/es/ - Spain General

This thread is for the discussion of Spanish politics.

>Puigdemont says the Referendum will be in 2017
>The government to Forcadell: "Nobody can freely disobey the law"
>Permission of paternity will be extended to 4 weeks
>More fucking immigrants are coming
>Islamic State compares the conquer of Granada with the war of Aleppo
>Pablo "I am a communist" Iglesias doesn't want Podemos to become a battleground

Other urls found in this thread:


nobody cares about your irrelevant country


reminder to spaniards
>using your wife's stupid son to pay your own debts is retarded if you're not retired cuz you're the stupid


where are the new immigrants coming to?
shithole south or based north?

To the zones with the highest amount of employment so the north.

Most likely urban areas.

why is Barcelona such a shitty place?

why is everyone so complicit in this, even PP?
why does Spain accept hundreds of thousands of African "migrants" who just show up
yet make immigration from the US so difficult and expensive?

Some statistics on immigration and crime

they could come from all Europe except Romania and UK and maybe ONLY MAYBE Argentina, but I think will be otherwise, lots of retirees from UK, gypsies from Romania,
peruvians, colombians and moors

They are not inmigrants(not all of them at least).Most of them are friegaplatos that are coming back as the unemployment is

The city's ok, the problem's that amount of cucks

because we are retards

>We have more EU migrants than muslims and Panchis combine
Why do I only see niggers,sandniggers and Panchis in the street?

VOX, are they good?

>are they good?
Yes but with Podemos everyone is voting PP to not get commies in thr goverment.

based spainbros,
in many places in USA we have right-wing rural areas where many people live together on the same land or farm, is this a popular idea or something that exists in Spain?
It would be very cool to live with other based Spaniards and start a farm

They are, they're pro-Jews though so I don't trust them a lot.

Because EU migrants blend better than the average Inca. Also you probably live on a Big city, while EU migrants move to Canarias y Baleares o Leon y Galicia.

No, they are just an scission of the PP more serious with immigration, is 90% PP

Because our government is pro-EU cuckservatives

>in many places in USA we have right-wing rural areas where many people live together on the same land or farm, is this a popular idea or something that exists in Spain?
>It would be very cool to live with other based Spaniards and start a farm
All villages are right wing.As long as you don't go to Pakilonia

Since we have government (we had 3 elections the last year) the country has stabilized to its normal status:

-Catalans separatists keep pushing independence (they will fail as they did before). I think the Pujol mafia have confidential information about PP and PSOE, that's why the government tolerate them.

-More inmigration.

-More LGBT, feminist and SJW laws and media shilling.

-Rajoy keeps licking Merkel's ass.

PP+hard in inmigration+anti abortion + anti islam is pretty good desu

Has anyone noticed the Venezuelan invasion? As some of them have Spanish passport they don't count as migrants but they are everywhere on Madrid

In the last year they have said more interesting things
They have celebrated AfD, FPÖ, Trump and Brexit results
We will see

Still a tiny bit better than commies in power, no?

the fear is that they don't do nothing just like PP that, In theory, is hard in inmigration+anti abortion + anti islam, u know all the catholicism is inside the PP

Vox are the absolute madmans


>PP that, In theory, is hard in inmigration+anti abortion + anti islam
But they aren't.Not even officially


All MSM is shilling, all parties in parliament are shilling. They have created a bubble. They don't even analize the happenings outside our country. The narrative is about irrelevant issues.

People who don't trust the old establishment have hope for Podemos, a left wing-SJW party, similar to Syriza in Greece.

We need meme magic to awaken the people.

>>pic related. Pablo Iglesias, Podemos leader.

INB4 Franco
INB4 Podemos
Shitstorm and raging spaniards.

fuck this place already, sink it on the sea.

And what do you suggest? Mario Conde is still imprisoned and it doesn't seem a good 'alt-right' is going to rise up any soon


Watch me trigger all the spaniards here

>Sois todos uns caras de anchova

Totally not shopped
If Mario Conde (for people outside Spain, a banker who stoled) is what you are waiting to get the power, then I'm right and we're utterly fucked because this place is a meadow of retards.


OMG! latest meme! can't handle dankness!


Vox are retarded to try to take Franquism into nowadays.

This is the problem the right has in Spain, whenever somebody questions that left is good and right is bad, the leftists take over and shut down whoever said that.

This fucking country needs a new right that is not associated to the past. A movement the people can be proud to be part of. A movement where nobody is afraid to defend that right brings prosperity in contrast with left, which basically is giving money to fucking idiots for them to burn it.


>spain general
top keks go back to forofaggots

>The Right
>Not associated to the past
That is the whole fucking deal about the right

>Modifying the original version

>Bertin 2021
Bertin 2021

>Spain General
ONLY Spaniards posting.
Geee, so much interest

Do you guys secretly wish you were french?

Left wing on spain.
>dude, let's make a political party
>Yes! Free Catalonia!
>Actually, I think...
>establish 37 political parties

Right wing in Spain.
>Dude, lets make a political party
>yes! a new fresh start! so no one can blame us for Franco.
>two days later.
>muh religion
>mu santisima trinidad y la virgen de la macarena y el rocio y el sagrado...
>muh bullfights
>Franco did nothing wrong
>Neoliberalism works you dumb fucks, you just don't do it in my exact and precise way.

Crash this country with no survivors please.


No, we hate the french.

That's the problem, nowadays we can't trust any party. We don't have a Trump or a Le Pen.

First we need a movement. Podemos was born in the 15-M movement, Trump created a movement. In many times they had the MSM against them. I mean, It's possible to create a movement.

