The system malfunctions

Please scour the archives and find out why Sup Forums is being attacked. No other boards are being affected by random threads being deleted, postings not going through, and random bans occurring.

Other urls found in this thread:

Could be something. The boards started going haywire around 20:00:00

Ah, the reasonable gun laws are bots/shills. Please don't respond to them.

More than likely it's this though.

Please God, I hope that's fake.

Shills on /qa/ complained about pizzagate threads and are asking for Sup Forums to be shutdown. EWO theads are immediately 404'd. Hiro's responding and might be giving in. Time to move to 4*2Chan...this chan is compromised.

>samefagging this hard
great little webm though, faggot
shiva the destroyer gets a sacrifice
better tell your marketing department you dun goofed

Well, you explain to me then faggot why only this board was fucking up hardcore.

That sucks. Thanks for the heads up. Is voat still being censored?

new mods are shills
the war never ends, faggot
replying to your own posts pretending to be other anons means you're a shill too
got an explanation for that?

I've heard 4+Sup Forums is more controlled than 4chinz

I want answers, you fucking dumbass piece of shit. Look at this. All within one minute. This is some next level bullshit they're pulling. If you want to help, look through the archives and check back in.

Nevermind. Hope you polishbros were okay.

Links? No, it was a filter error. A mod fixed it.

The pizzagate threads are still up.

Sweet. Well, all this started happening around 1700. I kept checking the threads. Damn, they are persistant.

We are just not bumping them.

I keep thinking it had something to do with poland.

Are you a schizophrenic or something we can see your ID, this is the hardest I've seen someone samefag in a while maybe over a year or two

Something pretty messed up I found.


>complaining about postings

I already point it out, leaf
this faggot OP is actually retarded

Anon5 had a new thread. something about giants.


He's knowledge bombs took a crazy turn, same with pizza threads, it could be the people involved.

Or they were purposely thrown out of tracks.

I don't believe a word that guy says anyways. Too much of an asshole for my liking.

Oh yeah, here's a mod fucking with a thread trying to be an attention whore instead of just quietly doing his fucking job.

I gathered some experience with the Mandela effect, you can make people missremember things, you can change their emotional response to certain things.

And even easier, you can make them ignore things, mods are good at that.

Did you know they found the Lindbergh baby?

Had to check the wiki.

We are in the eye of a memory misplacing storm, holy shit it's gonna be weird.


They can't even keep their shit straight anymore.

Seriously though, if they fuck around with

Fuck around with what?

Sorry man, I was looking through the archives for more things. Found

I am trying to think of a memory that is close to me and I am able to remember vividly. Two things bother me. One, I don't want to remember in case it is changed. Two, even I do remember and it is changed, no one would believe it was changed. Something like Matt Groening's pronounciation. He hates it when people mispronounce it. He actually went so far as to change his autograph when a fan was in line to reflect the mispronounciation.

Fucking disgusting. Get your shit together paris.

found this.

And this. No wonder these guys have been out in full force todaa.

We are only starting.

Sooner or later they'll try to change something we know know.

And it doesn't works at that cognitive level.

Fucking norway. Get your bullshit (((queen))) the fuck out off the throne already.

Seriously man, if it's Jesus, the world will stop.

Pretty interesting. Man, the board moves so fast nowadays, people forget to appreciate the little things.

Shit. Every fucking time it's the pedos.

In relation to this.

Also, I think the 8 goddesses are American Queen Hilary Clinton, English Queen Elizabeth, German Queen Merkel, South Korean Queen Choi Soon-sil, and Dutch Queen Beatrix. The other 3 elude me. Please look into this. Getting sleepy. Good night.

Right, sorry. Almost forget. I wanted to post this earlier when the system was going crazy. Good luck.

You guys need to see a doctor. Schizophrenia can destroy peoples lives.

Hey, I think I hear a emu prowling around. Why don't you go check it out? :^)

I just posted a new thread and it literally instantly went to the 2nd page, and then to the 5th a minute later. Some rogue mod is fucking with us. We must revolt.