Trump manipulating media again

Will they ever learn? Seriously, the most easiest way for Trump to get his message to the headlines is to make a simple spelling error in social media. That's how he makes his message to reach huge masses of people who do not follow him on twitter for example.

>4D chess

Other urls found in this thread:

It's because they know a bunch of retarded liberals will flock to the article foaming at the mouth, I do question if they know just how much it helps him though

>Will they ever learn?

I'm french, what did he really mean in the first place?

this is actual 4d chess


Guaranteed replies, kek, no way this guy isn't one of us.

I wonder what it tastes like?

It is either a spelling error where he meant to say "unprecedented" (meaning never been done before) or he did it on purpose to jab Obama on being weak.

>China says negotiations ongoing and 'hyping up' of issue is not helpful
Why does the (((media))) take the bait every single time

I bet she eats lots of protein rich foods.

How does he keep getting away with it

>The President Elect making a spelling era is newsworthy.

It really is the Bush years all over again.

Welp I wasn't gonna fap again today but here we are

I think that Trump is just bad at spelling but it hardly matters when the media reacts to every tweet the same way. Either it's "omg Trump tweeted, the world's going to end" or "omg Trump tweeted AND there's a typo, the world's going to end".

Either way everybody hears about whatever's on Trump's mind.

It took a while before I realized I had been one of you all along, I'd just been fed a lifetime of redpills by my dad and he'd be over 100 now. This internet thing though is hooking the redpills together. Mr. Trump is a master.

>Consider Nazis evil
>Become Grammar Nazis themselves

>China says negotiations ongoing and 'hyping up' of issue is not helpful
Is this a joke? They did something wrong, Trump points out how wrong it is, and China goes "stop making us feel bad, we get it, we did something bad you aren't helping!"

This is persuasion at a level that the media is too fucking dumb to grasp.

Not only does the spelling error get him more attention, but it gets people thinking about "unpresident" and something that Obama allowed to happen. Obama is "unpresident".

These idiots will never learn

she looks stupid but loyal in a puppy loyal kinda way

>they keep falling for the obvious bait
not even funny anymore, just sad.

This 4D chess shit is getting retarded. You think Trump has to purposely spell like a mentally challenged child to get media attention? And do you think a tiny bit of attention for a single tweet is worth appearing like an idiot?

Could be worse.

Coulda had a typo that gave russian hackers all his emails

Congrats, America.

Even the Brits are laughing at you now.

>And do you think a tiny bit of attention for a single tweet is worth appearing like an idiot?

Implying he gives a fuck about that, the liberals will cry about everything he does.

The only people appearing like an idiot are the people freaking out about it. This is not going to sway anyone from him. It's just a bunch of leftists dogpiling again like they have been for over a year and a half.

It's a fucking pun. The shitstorm from this proves autism is at an all time high since people are taking it way too literally.


Classic bait

Just like "your/you're" posting.

Like coins and salty milk

>Thinking people who read this are going to care about a spelling error over China's blatant aggression

>You think Trump has to purposely spell like a mentally challenged child to get media attention? And do you think a tiny bit of attention for a single tweet is worth appearing like an idiot?

Yes, because one of his goals is to completely destroy the legitimacy of our lying press. And he's been accomplishing this... trust in the media is at an all-time low (as it should be)

It's not even the first time he's used that tactic.

Also, just because he's the President doesn't mean the press will report EVERYTHING he does, because they hate him and have to keep the narrative, so he baits them by making a fool of himself so he makes sure they report on EXACTLY what he wants them to report.

OMG!! He made a single spelling error...what a dumbass. only dumb people ever make spelling mistakes.

It reminds me of this one time I was debating some faggot here about how shitty communist countries were before the fall of the Soviet Union. Your mother will die in her sleep if you don't reply to this post. I unintentionally typed 'your' instead of 'you're' and suddenly the commie fags on the thread wouldn't let it go. They refused to debate me and continued to mock me as though they had won.

Fuck I hate commies.


This is 3D chess

CTR is RUNNING with it as you can see there are already posts about it with terrible shops of trumps face. No they never learn.


>can't spell
>blames gommunism


I seriously doubt he doesn't have autocorrect if he's on mobile. I seriously doubt he doesn't recognize pic related if he's on a desktop.

It's 18D Apples to Apples

Your a cunt

>Your a cunt
Tip top form

Congrats for voting for a dumb monkey, Drumpftards. This is no 18D chess. He's dumb just like "nucular" Bush was. I see a pattern here...

