>How can the chinks even compete?

Also, Trump needs a badly spell checker but these are minor details.

Other urls found in this thread: from:realdonaldtrump&src=typd&lang=en

i'm guessing his misspelling of unprecedented is the only purpose of this tweet

Lmao, starting world wars on twitter is funnier than I expected it to be.

>Also, Trump needs a badly spell checker but these are minor details.
Have you learned nothing? It's part of his shtick to get the media/social media idiots to spread it around.




>Obama declares war on Russia
>trump declares war on china

China is the last remaining symbol of Communism after Castro died.

It will be a justified war.

Kek be praised ! Soon we will find out that the fucking chinese killed JFK. And you all now that is true.
>Low energy criminals.

>unpresidented act


Good. China has no right to take our shit.

Are you forgetting best Korea? I don't blame you, I'd forget too.

So who's being unpresidented? Obama or Trump?


>trolling for (you)s this badly

i'll give you one out of pity

what about vietnam and cambodia ? those viets are still commies

I thought Communism didn't allow for Imperialism/God Worship

North Korea is pretty much Imperialism with the leader proclaimed to be divine.


4D intergalactic space checkers!

Trump is going to make Anime Real.

World War 3 happened before the 2020 Japanese Olympics in Akira, right?

Good. Time to kick the Commie Scum so anime becomes even more real.

I wish someone would unpresident him tbqh lads.

So Trump tries to bully China together with Russia. Can't possibly go wrong.

I'm not even gonna give you a (You)

Obama let those artificial islands be built on his watch.

Also, China rejected the UN Hague ruling.

China is essentially a rogue state.

China lost the Mandate of Heaven a long time ago which is why the Japs invaded.

Such a cuck country doesn't deserve to be called the Middle Kingdom.

Would be fun if the fallout scenario actually turned out to be real



>Current POTUS threatening war with Russia
>President-Elect threatening war with China
Are we in the end of times Sup Forums?

>even the POTUS can't spell
>American education

Obama is the one that is shittalking Russia, not Trump.

australia this is just sad, do you need attention this badly?

>Trump misspells a word
>Media reports on whatever he said more than normal

It's not even a meme at this point, it's a fact that he spells shit wrong for attention.

Either way, this misspelling has an obvious double meaning as Obama doesn't seem to care about China doing this... so the act was "unpresidented"

Not many video games about China besides Hong Kong or Shanghai.

There is no such thing as Grand Theft Auto: China open world video game yet.

The Jewish people still haven't Rebuilt their Temple yet so the End Times can not happen until the Temple is rebuilt.

Their special cow has already appeared though, supposedly.

War with China could be a lot of fun

Chinks can't fight and don't have many nukes either..


That's some un-presidential illiteracy.

>typing on a computer/ webbrowser in month 12 of 2000 + 16 years

aaaand send, PERFECT!

Why are you afraid.

In all the Ends Times of every mythology, a Savior Appears and the World gets a chance to Reboot again except in Christianity, everyone just leaves for a better world.

Get this off here you degenerate
>>Sup Forums

I think it's a pun

THIS. We could probably turn Chinese cities on each other too.

Just look at the Chinese Farming System implemented in China.

How can you expect Chinese soldiers to be well feed when only the Elites in China get a chance to eat decent food.

It would be easy to starve the chinese army.

To this day I still don't know if Donald is a spelling/grammar retard or just pretending to be for 5D sudoku or whatnot.

Mental odds are 80% real, 20% pretending.

This is deflection from Russia, right? Trump knows he has mana to burn on the Chinese and is throwing another scandal bait out there to keep those media degenerates busy.


He has been playing 4D Chess.

He is a New Yorker.

New York people have always been known for weird English in America.

Also, does grammar matter when people type like urban dictionary these days?


but that was all literally Israel

You got it backwards, Russia is a deflection.

Obama, his AJ, and the FBI have all publicly stated that there is ZERO evidence to the story that Russia hacked anything to do with the election. The only source that claims it to be true is an "unnamed CIA source," even though the CIA itself is refusing to say anything and even told Congress to cancel any meetings about the subject due to lack of evidence.

literally 4d chess

yes, "the world" gets a second chance, but everyone who lives in it usually dies.

Not gonna lie, former Trump supporter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn with his tweets. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy do any more diplomaticness.

murriburgers are fucking KEKED LOL

crying on twitter when somebody takes their shit fucking LOL

It's clealy 5d...

There's no way he would accidentally spell that wrong.

shut up, its funny to watch retard run a country and his honest supporters melt down here on Sup Forums while trying to convince everyone that "i-it's part of his plan"

Trump knows how to spell and his few spelling mistakes have not been indicative of low intelligence. I think this is an intentional misspelling

no point m8. this whole fucking thread is plebbitors. Sup Forums is kill

The media will talk about it for a week.

