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He's lieing,you know if.
Philippines will be the greatest island nation on Earth
biggest faggot on the fucking planet. murdering people because they want to get high is retarded as fuck. how would you feel if your government would murder you if you want to expand your mind and or enjoy yourself?
Fucking degenerate.
>"And I'd go around in Davao with a motorcycle, with a big bike around, and I would just patrol the streets, looking for trouble. I was really looking for a confrontation so I could kill."
he expanded their minds alright
I would feel dead, because that's how I would deserve to be.
I wish America would do it.
One man Right wing death squad
shitty opinion but still lol
That's only if you get caught fampai. If you don't your fine af.
Checks out.
>island nation
Cause Britain is legit af rite
>Expand your mind
It doesn't.
>Enjoy yourself
Can be done without drugs and alcohol.
None of you have ever smoked weed. Look, I agree that most of what pol days is a true red pill. But the whole drugs being illegal shit is one I don't think is good. Just legalize it all regulate the fuck out of it and tax it to holy hell. Let all the people who can't control themselves die. The rest of us are responsible.
Some people in my country call this guy "the Donald Trump of the East", but that's just b/c they don't know anything about him. This guy makes Donald Trump look like Bernie Sanders.
hes an identified lefty you inbred
I have smoked weed. It doesn't expand your mind, it just temporarily inhibits it. You can literally get the same effect from breathing heavy then standing up really fast.
The philippines is a crazy place, he could be telling the truth
>expand your mind and or enjoy yourself
if they'd do that by reading a fucking book or working out they'd still be alive today
nothing of value was lost
I agree but this is where pol goes fucking delusional. Marijuana is very scary for these people.
Try again faggot.
great shitpost m8, all those replies
Sounds like you haven't to me. And also how does it affect you if somebody else smokes weed?
it makes them re-examine their shit lives and gives them anxiety
My hero.
>smoking weed
>it turns your senses better not worse
>you don't even feel like moving because of it
>it is actually very healthy to your mind, to inhale lots of chalked plants down your lungs
Right you are, totally with you in this one.
I've smoked it. Doesn't really feel like I'm enhancing anything I'd rather be sober and live in the moment without drugs when I'm enjoying myself.
I'm not saying it's healthy. But it does make you feel better for awhile. Why is that such a bad thing? Also marijuana doesn't make anyone violent.
Sounds like you haven't to me man. Anyone and everyone who has ever smoked weed knows it shouldn't be illegal.
But then the people who can't control themselves will commit more crime to get the money to buy the shit. This doesn't solve the problem.
compare it to a fucking pill, weed is a forced relaxing where not only you get pratically paralyzed for some minutes, it also affects your eating behaviour and again, the lungs.
Weed is for idiots and the weak willed, any smart guy will know that you can do practically anything as a stress killer without drugging yourself, same for cigars as well. Only runnaway retards will ever try these things.
>implying that problem will be around forever
They will die after a bit. And no one will do that shit anymore
Most of the circulated drugs around here is meth. I've lived next to an addict who also sold them. People would come in the middle of the night and bring appliances like televisions and whatnot. We lived inside a gated subdivision FFS but he had connections with the police.
Majority of random heinous crimes around here are committed by meth heads.
So you've never tried it? I guess you're an expert on the subject.
>Kills 3 guys that likely brought it upon themselves with the pull of a trigger
>Kills hundreds with the dial of a phone regardless of wether they have committed evil or not
Do people think Obama's drones fire without his orders?
CHEESE!! for everyone!!!
>literally explaining what it feels like compared to what it is
>"you've never tried it did you?"
come again?
Ren and Stimpy
National Socialist confirmed
>No degeneracy allowed, PERIOD.
>Dude, you've never tried it, lmao
>This is literally the only argument this fag has.
Are you calling yourself a run away idiot then? Also to say you're gonna get "practically paralyzed" sounds like your either haven't done it or you did but it was laced. Probably was since your from Brazil
Are you retarded? By that logic why are cigarette/alcohol corporations still around and growing? They kill millions every year and it means nothing. I feel like im talking to a 3rd grader or some shit having to explain this
>Ren and Stimpy
Pretty good cartoon, but I'd like the real sauce.
Tell me user, are drug dealers nice to you?
>And also how does it affect you if somebody else smokes weed?
Just watch the third video here The drug addict became violent and hurt his family too. How does that not affect the society you live in?
Refute it then pussy fart.
