Once and for all. Is there any proof, that russia influenced the election by hacking private information?
Liberal media spreading this kind of stuff left and right but I cant find anything.
Once and for all. Is there any proof, that russia influenced the election by hacking private information?
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Molymeme did a video about it, it's a good point to look into the evidence.
thank you
None. I'm happy to let them think that way since they can't imagine there is anything wrong with the Democrat party message. They will make the same mistake again and again.
Is Putin like 5'5"? Clinton is 5'4" and he barely looks to even have an inch on her. I thought lying manlet was 5'8".
As long asthe left wing media goes on with their "fake news" campaign they will shoot themselves in their own foot as long as they dont provide hard evidence. How the fuck dont they see that?
I think because is easier to digest. If their followers are not told what they like to hear they will just withdraw from news coverage and follow something else like sports or crap entertainment.
We know they wanted to influence the election. We don't know how much they influenced the election. We do know that the hacks were state sponsored.
>We do know that the hacks were state sponsored.
>we can't let foreigners influence our elections
>illegally import millions of people to have more voters
top kek
I don't understand the problem. Putin 'hacked' the DNC campaign, what this basically boils down to is that Putin got hold of some DNC emails, and leaked them.
This made the Democrats look bad. That makes Putin the enemy.
There was a phishing email that was sent from a Russian IP range.
That's it. That is all they know. They don't know if it was proxied, or the government, or some fuckoff having a slow day.
There is no proof it was the Russian government.
Julian Advance said the leaks and hacks came from one of his guys working undercover in the DNC. Putin denies the claims against him by America's shitty dumb liberal leftist garbage buzzfeed media, and asks for proof which there is non of behind the claims being made. All of this makes leftists look further and further off the deep end retarded.
Fucking autocorrect
evidence sir
Even IF Russia did hack the DNC servers, what's the problem? That they exposed emails and made the democrats look bad?
Is that what they are pissed about? That the democrats looked bad due to these emails and swung the vote in trumps favour?
I should clarify what i'm asking here, i should of said this..
a couple years ago the russian goverment hacked emails of russian opposition leaders then they killed one of them. maybe they'll kill obama now as well
The hacks were immediately tied to Fancy Bear and Cozy Bear, two groups who have a long history of hacking in order to serve the Russian interest.
>One of the first leaked files had been modified on a computer using Russian-language settings by a user named "Feliks Dzerzhinsky." Dzerzhinsky was the founder of the Cheka, the Soviet secret police.
>A second mistake had to do with the computer that had been used to control the hacking operation. Researchers found that the malicious software, or malware, used to break into the DNC was controlled by a machine that had been involved in a 2015 hack of the German parliament. German intelligence later traced the Bundestag breach to the Russian GRU, aka Fancy Bear.
>Even IF Russia did hack the DNC servers, what's the problem?
There is no problem. In Obama's conference yesterday, the best he could say was that it unbalanced the election it wasn't fair. He blamed the hacker instead of the fuckers doing the actual corruption exposed by the emails.
It's like this
If you go in your girlfriends phone and find out she's been fucking 20 guys on the side ... you ask her about it ... what does she say? ... "HOW DARE YOU VIOLATE MY PRIVACY AND GO THROUGH MY PHONE OMG YOUR SUCH AN ASSHOLE".
It's like that. They are completely deflecting and no one is falling for it.
Also, in his conference, Obama said the media wouldn't shut up about the content of the emails. WHEN WAS THIS? I was raging because the media was completely ignoring those emails! Only on websites could you find information about them.
>But the hackers' gravest mistake involved the emails they'd used to initiate their attack. As part of a so-called spear-phishing campaign, Fancy Bear had emailed thousands of targets around the world. The emails were designed to trick their victims into clicking a link that would install malware or send them to a fake but familiar-looking login site to harvest their passwords.
