Why do conservashits want to bow down to Russia ?
Better than bowing down to a nigger.
I'm so glad that Obama is suddenly concerned with what Reagan would have approved of.
And 80% of the US presidents rolled in their graves when they elected a nigger
Ronald Reagan was a piece of shit.
>massive expansion of the military-industrial complex on the taxpayer's dime
>amnestied illegals, claimed the feds were gonna enforce the border from now on as part of the amnesty deal (they didn't.)
>was verifiably senile and his administration was actually run by the first female president of the United States, Nancy Reagan, and the neocon advisors and moon-worshipers she surrounded herself with
We don't bow down. We promote peace and unity, unlike liberals who want war and division.
>bowing down to russia
>not because russia has the same idea of what a country is like republicans do
>obama to reagan
>as if reagan was ever mentioning actual russia and not the old shit
>as if obama ever liked reagan ever.
Such a bad bait is even easy for non-americans to dismantle it.
He's an honorable Christian with family and country values. Obama is a Muslim nigger
America re-elected a hardcore Alinskyite twice, and almost elected another one. I think Reagan would be rolling in his grave because of that.
>Conservatives want peace with Russia
>Sup Forums is saving liberals from potential fires
>A billionaire somehow was an underdog in the US elections
This is a weird world we are living in.
That's stupid.
The cold war is over. The claim that REAGAN would be disturbed would be to suggest the cold war never ended, something that no doubt WOULD disturb Reagan.
Something we need to know, Obongo?
Because Putin is a man unlike that watermelon, fried chicken, and menthol cig fiend nigger Obongo.
I see nothing wrong with Putin. He hasn't attacked the US and isn't a concern to the US. He's trying to take out Muslims in the Middle East and I'm cool with that.
Because the Russia from Reagan's time is not the same one as today
>Ronald Reagan
>Millions of illegals now legal
No thank you to all of above. All I care about is a Christian theocracy.
A "puppet" of Russia is better than a puppet of Saudi Arabid
Plus Reagan was a shit president and the prototype cuckservative
Why bow when you can squat?
Why? Because the USSR was in a Cold War with the US, Americans cannot approve of the current leader of Russia?
> Christian theocracy
Fuck off mike Cuckabee
>1 post by this ID
althought bait these threads somehow always serve very well to strenght our conservative views.
This is a disgusting characterization of your President. He doesn't smoke menthols.
>Reagan was responsible for NAFTA
You spelled "Bill Clinton" wrong
>atheisms is now at all time low of 1.6%
It seems to be you that is offing yourself.
Still smokes newports.
>joining forces with the last bastion of white nationalism
>uniting two world superpowers in peace
>bowing down
That nigger has bowed and kissed every ass across the face of the planet, I don't want to hear him talk about bowing to shit. And why the fuck is he suddenly holding Reagan in such high esteem? Wasn't he just "muh drug war" and "muh crack dealer" to you apes?
fuck off, Varg.
This is a Christian nation where respected civilized men dwell.
Why do white democucks want to bow down to shitskin subhumans?
The Cold War is over. It ended 25 years ago. I stand by my fellow white brothers and sisters in solidarity.
Reagan was still a globalist shill.
>Obama speaking on behalf of Ronald fucking Reagan
Ronald Reagan would roll over in his grave.
Your point Obongo?
Appeasement doesn't work
But russian are snow niggers.
Because people are sick of having weak leaders and they recognize Putin is different
Says who?
/k/ here, can confirm Reagan was a fucking retard. Pic very related
>Iowas were obsolete the moment they were built
>spent the war doing zero of the surface actions BBs are designed for, merely acting as an AA barge for carrier groups and fire support for amphib landings - neither of which require a big fucking BB
>reactivated once by retards
>reactivated again by alzheimer President
>burned supercarrier levels of cash while being less useful than a Burke
>faggot officers cause accident
>blame one of the dead enlisted for it
>closes its career providing fire support in Iraq, but only after all the shore-based AShM systems were dealt with... by carrier aviation
> MUH Christian nation
No we are not , you god damn mentally ill Conservashit . I thought you FAGGOTS emphasized individualism , not that everyone should conform to bullshit Protestant values
Hm, everyone?
why do libtards want to bow down to sharia?
So wait OD actually likes Reagan now?
Everyone knows this. This is not new
>russia are snow niggers
fuck off
Ronald Reagan the immigrant loving faggot?
