Post useless groups and organizations

Other urls found in this thread: population / 188860


Baltic "countries"

Orthodox church


>russian "federation"

vlad we know you want your land back but the little guys are terrified oh you after you slaughter all their Christians :(


Catholics are not real Christians anyway.

The EU


FACT: Bulgaria has the highest posts per capita on Sup Forums - ~40, upwards of almost 400% the average (being 10)


Ones that don't sacrifice babies every 45 minutes

New England.

This is like maybe 8th time i see your falg, and i never met Bulgarian in my life.

It leads me to believe there is something going on there. Are you even real or is it some sort of a prank?

Russian "Federation"

>mfw you lose WW3 and the Siberian Independence Movement actually happens


League of Nations-->United Nations-->refugees

Ever wondered why almost all Bulgarian posters here have perfect English, apart from constantly shilling for something (like that one pro-EU Bulgarian faggot who shits up every anti-EU thread)?

[spoiler]Bulgaria has the cheapest proxies[/spoiler]

Explains why there is such abnormality with post count, where English-speaking countries like USA, Canada, UK and Australia get an average of about 10 posts per capita, while Bulgaria has close to 40 (Bulgarian population of 7.3mil divided by 188860 recorded posts on Sup Forums from a Bulgarian flag = 38.7)

Sources: population / 188860

league of extraordinary gentlemen > league of nations > united nations > refugees

Well if only those guys were so cool as in movies.

Well the comics were better anyways


So Bulgaria is a Soros base is it?

I fucking knew it!