Just a reminder that Russia the country you all love and jerk off to is responsible for this kind of disgusting...

Just a reminder that Russia the country you all love and jerk off to is responsible for this kind of disgusting degeneracy


>pussy riot
More like pussy whipped amirite?

Seeing that Cossack whip those hyper left sjw shit heads warms my heart. When it happened nobody cared and reacted with "what did they think would happen"

Reminder that Canada legalized beastiality

>Soros provocateurs vs. retard LARPers

Good. We should hose the whores, sodomites and other libshit protesters off our streets.

But they are dealing with the degeneracy in a propper way, by whipping it and showing that it is not acceptable.

didnt they stick raw chickens in their poonanies?

Looks pretty sweet to me. That's the appropriate way to deal with nutjob, leftist, feminist fucks.

But the good ol Russians seemed to clean up the degeneracy quite quickly.

Love it.