Yeah, who gives a fuck about that cuck and nobody cares about Obongo anymore. He's just lame duck at this point.
What elevated Reagan to "God-tier" status. He's literally one of the worst presidents we've ever had.
Most don't . We realize the dangers of Islam but realize that radical Christianity has more dangerous legislative influence in our country
Diaspora, please. Russia s literally northern Nigeria.
When did Reagan say he hated Russia? I thought the USSR and communism was what he had a problem with.
We don't. We want a bromance between Vladimir and The Donald. We want a renewing of nationalism that will shake the SJW's of Europe and the barbarians of the ME to their cores.
Asia can come along too, but they have to be quiet.
What so scary about gays and women being btfo?
Reagan would roll in his grave to see how far soviet ideological subversion has destroyed the US. A product of which got king nigger elected
Fuck this cunt
It's going to be a long eight years of pussy rubbing for you bois.
Just shows how stupid Obummer is, or how stupid he thinks the average american is.
Ronald Reagan had no idea who Putin ever was. His stance was against Gorbachev and former USSR. Hell they arent even communist anymore.
why would you post a quote from
Nigger boy obama
I hope this is satire
ITT : raging racists Conservashits
Because Putin is actually fighting ISIS.
Putin values traditional values like family, community and country. Obama is a nigger of the worst kind, only looking out for himself and shitting on everyone else.
>Implying Reagan wasn't the warmest president to the commies since 1923
Read a fucking History book.
>radical Christianity has more dangerous legislative influence in our country than radical islam
>unironically being this fucking bluepilled
ITT: nigger sympathizing Reddit fags
>the Russia of 40 years ago is the same Russia as today
>we want CHANGE, but everything we don't like STAYS THE SAME
>minority of Republicans, not even conservatives
wow it's nothing
Only the USSR was a problem. That's long gone and we have new enemies now like ISIS.
fuck off we have snow niggers here. literal fucking niggers in literal fucking snow. fuck you and your white nigger snow bullshit
Fuck Reagan
Over 90% of people believe statistics without evidence
>what is specious race baiting
Where did the 30% number come from though?
>First Acting Female President, Nancy Reagan
Try again, bucco
t. Edith Wilson
Wow , Reagan actually had some sensible views on gun control . He's earn more respect from me
He also approved of gun control.
ITT: ID Politics is not racist when I do it .
Why are liberals suddenly warmongers
Never defended Islam m8 . Just stating the facts that Christianity has more influence on the government in the USA than Islam will ever have . This is correct
I don't like Obama for many things but he was never, ever seriously scrutinized or challenged on his rhetoric.
Doesn't Occupy Cuckocrats hate Reagan and ave bashed him constantly in the past? Why do they love him now?
Because they are willing to start a world war if it means de-legitimizing Trump.
>that guy on the left trying his heat not to look like a western spy
I noticed that EU countries voted to extend sanctions on Russia another six months. Supposedly they wanted to extend it further but are wary about Trump and whether he will try to end them. On the other hand, their interest in sanctioning Iran is fading rapidly.
I wonder if Trump is going to attempt to pressure the EU to hold the line on Iranian sanctions in exchange for the US maintaining Russian sanctions. Trump talks like a straight up neocon on the subject of Iran, but is friendly to Russia. Nevertheless, you don't know how his policies will actually develop.
It's not appeasement when the country in question is a first-world shithole that wouldn't stand a chance against the US
>What elevated Reagan to "God-tier" status.
He took over after Carter, who is one of the worst presidents ever, left office. Also, he was all about American spirit and the economy exploded when he was president.
>Sup Forums not realizing they are a terrorist organization
Seriously, since 9/11 autistic NEET faggots have killed more people in the USA than Muslim terrorists. Tbh, I'd trade you fuckers for a bunch of hard working Panjeets and Ahmeds in a heartbeat.
Russians aren't communists anymore you fucking piece of nigger shit.
Who says we want war? We just want to give them the Iran treatment.
They're still the niggers of Europe. The only thing of value they produce are mail order brides.
This . Slavs are basically mongrel niggers and not suited or civilized to be called white
>when your entire life is low quality shitposting and bait
Because Reagan fucking hated Slavs right? Not the Soviet Union? Is Obama that much of a fucking retard?
war on US soil will be fun
>US soil
Occupy Democrats really makes you think
>This obsession