>To manage so many short URLs, Fancy Bear had created an automated system that used a popular link-shortening service called Bitly. The spear-phishing emails worked well—one in seven victims revealed their passwords—but the hackers forgot to set two of their Bitly accounts to "private." As a result, a cybersecurity company called SecureWorks was able to glean information about Fancy Bear's targets. Between October 2015 and May 2016, the hacking group used nine thousand links to attack about four thousand Gmail accounts, including targets in Ukraine, the Baltics, the United States, China, and Iran. Fancy Bear tried to gain access to defense ministries, embassies, and military attachés. The largest group of targets, some 40 percent, were current and former military personnel. Among the group's recent breaches were the German parliament, the Italian military, the Saudi foreign ministry, the email accounts of Philip Breedlove, Colin Powell, and John Podesta—Hillary Clinton's campaign chairman—and, of course, the DNC.
All the Democratic left really cares about is to SEEM a certain way. All their talk is just talk. The actual substance behind such talk is weak and regressive. They're so insecure that they don't even have the capacity to trust things that are proven to work, like discourse for the sake of building a mutual understanding- just 1 example of something they never do. They would rather just push their own agenda and views over the whole world, force everyone to conform, and demonize anyone who disagrees. Ironically the Democratic left is illiberal and fascist in practice, but they are self entitled to be that way because of their fabrication of tolerance and diversity. Cultural Marxism is giving them a lot of ideas, but of course the running theme is ignorance and self entitlement.
>>One of the first leaked files had been modified on a computer using Russian-language settings by a user named "Feliks Dzerzhinsky." Dzerzhinsky was the founder of the Cheka, the Soviet secret police.
Bull fucking shit. No way would a computer savvy person use a format that would save that information. That's like uploading a picture from your phone without erasing the EXIF data. That was a fucking setup. False flag. No way that is real.
I absolutely agree. Problem might be that the "evil" russians had some preferences and chose whose emails they published.
But I dont buy that.
2020 is going to be like 2016 +4
This. This. This. Perfect analogy. It's simple enough that even retarded leftists can understand too
Here's the definitive answer. With regard to hard evidence, intelligence agencies have claimed to have it but never produced it. Obama said yesterday that they would reveal their full report including evidence AFTER he leaves office.
>It's like that. They are completely deflecting and no one is falling for it.
That's exactly it! I'm waiting for them to say something like "They hacked the election machines, and fiddles the numbers and gave trump a win"
So essentially what it boils down to is that dodgy stuff was exposed, and they lost the election because of it.
So it's whoever exposed it fault, apprently.
>American investigators had long known that the Russians were doing more than spear-phishing, but sometime around April they learned that the intruders were using commercial cloud services to "exfiltrate" data out of American corporations and political targets. Cozy Bear, the hacking group believed to be affiliated with the FSB, used some two hundred Microsoft OneDrive accounts to send data from its victims back to Moscow.
>Using cloud services such as OneDrive was a clever but risky move—it was a little like taking the bus to make off with stolen goods from a burglary. Though the widespread use of the services by legitimate users offered a degree of cover for the hackers, data provided by Microsoft also helped America's elite digital spies identify the DNC intruders "with confidence" as Russian. It is even possible that the U. S. government has been able to identify the names and personal details of individual operators.
you are all degenerate
There is a mong at work who was entertaining g this shit. I asked him what was the content of one email . He couldn't answer. I then asked how could a leaked email influence the election if practically no one knew what the email was about?
I thought you CIA shills had the week off.
She's probably wearing heels, which throws everything off
enlighten us russia
so fancy bear and cozy bear might be russian, but they don't have proof.
This means they're definitively russian?
Distraction, meme the Russians are coming, loud and long enough. It's gives democrat supporters an ego boost, they weren't losers somebody cheated. Undermines Trump, continues the anti Russian meme. Present day Russia is not the USSR, but is being sold as the USSR.
There is the above proof in the recent hacks, but earlier hacks also pinpointed them as Russian, hence the names.