I started looking at Sup Forums about 3 months ago, and I've been given a dose of red-pills. Not all, but damn I've gotten some. Now I believe that (((they))) are the reason behind the world's problems, we need another crusade to wipe out the Middle East from mudslides and kikes, and that Whites (from Anglo to Slav) should inherit the Earth and all other races are backwards (the Negro most of all).
>i actually believe all of this, I am not being facetious
Why have you done this to me? I was content with being blue-pilled, I didn't want a red-colored suppository!
Is this not what you came here for? Are you not entertained?
Nathaniel Murphy
You can't go back user. Accept your red pill and move forward.
Gabriel Martin
Evan Gomez
Dude same here. I spend a lot of my time thinking about what people can do to stop white genocide.
I wish there were a way to brainwash myself into being a cuck. Who wants to cheer for the losing team?
Ian Williams
You should try being a Jets fan.
Nolan Rivera
>calls moma nigger
That isn't anything kid
I lost my job after inadvertently calling the black ceo of my company a porch monkey when he wanted to change the name of a 2 year long project because he thought "Spade" was racist and directed to him
literally no joke it was renamed faro
Mason Wright
I can relate to this image. My first post on Sup Forums was me being pissed off at you guys because I hate the fact that you were right about socialized healthcare after my appointment with a specialist (booked 9-months in advanced) was postponed for another 6 months.