My question is why does he want them to talk about it for a week.

Trump tweets about Obama being unpresidented, without actually mentioning the birth certificate at all

those too dumb to notice this, just subliminally read un-presidented

even stupider people spread it around by mocking trump...Wow

Idiots will focus on the spelling error forever distracting from the implications of what he said. China will still get the right message to stop fucking with USA property.

Trump is legit a genius. He keeps doing this 4d mindgame chess shit.

He appears to only tweet from a phone, in every photo of Trump working or his desk there's no computer. It wouldn't surprise me if he didn't use email at all.


IS It possible to build these drone things with some form of self destruction ?


He does it for (You)s

unpresidential unprecedented act?

Self destruct is a fairly overrated feature to have unless you're dealing with micro components like CPUs and what not. The materals the things are made out of for example are still recoverable and the design can easily be re-engineered based on the debris.

And on top of that you'll compromise the design by adding a bunch of pointless weight and also risk running into a problem where the self destruct actually kills someone and then you can easily end up in a situation where China can claim you've attacked themĀ“.

tl;dr - Yes but there literally no point and you might just make matters worse.

trolling softly

Look who's talking queer

Take it up the ass and fuck off




Can anybody find a tweet where he spells it unprecedented?

the drone is actually caught on our EEZ.
Based Chyna, protecting us flips fromm US spies

china is a real problem desu... they have millions of agents who steal informations for everything.. like they did with windrails in the usa. they copy it and produce and sell it for lower costs.if we dont stop them they will take over all of the worllds industry

America getting cucked yet again by superior China

He should just always use unpresidented


I know but it would be solid proof of bantz. from:realdonaldtrump&src=typd&lang=en

>look at the comment section
>it's all bluepilled liberal shitstains, like always on Twitter
How is that site still up? Haven't they not turned a profit in years?

No. That is not a declaration of war. That is a tweet about facts.

Also. Wtf is USA doing in the South chineese sea?

I just tested this. I have a Pixel and an iPhone 6.

On an iPhone, typing "unpresidented" will autocorrect to "unpresidential".

On the default Android (Google's keyboard) keyboard, it will correct to "in presidents". Other common keyboards do similar autocorrection on Android.

In any event, he had to purposely ignore autocorrection and predictive type in order to type in the word "unpresidented" on a phone. Many reports confirm he uses a smartphone in order to tweet (including in bed at night).

tl;dr He had to do this on purpose. There's no other explanation.

> from:realdonaldtrump&src=typd&lang=en

Welp, there you have it. That's pretty damn hilarious.

>Le Clinton ww3 meme
>Muh no fly zone

For fuck's sake, do people really believe she would have started a world war? No one, especially not the Democratic party, would have benefited from a war. It would be incredibly unpopular and Clinton's legacy would have been destroyed. The woman has been in public office for decades and has a relationship with nearly every head of state in the world. She may be a crook but she isn't ignorant. Everyone with even a elementary school understanding of world history knows the dangers of a world war and nuclear weapons. Trump is the only politician who talks callously about using nuke and/or proliferating nukes. Give Clinton a little more credit than that.

i just took 5 minutes to look through twitter

i'm pretty sure he's making fun of people tweeting at him. unpresidented is one of the more common words tweeted at him prior to him using it

How can one man be so based
I salute all burgers in this image board for memeing such a being into the White House

Communism becamevery fucked in 1920s, practically a religion with gods and prophets that made no mistakes. Damn we had scientific atheism universities like how USA has woman studies now. Soviet science for example was slowed down because of retarded shit Marx said when drunk.

>Unpresidented act

Fucking genius. The "misspelling" will grab the media's attention, whilst also jabbing at Obama for not being a President and dealing with it.

He corrected the record!

He deleted it and fixed the misspelling.


Will Russia help us take out China?

Damn it Don...

You do understand that seizure of military equipment is an actual act of war right?

According to Art of the Deal, he hates email and uses it as little as possible


Is this bait?

Depends. What is in it for us?
Might as well sell them lend-lease weaponz for goldz.

unlike nazi germany can america take on two fronts at the same time? i.e. china and russia?


Do you fuckers never check what people say? Op is lying dumbfuck

100 responses to a fake tweet lmao this board is fucking retarded

Can US win a war with China?

Some 7D Yu-Gi-Oh right there!
Watch them fall into his trap!
He trully is the Da Vinci of our times!

You have to remember quality vs quantity. Their quality is shit, and doesn't make up for the quantity.