Why haven't you gotten a college degree yet, Sup Forums?

Why haven't you gotten a college degree yet, Sup Forums?

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Working on it now, archaeology degree with minor in computer science.

Already have internship in Belize

Feels good man

I have a law degree so joke is entirely on you OP

I'm not very smart and probably wouldn't survive college courses. I honestly can't believe I passed high school.

that's really cool, grats!

I didn't waste my time, went to a trade school, and repair cranes for a living. I repair propellers on the side for the stretches of time when no-one in America fucks up their rigging whilst working on a crane.

We have those too, during the good days they started universities in every forgotten back water place in Greece in order to attract students and their parents' money.
Local communities lobbied hard for this bullshit in order to rent their homes, serve their rotten food and pour their spiked drinks on unsuspecting kids.

Parents were so retarded they didn't want their kid to be the only one without a degree so no matter how dumb their kid was, he could always get into one of these shitholes and they would gladly thousands for 5-6-7 years or however long it took for their little moron to finish.
Most never did, they just partied for 4-5 years and then returned home.

At some point there was a degree for literally anything in this country, and the entry requirements in some cases was little more than writing down your name correctly.

I'm a pilot. You don't need one.

I just graduated with a marketing degree

Blow it shitlord

23, white, male.

>(((marketing degree)))

Because I pursued a trade instead

>and 148 others
Women really do just exist for external validation, don't they?

>not getting a degree in meme-ology

Economics masters in Austria in 2017

Working on getting a Bachelors of Science in Computer Science and thinking of minoring in Physics. I originally went for a History major early on until I had a realization on the practicality of what I was doing.

Cause I'm autistic as fuck and every time I tried tertiary education I made myself look like a giant fuckstick who couldn't learn fucking shit before dropping out

I reserve blame for absolutely nobody but myself, for being retarded as fuck

But I have, user. BSc (Hons) Mathematics, thank you very much for your concern.

Looking to pursue a degree in either law or computer science. As for why I don't have it yet, high school.

I do.
Biggest mistake of my life. Attempting to fix it by getting a trade school certificate now

Oh look, it's the same in the US.




It really is sad, but what can you do. Well, at least go to a community college and get an AA or AS for a fraction of the price instead of spending tens of thousands of dollars at a diploma mill.

Didn't really have the money for it and my parents don't either, and I just didnt like the thought of loans lingering over my head. Trying to get into some sort of trade atm but its tough out there.

People are actually looking at alternative education,Lynda and other sites, as another option to bypass degrees altogether.

Haven't really seen how it's played out.

because the only things i want to learn bad enough to pay money and spend the time to learn (music/art/history) won't earn me more any more money than I'm currently making (unless Im willing to be a teacher or get really lucky). I'm making 60k/year now with no degree.

Because I can read a book, Build a portfolio and get a job programming for $30 and some time.
college is for suckers.

>being in college
>not teaching college
Step it up, Sup Forums.

I'm still studying, I'll have a master's degree in political science in a few years.

holy shit greece, thanks for the effortpost

I'm gonna print this out and hand it to every boomer who tells me to "just go back to school"


Business Degrees are much more useful then STEM memes.

>not getting a degree in memetics

Skills dont matter anymore its all looks and who you know

they are all useless, only trade skills are useful. If you aren't a machinist just fuck off.

You wanted to be Indiana jones growing up didn't you

That's good because I have a large bone for you to examine

Finance masters reporting in

Alright Sup Forums would you rather have a degree from itt tech or a degree from an Ivy League school in women's studies?

ITT Tech was shut down due to insufficient indoctrination


>childhood education
>american studies
>bachelors degree

This is what people are proud of in todays world?

>Inclusive childhood
>he forces the integration of tards with normal kids bringing their education to lower standards

Going to be hilarious when the degree inflation bubble bursts. It's building up because every retard is getting a degree which will render at least half useless.

>go to college and get an engineering degree under the impression I only need a bachelor's
>everyone tells me I need to go to grad school and get a master's
>consider getting one for a while
>talk to actual people in the industry and they tell me all I need is a bachelor's
>get a job without a masters

Schools exist to scam you out of your money.

I have a BSc in mathematics

Working on my Euroatlantic and Global security bachelor's

But school is free and I actually received money for attending (why the fuck would european union pump money to encourage people to sign for computer science even though it is so popular, I have no idea though)

degrees are useless in western countries.

I'm getting one so i can live in asia though.

do they offer degrees in debt management/consolidation?

>tfw you successfully apply for a job that says masters required but you never went to university

Feels good man

University is for specialists who have a genuine passion or interest in a particular field or dummies that need a piece of paper to prove their repetition abilities

I'm anti-social and my years at Uni have been the worst of my life so far. Also, most of the people I went to school with and who already have their degrees either have a shit job or no job, so I guess being a long-term student can't be that much worse. I've spent the last 6 months working on my own business and hope to become profitable (enough) by May next year. Then I'll say "Fuck you!" to all the people who pressured me into getting a degree (and staying at Uni when I explained how unhappy it made me), drop out and possibly move away.