What do we need to create a movement? Alternative media like Breibart or Info Wars and meme magic. I think that's the best thing we can do these years. But we must put much effort in this to succeed.

More like
>Left wing
>We agree on 70% of the things
>But I like nigger dick more
>No I like it more
Right wing
>We only agree on 30% of the things
>Fuck negros and socialism
>I like to suck nigger dick from time to time
>It doesn't matter lets unite so we have a stronger presence in the Parlament

Trump had lots of money and was known since the 80's in USA. Le Pen is known because of her father. Apart from defining a Spanish ideological counterpart, we shouldchoose very carefully who will be the one to lead the movement. Someone who is already known and, if possible, has lots of money to create a campaign.

The historical example would be Gil (and Mario Conde), but they are both discarded given the circumstances.

>Campaign sponsored by Navidul

>left wing
>agreeing on 70% of the things while they are against each other since the first international
>Right wing agreeing only 30%.
>while they only have little to no differences.


Because Merkel said so.

>while they are against each other since the first international
All our left wing parties are social democrats.They are a carbon paper of each other.The only difference is that ones like nigger cock more than each other. In PP you got from libertarians to Franquoist and it somehow hasn't split

Generally speaking, no.

Still some based ideas.


I agree, today we don't have a guy to lead the movement. But something must be done. Complaining and crying won't do shit.

The movement can still be created without a leader. Just spread the redpill mindset and hope in the future someone will take a step to be our leader.


>Just spread the redpill mindset and hope in the future someone will take a step to be our leader.

Don't forget that televisions control this country. Unless we get inside, we won't spread nothing. And that won't happen if we don't find someone who has money/the favor of powerful people.

really makes you think


It's like cultural appropriation right?

That's pretty unfair. Galicians have some of the most rough and base men of the world.

All of our rightwing parties are social democrats as well. EVERYONE in Spain pretends to be a social democrat.

>tfw not having a qt Spanish gf to speak to me with your hot accent.
why even live?

I didn't made it.

>It's like cultural appropriation right?
That pic makes no sense though you should change the Catalan text because Pakilonia is cucked central

True that Argies like our accent. Well m8, if you come here many of the girls will like yours too.

I think we can all agree that every country sucks the jew dick. Look at the USA, and they are supposed to be the strongest country.
This said, I'm not defending Zapatero, he was retarded, just like all the rest.

>social democrats
Christian democrats.But yeah not a huge difference

Wich one boludo? You talk like there was only one accent.

I've literally heard higher-ups from the PP say they're social democrats.
In any case, if you don't proclaim yourself in favor of free gibs you don't get anywhere in spanish politics.

we have some of those as well


jajajaja onda vital jolines

I would love to live in Spain basically because for me there is no country in the world with a richest history than you and I'm still gratefull of speaking your lenguage.

Sadly I'm against immigration so I couldn't do that to you.


My experience being half Argie half Spaniard in a trip there to visit my family.
With my pure burgales accent, the traditional Spanish one I guess, for them, smashing pussy was fucking easy. Literally told to keep talking cause they loved it so much. Not even memeing.

I don't know how is called but I hear Youtubers from Madrid so I'm guessing a "Madrileño accent"?

>smashing pussy was fucking easy

That's degenerate. Most girls here, if you don't count a minority of club whores, have stable relationships.

So we must rely on the Internet and meme magic.

It will be easier to push our narrative inside MSM with all the happenings outside Spain. But nobody is pushing now.

Again, the first thing to do is spreading the redpill through the Internet. Without a leader is the only thing we can do.

who else here /indepe/?

I don't have a particular love for the ERCiU brand of cuck nationalism, but seriously fuck the spanish government. At least independent catalonia would be small and homogenous enough to allow progress to a more modern nation.

also based Moviment No Alineat. I think they've got it right, but they have to get more visibility.

Depends on the kind of inmigation. My father, correntino, came here to be a civil engineer (de camino en realidad), not a leech of the system, so there's that. inmigration is a problem, for sure, but only coming from largely different cultures and gibs me niggers. As far as the inmigration is legal, regulated and with people willing to work/having a career, etc, it's not much of a problem.
Castellano, better called.


Mate I was 20. Degenerate, for sure, but they weren't batant whores.


My white hispanic America visits Spain in a few weeks. I redpilled her on the Civil War and not to believe that Franco is the devil himself, and to be weary of leftists, marxists and commies. Is the general youth there leftist? what are nice right wing areas to visit? villages?

Why you put them short? That's a big meme. You hardly find young people here below 1,80

finally, the right version!

What's Moviment No Alineat?

>smashing pussy was fucking easy
Only whores do one night stance here.Are you sure that you don't have AIDs
> what are nice right wing areas to visit? villages?

Friendly daily reminder that CASTILLA was the strongest kingdom when Navarra went to shit.

Let's say the picture was taken from a longer distance.

I'm about to move to BCN, tell me what i need to know.
Also, what area should I live in?

Pretty sure. And also
>Only whores do one night stance here
Maybe normal girls like everywhere in the world do that sometimes too? i wonder...

It's a sort of catalan alt-right, defends a social democratic welfare state but while respecting traditional culture and free enterprise. It's not (yet) a clear ideology, but I think it has the potential to attract all those of us who like the concept of a liberal society (as in social democracy or welfare state) without being cuck leftists who want to flood our country with shitskins and outlaw rich people. Kinda like what Switzerland has going.


>Moviment No Alineat

don't know about them, will check it out

Northern Castilla is pretty based. Went on a trip a few months ago and I didn't expect it.

Barcelonian here. How much money do you want to spend for rent?