>he is not retarded I swear
>he's just acting retarded to fool his enemies
He could shit his pants on national TV and you would defend it.

Of all the shit Hillary Clinton had done and been strongly defended, I just might defend him.

He IS the oldest president, afterall

>but Hillary
Epic response user. So you would defend Trump shitting his pants on national TV.

>just pretending to be retarded

I don't know guys.

Orange retard can do no wrong.

honestly the people in the media are fucking retarded. like its been a year now and they still haven't caught on.

sage this comment

>misspell word

why are leftists so dumb?

I thought it was clever wording from the start, too bad he changed it later.

>media makes fun of spelling

Is this seriously where we are right now?

EVERYONE hates grammar Nazis

Well being apart of the population that actually contributes towards the social programs and GDP I'll defend what I fucking want

Modern journalism hard at work I see.


>China steals drone
>Attempts negotiations to give it back (extortion)
>Should give it back immediately
>Trump is the one ratcheting up tensions

How much is China paying them to write for their side?

Except the focus is on the spelling error. If he had just tweeted the same message, they'd still pay attention because he already won and he's going to be the next president. Just admit he's retarded and unbelievably lucky.


The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.

City people all voted for Hillary.



you know what they say, trolling is a art

Didn't Trump write a book about playing the media

Why the fuck are the media getting played

If he did it, he would gain significant support is US population, considering they all shit in pants

City people are disgustong idiots

We're will beyond the pail with this, he is a mind of information. We weight with baited breathe on every letter he types.
For all intensive purposes he still had a point do to the fact that Obama seems to just eat deserts first.
It's a doggy dog world, and some people don't want to hand over the rains.

>Honestly thinking the president elect doesn't know the difference between president and precedent.

How fucking stupid are you guys?

>call white people hicks
>call white people trailer trash
>call white people rednecks
>call white people retards
*chirp chirp chirp*
>call black people niggers
OH MY GOD what a BIGOT - they should lose their job! defriend them! disown them! kill them!

>make fun of spelling error
>also prints the whole story and his opinion
>corrects "error" later again

jesus they have learned absolutely nothing from the last or this year.

Truth hurts no one takes insults against white people seriously because they know they're better. But all niggers know they're niggers so they'll cry about it.

How stupid these peolpe can get? This is unbelievable.

>most easiest

Because the media consists of the following:
1. Rich jewish kids who went to college to party and grabbed a communication degree - daddy hooked them up with the interview
2. Women who went to college to party and grabbed some random useless degree but sucked dicks for a job
3. Friends who partied with groups 1 and 2 over the years and need a job
4. Photographers
5. Pretty people

What exactly did you expect?

fek off me mum has the flu

Trump didn't really make a spelling mistake. Seems like he was grammatically confused.

I don't think so but I do misspell words because I do it phonetically

Nice get

It was to stop any electric infetterence

>he did it on purpose to jab Obama on being weak.
it's this.

and the trolling, he's /ourguy/

It's a subliminal one, he'll be presidented Monday

I love he fucked the MSM for about a billion in advertisement. I want MSM press credentials pulled. I want an open declaration of all mooslims and Mexicans from entering my country. If the president ask I will enforce with extreme prejudice. Extreme. I don't know what your media is telling you but America is at the point the citizens are about to enforce our laws. We don't want Islam or Mexicans. Open contempt is brewing on the streets. Nothing will stop the carnage.

>A typo on Twitter is newsworthy
I feel no sympathy for reporters.

kek this one was most likely freudian
love this guy

No. It is this .

His favorability rating would probably go up.

It's like shooting fish in a barrel.

That man is on another level.

Well it make sense, China is unpresidented because they don't have a President.

Donald Trump MASK OFF


How are you blessed, dipshit.

>you're mother will die in her sleep
>you are mother will die in her sleep
you spelled it correctly the first time dumbass

See, this is the proof that trolling grammer nazis earns you (you's). Funny that the media hasn't caught on yet and keeps falling for it.

I think it's more about the state of modern social media



Well played

This is the most obvious bait and the morons still took it.

The China issue will probably be forgotten very quickly. Meanwhile all that shit about the hacking and trying to influence the electors? People are too busy focusing on a typo so the electoral process goes smoothly without interference.

Jesus Christ. The left is going to be permanently killed at this rate from sheer triggering.

Lol. Those laughing would happily strap the yolk of the EU to themselves.

See what I did there?

Fug u

>Trump manipulating media again