Explain, is this some /x/ shit?

explain, is this some /x/ shit?

Other urls found in this thread:


uhm what

wtf is this?


That is what I imagine Podesta to sound like, pretty disturbing

MOLOCH worshippers in action.

How do we stop them? Jesus christ.

Seriously ANY background info would be nice.

Cant we just report this youtube channel to the police?

These videos upset me :(

Someone report it to US authorities pls.

If I report it to youtube, will they just delete the channel or will they contact law enforcement?

>Category: Sports

They will just delete the channel, Proving validity and contacting law enforcement is our job

that was disturbing

This guy gets his workout by beating his kids, apparently.

Can anyone answer: If the channel gets deleted, but nothing is done to stop the kids from being abused, I would rather leave the channel up. Does youtube report these things to law enforcement or child protective services?

probably just delete the video

what you goto do is report it to several agencies

FBI, Police, Child protective services etc. the more places you report it to the harder it is to ignore, and the more liable they become

You can always save the video, and printscreen the YT account, that way it dose not matter wheter it gets deleted

Which agency do you even report it to? Is it automatically the FBI? I have no idea, obviously, what jurisdiction this guy is in.

jesus christ

at least the kid will grow up with a father

But they might come to your door and ask you where you found it how you found it etc etc just more info for the case but if you say Sup Forums they'll put your name on a list.

Why do I get the feeling that the guy is a jew? I think he has a jew voice.

You can anonymously tip to the FBI, wich means they cant legally look you up, ofc they could find you if they want to but they arent allowed to

Is this some sort of art project or what am I looking at

Nice context faggot

Yeah a list of heroes to be provided with sex slaves when the nukes drop. We love Sup Forums trust me.

r u trying 2 trick me?

jesus thats disturbing

How do you get a kid to scream like that for "art". I have never heard a kid scream or cry that convincingly in a movie. It is always forced.

This sounds genuine....but what do I know?

Did the dad catch him?

What does this have to do with ghosts?

I'm making fun of the light show and shrieks.


I don't think this is any type of art.

It kinda looks like the kid is in some sort of hole? Maybe in a basement?

it's a sliding glass shower door.


whats with the lights tho?


I've seen some disturbing shit (ISIS beheading videos etc) but this was terrifying on a more visceral level. This is the stuff of nightmares

No clue. Weird vid. But I don't think hot water was involved because of the lights.

what the fuck is this


are those disco lights or fire?


Please tell me this is fake.

What the everloving fuck is that?

disco lights on a glass shower door

Reminds me of this episode of Moral Orel:


Boston parenting

Is this the prequal to GoodWill Hunting?

If so it all works out guys, that kid grows up a math genius and has to go see about a girl

For me this stuff is worse than ISIS beheadings just hearing that kid scream made me turn off the video.

thank god, it kinda looked like flames

Bunch of redditors in this thread I can see.
This video isn't anything new.

i couldn't imagine to be that kid, what ever the fuck he is doing its going to stay with him for life.

this is just my theory but i think he is trying to make a claustrophobic feeling with the red lights and hot water to instill a fear of terror, imagine being locked in a shower cubicle with steam suffocating you and a red ambient light to add, its sadistic shit what he is doing

Thanks for clearing that up Satan, I guess I'll be on my way


Sorry, I did not mean to present that as fact. It is just my opinion that it is disco lights on a glass shower door.

Strobing and distractions to overwhelm the mind, to make it more malleable, typically coupled with sleep deprivation and/or loud sounds and music. It's torture.

This man is torturing a child, probably trying to make her disassociate from her family and accept her new "father". The likelihood the child has been abducted is very high.

This is what I gathered from my first and last look of this sick fucking video.

So it isn't anything new and still nothing has been don to rescue this child?


Child trauma inspires greatness or failure

Like flipping a coin that almost always lands on fails except with your own children


>1 post by this ID


Ten years from now: One paternicide coming up. Seeing that video will lead to acquittal too.

Lol what the fuck are you going to do? Wtf is anyone going to do other than whine and leave death threats in the comment section? Good luck finding out where this crazy fuck lives with the complete lack of information you have on him.

Bill burr?

report it to the FBI

Isn't that, you know, what the police are paid to do?


he voted hillary

>All of those other videos made by the same guy


Did anyone watch the other videos? Just some edgy horror rap trash. Doubt the uploaded actually made that video personally. Still fucked up regardless

has anyone actually reported this? i am honestly compelled to

Hasn't Sup Forums managed to d o x people who abuse cats. If there are people on here with the skill to find a Brazilian animal abuser, can they do the same for this child?

Several tips have been sent in.

That is a good compulsion. Please report it.

oldfags have dispersed across the chans long ago

Did you listen to the lyrics? This fucker is disturbed.

what did he mean by this?

the screams sound pre-recorded for some reason

why hello there mr fbi

the fuck is this bullshit

can an aussie make an fbi tip?


Yes. Anyone can.

Yes but it's no different than any other edgy lyrics. It's all shock value. I don't believe that he made those child abuse videos himself but they should be looked into cause clearly they are not an act

Please do

Anyone can.

What did he mean by this?

>until then im gona be playing with my privates
>download porn till i get a virus
>and i have to format all of my devices
>shady websites make my dick go up like the climate
>watching these kids struggle for help is priceless

edgy whigger rapper looking for attention here or snapped pedo with nothing to lose?

wake up from the dream, "jinkies"
havent left my basement in 3 weeks
last time i saw the sun i tried to drown myself in the creek.
only talked to my mom, ive forgotten how to speak.
but who cares? every time i leave someone calls me a creep.
i dont ever sleep. i dont even eat.
vyvanse and adderall keeping me at peace.
if you got some xanax please break me off a peice.
disrobe around the house so i cant see my neice.
i came in her bathing suit so she dialed the police.
caught me red handed, had her on her knees.
not in prison, claimed i had a disease.
so they let me be, faggots let me free.
sitting in the the basement watching my tv
shitting in the basement using my pc.
just encrypted drives containing some cp.
pictures of my waifu on my weewee.
all my neighbors hate the sight of me
bricks through my window, one or two or three.
i am still forced to live in poverty.
stuck with living off of disability.
got some illegal shit on dvd.
lie to my mom about having a job, what is wrong with me.
stuck in this basement, but its where i want to be,
speaking of lies, my sex is zero.
talk of suicide, i wanna an hero.
stream it all live, my head will disappearo.
im a godfather, robert deniro.
so i get on the ground i and i kneel. grab the shotgun, ready to end this whole ordeal.

>edgy whigger rapper looking for attention here or snapped pedo with nothing to lose?
Thanks for describing Sup Forums but I'm on the ladder for now

I can't watch this... what is happening

Bumping for justice for children

Can you really say you're surprised?

I kinda like it

Pretty sure they're his. Listen to the lyrics on his "rap" video

links to more social media


I mean..I guess not apparently

It sounds exactly like Bill Burr.

That video inspires rage. I couldnt get more than 5 seconds into it.

Sounds like a cry for help from a manic depressive sociopath to me

Who knows, maybe he posted the video here so that someone would stop him.

You really shouldnt be

Bruh, wtf.