Yes, and now i'm facing the demons with the heads up and pride in my hearth, while having to debate with a freaking weed apologist that thinks weed is still cool.
I laugh every time
he's only killing problem drug addicts and dealers. he's not executing weed smokers, drinkers, or partakers of psychedelics.
>implying that cigarettes and alcohol are the same as hardcore drugs.
Are you just pretending to be retarded or are you actually this dumb.
>I have smoked weed. It doesn't expand your mind, it just temporarily inhibits it. You can literally get the same effect from breathing heavy then standing up really fast.
wheres the part obama publicly lelelelel about it???
im sure youre happy you get the week outta high school for winter break soon
>British online news is literally called the BBC even after "BBC" searches on any search engine only give you 1 thing
Not true, there are many arguments for cannabis
>Stoped toddlers' cluster headaches and seizures without causing brain damage like every medication
>20X more powerful antiinflammatory effects as aspirin
>Reverses alzheimers and MS and Parkinson's damage
>Not addictive, despite what faggots think they experienced (ask anyone who has even gotten off Adderall)
>literally nothing bad about cannabis, only retarded uneducated faggots think otherwise.
Meh, they were only drug dealers, move on.
To each his own I guess. However does that mean people should be killed for doing it?
senran kagura and stop thinking with your dick
Are you retarded?
All I'm saying is that Obama has killed hundreds by his own orders and millions indirectly by serving his globalist financiers
lmao don't forget
>bbc kids
It's only drug dealers he's taking out.
>changing the subject to does weed apologist should be killed.
Nah, just you in particular asshole.
I'm not going to watch a video right now. Explain to me how, if I smoke weed every now and then, it affects you.
Discussed this with my parents recently. If the law is doing nothing and there are community destroying crack dens, why not go like The Raid and destroy the class A dealer's? Third world solutions.
Cannabis is better than tylenol so no he isnt killi drug dealers. He already admitted they are killing Marijuana dealers. This is about jacking off the big Pharma and anyone on Sup Forums who supports this monkey degen (even irnoically) is helping suck that Big Pharma dick.
>a fucking toothpaste
Island Nation Power Ranking
1. Philippines
2. Japan
3. Britain
4. Straya
5. Cyprus
6 through x. Stuff I never heard of
x+1. Tuvalu
Your the one putting words in my mouth earlier too faggot. Quoting me as saying weed is healthy. I know that it isn't. But it's not as dangerous as alcohol or other drugs was my point. I don't know why you're so buttmad my dude.
Anyone got his Christmas greeting on YouTube?
>senran kagura
Thanks, user.
So because this dog fucker kills people for smoking weed (1/10th as harmful as the tobacco they all smoke) he is more powerful than Britain? Japan? Dont make me laugh. Only Sup Forums tards look at him as anything less than a Pharma-implanted dog fucker.
Japan talks down to the foolish UN and puts Obama globalists in their place
Duterte is good but hes no glorious Japan
Fuck off, smoking weed is degenerate and you're part of the perversion of the society just like alcoholics
>if I smoke weed every now and then, it affects you.
THe whole thing is about ADDICTS.
You know, those guys who beat their moms because they need money to buy drugs. Those guys who point a gun at your girlfriend to take her purse because they need the money to buy drugs.
It is not about the college student who smokes weed before the semester ends.
well they do say that filipinos are the mexicans of asia so i believe it.
Alcohol is close though.
No. Smoking weed doesnt create any of the effects of alcohol. Either way its none of your business, disgusting rat jew. And here in America we are done with Hollywood so pretty soon you will all be exterminated by the sand niggers. Have fun calling people "degenerate" for using a medicinal, anti-carcinogenic substance instead of your kike-forced jew cures.
Ill explain this so you're under developed mine can get it. Hardcore drugs kill people. Alcohol/cigarettes kill people. Death is death. You're logic is saying if all the junkies die off they're wont be any left to do bad crime herr durr durr derp! Are you aware of birth and new life or are you just this retarded?
There is no such thing as a weed addict you fucking tool. There are KIDS stuck on METH (Adderall) and unable to eat or sleep. Millions in America alone. You are a kike slave.
Weed is bad
Weed is less bad than any other drug which are also generally bad
>its none of your business if what i do ends up destroying and perverting society
>addicted to weed
I realize hardcore drugs affect people and their families. But That wouldn't go on forever. If you're an addict, you will overdose at some point unless you quit. Therefore the drug use ends itself