Sometimes I think Sup Forums reminds me of the smart kids... in elementary school. Now those smart kids are out there working as doctors and lawyers, computer engineers some are unemployed and playing video games. How do you explain the smart kids who grew up and didn't find their path in life and have time to post on Sup Forums? Personally I am stupid. So I have no idea.
Sometimes I think Sup Forums reminds me of the smart kids... in elementary school...
Come closer
i do it because im trapped here
I post from work m8.
My issue is authority
I get mad dealing with borderline retards all the time and sometimes they are in the position of power and it really fucks me over
I increased sales by 30% at my last 3 jobs (not even my responsibility to do so) but was reprimanded for being too "mean"
33% of med school admissions are Jewish, 44% are non white and the 23% are half white women. Its a joke.
Oh, but the real answer to your question is that most of the posters here have one of the following disorders:
>Schizoid personality disorder
>Avoidant personality disorder
>Paranoid personality disorder
Seriously, look em up.
In other words you're an emotional child that doesn't know how to play nice with others.
You can be productive without being a jerk.
Appellate lawyer, first day off in about two months, so I'm just shitposting while the hangover subsides.
implying someone can't do all these
>go to work
>go to college
>play videogames
>shitpost on pol
Mental illness in most cases. Autism, depression, anxiety, addiction, personality disorders, ect ect. We live in a very sick society and it produces a lot of very sick people.
Nice projection. Go work at huffpo if you need safe spaces and group therapy meetings as part of your work. Business isn't friendly.
Why do you think most posters have that
Don't be a retarded cunt and you won't get treated like one.
I'd leave the business in a heartbeat if I had someone like you in charge who doesn't appreciate hard work and results
It must be excruciating having to deal with those peasants. What's it like being the only smart man in every room you walk into?
Dude your proxy isn't good enough. Fuck off FBI.
None of it matters. Everything is a lie.
Yeah, that'll do it, speaking from personal experience. It's gotten hard to even get out of bed or start playing a videogame, let alone see the doc to get this fixed.
Everyone in my extended family thought I was the smartest thing ever and constantly talked about it. Made it a couple years into college then it all went to shit.
I can almost feel the disappointment, but they probably don't think of me much anymore really.
I'll get out of this funk, I just hope it isn't too late.
Seems rather unlikely, well I guess if you count in those who post once in a blue moon.
Eternal underachiever. Never put effort into anything, especially in school even though I was in the top class for everything and exams were easy without any revision.
I'm 27 now and It's only the past couple of years I've started to put some effort into my life. I work in IT and I'm doing pretty well, been with my current company since March and have had two promotions and I'm gunning for a third. I wish I would have had this motivation when I was 16, I feel like I'm constantly playing catch up now.
I was that way in elementary school. Like I was wicked smart compared to other kids my age. I got put in smart people classes and shit and scored really high on all the standardized tests. According to those AR reading tests, I read at a 6th grade level in 3rd grade.
But when I hit 5th grade all I could focus on was chasing poon. I constantly forgot to do assignments and forgot what people told me to do. I was good at band though, and always played lead in my grade. This continued throughout his school.
I'd say I'm somewhat successful now. I have an engineering degree and make decent money.
Or maybe it was spongebob who fucked me up in middle school. Who the hell knows
What happens if I have all of them?
It just fits a lot of the posters here.
>people who spam unfunny memes
>people who spill their spaghetti trying to "redpill" their friends
>people with few friends since they're awkward as hell
>people who are emotionally cold and apathetic toward crimes against humanity
>people who (by choice) live a sheltered and solitary lifestyle
>people who also have elaborate fantasies about creating a Sup Forums colony, even though it'll never EVER happen
Schizoid personality disorder.
>people who are kissless virgins since they're scared to make a move
>people who are so scared of negative evaluation in social interaction that they spend their time posting exclusively anonymously
Avoidant personality disorder. Sup Forums has some overlap with /r9k/ and this basically accounts for all of them.
>people who believe secret societies control everything
>people who believe [x] controls everything
>people who want to be completely anonymous at all times
Paranoid personality disorder. This one's pretty obvious considering every other thread on Sup Forums is a conspiracy theory.
You can do it, bud.
The paranoid thing is really interesting. From where does it originate, why would there be so many people who are so paranoid? I like some conspiracy theories but such concepts are often thrown out of control. I think they are also an escape, entertainment. I don't think that's bad, I think it's just a fact.
Conspiracy theories are such a thing on the internet.
>smart kids
I would put some blame on schools. When you are young you have no frame of reference. I assumed that doing well in school meant that I was actually doing well. Now as an adult I am mid-bottom tier at my job as an engineer. That still puts me above average with the general population, but It would be nice to not have to fumble through my job hoping no one notices. I now realize that I was the one that needed to take the initiative rather than just assuming good grades were enough, but I really wish someone had told me this sooner.
Haha good troll huh
(you) >>red dit
thanks for the (You) m80
Fucked up education system.
Also, alot of Sup Forumsacks post from work.
Hard work
some of my best friends from childhood--who are really smart--are unemployed neets all because they have absolutely no work ethic.
Stephen, if you read this post you really need to move out of your parent's house and be independent
D-d-do I have all of that?
Yes bruv, you do.
See, the problem is you think Sup Forums is the smart kids, when in reality we are the autistc kids.
>hung out with the smart kids but was always too timid and lazy and depressed to really be one of them.
>now they all own their own businesses or are working in advanced scientific fields with multiple degrees
My path was different, but it's cool to see more well socially adjusted elementary school friends succeed.
Funny, I just realized that many people expect successful and smart people to be conservative and anti-SJW. It's like they somehow know deep down their rampant leftism truly stems from their (feelings of) inferiority.
a monkey can be trained to 'sign language'. given enough time or the right subject, acedemia can be regurgitated like a trick. The American if not western school system is such a trick, where regurgitating the answer on command earns a "smart label".
Truly being "smart" is succeeding in your environment. They environment man lives in is large and complex, and 1 of its compositional parts is called "school".
one is neither "smart" nor "successfull" by succeeding in just 1 of these realms.
True "sucess" in life is the product of mastery of ALL phases of the "game".
Evolutionarily speaking, that's what people are after, but there's only so many of them to go around so people decided we can all share one of our own creation, which evidently doesn't work.
It's nature meddling with natural selection, ironically.
what an amazing semen demon
Yes. I don't think anybody will argue this.
I always act nice to others but I always end up being hated because im too conservative/ traditional/ outdated