lmfao dad's watching it while i play sc2... so fucking gay. is this what neo-Sup Forums is talking about when they call me a christcuck and say i should be a pagan? looks like numale jewish conditioning to me
Vikings TV show on History
Also, the best viking warriors were Christians. Olaf Trygvasson, Cnut the Great, Rollo, Harald Hardrada, the Normans.
Agree, yes, agree.
>implying you are not a christuck
People aggrandise Vikings so much yet they're a bunch of degenerate Pagans who just raped and pillaged any civilised society they made contact with, they are the niggers of Europe and maybe that's why their descendants love actual niggers so much.
I really like the TV show, I think the shit with Ragnar's ex is retarded but I like the show
people are flawed. Only Jesus is Jesus.
and the Archbishop's mother was a cheating harlot. Sad!
>implying I have to agree with what all priests say to be a Christian
Uh, no. I'll just follow my 10 Commandments and the Bible.