Why does he always make this face?

Why does he always make this face?

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He's still in the shock stage of comprehending leftist stupidity

This. I make that face too when listening to the person he's debating with. Mostly the college kids he debate with.

He almost lost it a few times

>be ill-prepared leftist reciting pre-made arguements like it's a class presentation

>white man that reminds you of your dad but actually a stranger gives you that look

>since you have social anxiety you cant stand the pressure of someone actually listening to the bullshit you're selling


>pol laughs vids of the incident and laughs

mo money babYYY

not always!

Tucker's persistent enough to keep asking the same question for ten minutes straight as they desperately try to dodge actually answering anything, and instead try to use his show to push their pre-planned talking points. And that generally just makes them look unhinged, at best.

Did he have the public masturbator mustache? Kid couldn't even look the camera in the eye.

It's a strategy. He is making a face like he can't belive the person he speaks to would say something that stupid. Just like how people laugh during debates to make themselves appear confident.

Coincidentally most people who he actually talks to are saying incredibly stupid shit so making that face is justified.

It's how he keeps from busting out laughing at leftist ridiculousness