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tough to say without context but honestly just from the looks of it: no

Niggers turning feral instantly?
Color me surprised

How do you Russian shills find this crap?

Why isn't the other guy defending her? This story has so many dimensions by the looks of it.

same place all of 4chans content comes from: reddit

without knowing the whole context:

>bitch gets up to the nigger,
>pushes him.
>he leans in but refrains from hitting her.
>she slaps him
>he knocks her out

Verdict: he dindu nuffin. she clearly violated the NAP

honestly reverse the races and you would feel different, i hate to defend a nog but chicks cant just go around shoving/hitting men.

This is how women are meant to be treated when they get out of line though. Don't call this nigger behavior when it's natural.

This, I hate niggers just as much as any other guy, but the bitch was clearly being aggressive and attacked him first. He may have gone a bit overboard knocking her out, but she's a fucking woman, what do you expect will happen when you hit them? They do it because they think they can get away with it. This needs to stop.

bros before hoes, even niggabros

dumb bitch deserved it.

>honestly reverse the races and you would feel different
That would never happen. A white man wouldnt dare to hit a black woman.

Said nig nog called the cracker girls friend a fag. Cracker girl gets angry. Nig nog goes ape shit.

True story.

My only question: why is this case in Federal Court?

Hate crime.

>Shoves him once
>He holds himself back
>She continues
>Gets knocked the fuck out
I wouldn't have done it, but she deserved it.

>When you've had a few beers and decide to pull some feminist man bashing but you forgot black people have a higher victim status than you so you get knocked out once by the nigger and again by the table.

cuck detected

Blacks are 12% of the population and commit half the crime.

Whites are 11% of the world population and the only ones compassionate enough to allow immigrants in any significant way

You really think the puny white boi could stand up to the superior BBC?

Nope. Bitch is not a human being. She deserved it.
That's a rare case when a nigger is right.

fucking niggers. he was itching to fuck that bitch up. you can see him almost deck her for just pushing him.

This is what equality looks like in Current Year

Of course. But at least she learned a lesson that should be ingrained by instinct.

A nigger hit a human. Yes, the nigger did go too far. It truly is that simple

hardly equal/lesser violence
chimp went full chimp over a shove

The nigger was probably saying
"Ayo whitey bitch Ima rape you good u no wat im sayan"
She shouldn't have shoved him though because what she needed was a white man to put a boot on the nigger's head.
but don't be decieved Sup Forums

he broke her jaw and cheek bone. he threw the absolute hardest punch he could muster.

i know shart, i am entirely racially aware., your points, though true, do nothing to refute the fact that women should know their place, sorry i refuse to be a fucking cuck that lets women go around hitting and shoving men, regardless of race.

how is this so fucking hard to get?

She slapped him.

Women have that whole "I can abuse you and get away with it" mentality.

If we're just going off the video, she deserved it. Context would be nice, though. Maybe she just wanted her bike back, who knows?

Sup Forums loves niggers

they want to act like them, talk like them, steal girls like them

jealousy is what lies behind their "hate" for niggers, just look at this thread and the way the praise this guy for "treating women right"


I would, but I'd probably wince thinking about how I'm about to get herpes on my hand.

It's a fag. Couldn't you tell?
The bitch had it coming for hanging with niggers and fags, but doesn't excuse feral niggers using any physicality to start throwing haymakers at women.

You should have swooped in to save the damsel in distress


The perpetrator was black. Is it now a hate crime to punch a woman, or was it something she said before she was battered? Sorry, not familiar with the story.

>did he go too far?


>get pushed and barely moved
>throw haymakers
>be a nigger

grounds for execution.

what are jews going to do when whites really are genocided? nothing is going to get done?

You can tell he was agitating for a fight before it happened. The girl called him out on being a tough guy and he turned feral

>A white man wouldnt dare to hit a black woman.


What's the context? What are they talking about?

>ITT Sup Forums acts like niggers are humans and should have rights

It actually looked like he was stancing up for a sucker punch on the guy infront of him and the girl noticed and shoved him. Then he chimps out a threatening gesture which she proceeds to slap him like the animal he is for misbehaving, only to be punched, proving her own point.

Daily lion

is this nigger going to be the next ray rice?

- she assaults him twice
- he responds with one blow and walks away.

That's exactly how you should handle it.

she called him a nigger, not justified.

nigger apologist.

>hang out around niggers
>get attacked

Its like pottery

>reverse the races and you would feel differently

no shit, leaf

At least get knocked out and have some diginity. But he looks like a fag so he probably doesn't have any.

Why must it always be one or the other with you people ?
Both, death, by hanging.

This isn't complicated : he's a nigger, she's a whore.
Deaaaaath come oooon Sup Forums stop being retarded and of homosexual, always choose death for both.
Jew or arabs ? Deaaaaath.
Republicans or democrats ? Deaaaaath.
USA or Russia ? Deeeeaaaaaaaaathhhhhhh.

Come, let's start the slaughter already, come ooooon i can't wait anymoooooore let's start those death squaaaaads.

American football player punched his girlfriend back in 2014. He got in trouble and they've been fighting the release of this video ever since. Just released today.

