Hold this big L obama


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Also he fucks off in one month and we all know how much of a hard-on Putin has for Trump, so what is the absolute worst that could happen other than Putin telling Obummer to shut the fuck up and the latter throwing a temper tantrum in the oval office for a few hours?

>slap Russia
I fucking hate American journalism. You couldn't think of a better way to describe Obama's stance? Fucking retard.

>dude Drumpf will cause WW3
>Obama starts war with Russia as a lame duck president

If Syria hacked the election for Shillary = Totes okay

If Russia hacked the election from Trump = Treason

Fuck liberals so much.

>i told putin to cut it out
>the next day the hacking stopped

Was this nigger serious?

Reminded me of Hillary during the Primaries
"Hey cut it out!"

This. Literally what the fuck can O'bungobongo do under 1 month to Russia? New sanctions would require months to pass, the only thing he can literally do is starting WW3 but he's a top cuck so he won't do that.

He's a much more convincing liar though


ah jesus fucking christ not the grave concern again
pack it up comrade vasily, ids over

Someone needs to tell Barry that it's over and it's time to stop now.

I honestly hope they start a war with Russia and try to steal it from trump and start a civil war. South will secede. And I can sit back as Russia destroys the Yankee cucks.

What's with fucking trees shitposting?


I don't you, you tell me


m-mom? dad?

>A lame duck still thinking his stance means shit
No Obongo, that's not how it works. You rubberstamp whatever comes your way for two months then you fuck off to whatever rural mansion you have and write your memoirs while the public slowly forgets you ever existed.

Does your country smell of pine trees?

Nope. Just dirty muzzie scum as far as the eye can see.

New York is one of the greatest places in the world and how dare you wish something like that on them.

Dirsty muzzies are confined in the dirty muslim areas, Lebanon is a Christian country

you just decided that?

go back to the Outremer, crusader traitor.
Wait, it's gone already!
Praise Hizbullah desu

Maybe it used to be Christian but certainly not now. The Marionites beed tovget to fucking.

Realistically what can he do?

Obama is the weakest most passive President the US has ever had. On top of that he's only in power for another month.

I honestly can't think of one noteworthy thing king nigger has accomplished in office apart from Obamacare and some environmental stuff.

>I told him "Mr.Putin knock it off"

Why didn't he tell Putin to "knock if off" about Syria last year? This nigger is so fucking delusional.

But then, Obama did PERSONALLY kill Osama Bin Laden. Led the raid himself, and killed him with his pinky when his gun jammed.

USA always forget their actions:
- Stuxent and flame
- NSA world wide spy
- Gulf of tonkin lie (they call it incident, but it was a fucking lie)
- Iraq mdw lie
- kuwait baby incubator public relation stunt
- destabilising/destroying/colour revolution of syria, khmer rouge in cambodai, facist regime in south viet nam, iran, iraq, bahrain, tibet, egypt, ukraine, and afghanistan.
- killing of US citizen in pearl harbour and 9/11 (they let it happen)

Someone has to put a leash on this pitbull

He's bought 4 houses while living as the President. Each house costs more than his entire salary, so no one can explain where he got the money, legally.

He's going to primarily live in DC and "community organize" against Trump and the Republicans constantly. This is from his own mouth. He's not going to let a single decision or action go buy without commenting on it and trying to drum up resistance, civil and political, against them.

This nigger is going to die so fucking fast or have an accident and end up getting lobotomized if he tries to go through with this.

Of course, if he doesn't pardon himself for all his crimes in office, he's likely to be put down by the Secret Service to save America the embarrassment of prosecuting him.

>Realistically what can he do?
He can try to save face, like he's doing right now.

China is a far greater threat to USA hegemony, stop wasting time on Russia.


They all had plenty of time to up their security then.

USA just flush the toilet already.

This whole story with russians "hacking the election" is fucking hilarious keep it up america

>some subhuman muslim chink in indoshitia cares about some irrelevant country in mid-east enough to sling insults around
cute, lad, cute


>Putin gets sanctioned to oblivion
>somehow Obama lost


If you're shiite I respect you, you are fierce warriors and you can have the south and the beqaa as your territories


>that janky, leaning building in the top right

He's got one month to get us into a world war then. He'll be the last president before we go nuclear.

Kill yourself LARPer
