literally know fucking nothing about politics or geography. You are literally nuking one of your few allies.

You probably would even hate it more in the 90s because of how many puerto ricans lived there. Fuckers would constantly be breaking into cars and burglarizing houses.
At least hipsters are harmless (although I will admit they're annoying)

What is not wrong with ohio.

Ohio, illionios, missouri

Definitely Nuke Mishitgan

>Iowa can eat a uranium dick.

I'm with you on that one. When the fuckers come to Arizona for the winter they all drive ten mph under the speed limit like they're driving some bump-ass John Deer corn harvesters.

Use the gas pedal you stupid shitasses.

Why nuke the third best city in Ohio?



Nuke Dayton

We can all agree to this.

Circleville here

Please do this one

Holy shit why is the pumpkin show SO FUCKING PACKED NOW