>someone throws a pebble at you
>that gives you the permission to shoot them to death

she was threatening him. she engaged in physical violence.
the nignog's life and saftey was in danger.
he had to defend himself and neutralize the threat.
he knocked her out. that's how you neutralize a threat.
he acted on the same principle as all da evil whitey cops who shoot da poor black people. you shoot to kill, you punch to knock out.
you dont use tazers or slightly whip someone's ass.
no, you go hard.

tl;dr: you're a tree hugging, pot smoking, goat fucking, hippie. kys

>Implying I'm white

snow nigger detected

No, they act like crackers and would lay down their coats
With them still in it over a puddle of mud so a woman could walk over them without getting their heels dirty

Well hey, you can't honestly expect an animal to not attack when you fuck around with it, this is why white people need to not be retarded and learn that they can't control and commune with everything, even nigs know when to not approach bears and shit in the woods. So many of you die from animal attacks every year that it's borderline ridiculous.

She shouldn't have put her hands on him like that.

The nigger may be a nigger, but in this case, he didn't escalate the situation.

No burn the coal pay the toll?

frankly if it was up to me they'd both be shot

1. for hanging with niggers
2. for being a nigger and hitting a white person

link to story? has he been in jail/under bail ever since then? i take it that it was the woman's side that fought the release of the video?

To the gas chamber with all of them

In this case he really needs to be removed from the team. This girl did not deserve that response from him and an example needs to be made of this.

This post was funny because I read it in a french accent.

Psh, I beat my black wife all the time

>looked like he was stancing up for a sucker punch on the guy

No it doesn't.

He had one hand in his pocket and the other arm was relaxed.
Looks like he was turning to walk away.

>slapped him
Oh shit what will Tyrone do now?
He was probably ooga boogaing all over the store telling them he wants to rape all the girls and muh dicking to them.

The only thing the woman did wrong was not putting lead into his stomach

>- she assaults him twice
There needs to be some kind of mark or damage for it to be assault. That would be something like harassment.

See, this is why you don't understand women. This type of "manliness" is what they want. It's like you playing with a gun that could potentially kill you, but while you use it, it's the best gun you could handle.

She will be ducking his dick in a week.

>let's start those death squaaaaads.

We'll start the death squad, you can start the "we'll hurt you a bunch maybe" squad and then surrender.


>he didn't escalate the situation
He broke her jaw and cheek bone because she pushed him. That's escalation.

Wanna-be niggers all over this board.

>sorry i refuse to be a fucking cuck that lets women go around hitting and shoving men

The nigger was talking shit to the white guy acting tough and the women called him out on his toughness. She was defending her mans honor as far as i can see from the gif

Sorry you would let Jamal rail and impregnate your girlfriend after she defends you because she is wrong for touching first, cuck

At least post some fucking backstory retard

The guy is a football player, Mixon. Chick (Molitor) is a retard from his college

>Molitor "repeatedly instigated hostile conversations" with Mixon and his companions outside the cafe's front door, his attorneys wrote in an answer to the lawsuit.

>Once inside, Molitor motioned to Mixon to approach her at the table where she was standing and she then "initiated further discussion" with him, his attorneys wrote in the answer filed Tuesday. Mixon overheard Molitor saying he and other black men were trying to jump her outside, the attorneys wrote.

>Mixon also heard Molitor "and/or" members of her party use racial slurs in referring to him, his attorneys wrote.

Mixon "states he turned and attempted to leave the discussion and restaurant, but ... just as he did so, plaintiff lunged toward him and shoved him in the chest," his attorneys wrote.

It fucking infuriates me seeing women think they can do whatever the fuck they want with no repercussions. Even though it was a nig in this case I'm not even mad famalam desu

Implying they were ever civilized

>Get slapped
>Punch back
Even though he's a nig, he did the right thing.

Justified, she laid hands on him first.

Do onto others as you want done to you.

Women think they are independent, they do not realize whatever the guy sharing the environment with them thinks, wants, does and is raised like effects them.

>the nignog's life and saftey was in danger.

Hot temper death squads. Everyone with a hot temper gotsta goez mayne

Stfu you numale little shit

>her mans honor
It's a gay.

Israel Cohen, 1912

A Racial Program for the Twentieth Century


Oh fatso please, you guys wouldn't genocide your way out of a 1950 USA, let along a 2016 USA or a Brazil or a South Africa.

He could slap her back by the NAP

Proportionate force

hitting women like that is unacceptable simply because of the difference in strength.

like are you going to punch a kid like that?

you can scold them and restrain them and punish them in other ways but hitting them like you'd hit a man is retarded

to be fair he was standing there harassing them and talking shit. its classic roid rage.

t. cuck icenigger

>punch a 220lb giga-nigga with my manlet skinny hand
>he punches me back with the strenght of 1000 suns

Slapping her back would be fine if she slapped you

Equal rights, equal lefts.

Fuck that bitch, she's the real nigger in this story.

Nigger should all be put down like the rabid dogs they are.

White-knighting thirsty faggot

That nog tried to bite her at first but forgot he wasn't a snake.

kids are not expected to fully understand the consequences of their actions due to their immaturity and inexperience. adults are. that chick is an adult, she should know better than to hit somebody without expecting to get hit back.

This is the endgame of feminism