Your thoughts on this garbage?
Your thoughts on this garbage?
made my dick tingle
Enjoy your cock.
I want my free HRT now :(
Pandering to the left, as usual.
What's new? Nothing really...
Jews won
What are girls at risk of? Getting turned down for some bro teir chick with a dick?
HGH can increase your dick size.
You are on Sup Forums.
This is an outright attack on europeans family structure and hierarchy, coupled with mass immigration I think that our folk don't really stand a chance especially if this keeps up.
If we turn back the clock, lets say trump isn't a total piece of shit and actually starts putting a stop to this, then MAYBE in 30 years we can clean this shit up. But we are generally fucked.
Some might see this as a form of natural selection seeing how retards or mentally ill people will be the only ones falling for this shit. But you don't realize how sinister this is.
They are basically killing off all the stupid people BUT children are stupid and will eat this shit up like crazy especially if they see it as counter culture.
Basically, boomers did this, and need to be gassed. Blame the jews all you want, but boomers are promoting and accepting this. Boomers as in your parents.
>be listening to podcast
>Girl talking about transitioning to male
>Can't wait to cut her tits off and become a man so she can become a drag queen because "I'm smokin hot as a Lady"
It is a beautiful and great thing if we could do this with all muslims and niggers.
Mike Honda U.S. Representative for California's 17th congressional district. " At 18 month my grandchild said she was a girl, at three years she said my name is Melissa and this is how your spell it."
Would beat the boypucci up like tyson, desu.
I think it'll be interesting to see the results of this line of thinking 50 years down the road when all of these transitioning faggots are either dead by suicide or hideous and crippled from a lifetime of hormone therapy.
>national geographic
Please sign a petition to National geographic to include attack helicopters on their new gender diverse cover(pic related)
"We have made SO much progress over the past 8 years to be welcoming of most genders. It's truly remarkable; to see what people can do when they come together.
but as we near the proverbial finish line of acceptance and normalizing what was once considered taboo behavior we have left a large group sidelined and without any support.
I associate with this group and we are comprised of an eclectic mix of heritage but remain steadfast in our formation with eachother.
I'm talking about those of us who identify as Apache attack helicopters: we are silently hovering, watching, protecting, but I've seen too many of us run out of oil above a social Persian gulf. It's a sad state; no one should be ashamed of who they really are. No one gender should be decommissioned just because ONE itchy trigger finger."
Annexing Tuvalu doesn't sound so retarded now, does it?
> honda
A fucking red dot
Kill it with fire.
wtf this is real!? As a kid I remember national geographic having pictures of elephants and shit on the cover, now this??
Trump could not have come at a better time.
Yes, those pesky boomers in academia, who created an entire field dedicated to deconstructing tradition, family, gender, ethnicity. Those boomers, they cxant keep getting away with it.
I've had it with this meme that the Japanese that went to internment camps accepted it and successfully integrated back into society. Mike Honda is here to tear it all down with his transgenderism.
Any Sup Forumsack who says they're against this kind of thing is a liar. Just look at this board's love for "traps," "feminine penis" and people like Blair White.
Hypocrisy reigns
>inb4 Sup Forums is one person
'Now I don't have to pretend to be a boy'
That's a fucking 9 year old, you assholes, who hasn't even gone under Puberty and sexual development.
At least their programs about animals are still good.
Remove humans.
Oh wait, that's BBC. My bad.
Are NatGeo's programs about animals any good?
So really then, how far can we blur how many lines and demand acceptance and respect for it? People like Shaun King and Rachel Dolezal were born white, but they identify as black. Where's the respect for that? Is it coming?
I'm against CHILDREN going through hormone therapy or having their puberty blocked. Parents that are 'proud' of their 8 year old announcing that they're transgendered is just stupid. Kids don't have sexuality that young so how could they possibly know that?
As Ben Shapiro would say: this child is mentally ill.
I'd fuck her
Delta upside down.
stupid nigger, the correct term is "it".
kike detected
not surprised. Hitler did nothing wrong.
tfw i listen to NPR sometimes too and get shocked at casual degeneracy
>can't consent to sex until 16
>doesn't learn what sex really is until 13
>doesn't understand the consequences and responsibilities of sex until 30s to 40s
>can choose to mutilate organs and destroy natural body with hormones by 4
user, do yourself a favor, when you have kids, throw your tv in the trash.
Not one single straighr woman. These people would look at Kimberly Gillfoyle with daggers in their eyes.
It's not garbage. It's how people are born.
Where the fuck are the bullies? They are needed in society.
What do you think will happen when these children grow up and realize their parents ruined their lives?
Exactly. And he will be sterilized with hormones. Someday he will realize what happened and experience homicidal rage. Then they will lock him up. Transformation into lab rat and piggy bank.
>doesn't understand the consequences and responsibilities of sex until 30s to 40s
Blame birth control and abortion culture divorcing coitus from the whole "how babbeh is made" thing.
When you actively work to avoid pregnancy while doing the thing that exists primarily to create pregnancy, no shit it takes until you're 35 to take responsibility for what you do with your cock/snatch.
I guess they want their toilet reading magazine to double as toilet paper so its more eco friendly.
Upsets me viscerally. Kids should be protected from these crazy ideas, or we will have a snowflake epidemic. When you are a kid, and you are unsure of what you are and trying to find an identity, you just say 'I'm trans' and then go on to ruin your life and invite bullying and alienation for no reason.
Poor kid looks miserable.
What does any of this have to do with geography wtf?
(((Susan Goldberg)))
it not like there is anything worth watching that DOESN'T pander to liberal agenda faggotry.
Pic related
>18 months
>literally 1.5 years
>barely capable of understanding identity beyond the phrase "I am Me"
>totally gets being trans like a 30 year old adult would
No, I don't think he'll ever realize what happened to him as a child. The mental conditioning he went through won't allow it. The things that happen to us as children define the traits a person carries for the rest of their life.
Also, being deprived of hormones and pumped full of artificial hormones will definitely fuck with your head and the way you think, especially when a child's body hasn't begun to produce any yet.
I'd expect no less from a kike.
Every time. Every single time.
Wait , is this real of photoshoped ?
has circulation for the nat geo dropped?
Disgusting. Vile. Putrid.
I saw it on my JewBook feed and it upset me. I need to stop browsing facebook and use it exclusively as a tool to keep in touch with people.
Free speech has gone too far. There is no reason why a just government should allow filth like this to be disseminated among its popular. It is psy ops. It is an act of war. Why should it be illegal to destroy lives by murder but it should be allowed to destroy lives through propaganda and degeneracy?
>He started taking hormone-blocking drugs, which will stop him from experiencing puberty.
This can't be legal. I'm literally in shock, do they even know the health problems this will cause their kid? Stinted growth, who knows what else.
Honestly I don't get all the drama on both about trans, it should just be a case of
1. Do you want to be the opposite gender?
2. Do you understand that there are issues and limitations with transition?
3. Do you understand that people will have feelings and opinions that differ from yours about it?
4. Can you afford it?
Honestly if a grown adult wants to strap tits and a vag on themselves and call themselves Susan more power to them I say.
But this isn't a grown adult, it's a kid that hasn't even started puberty yet.
I wanna fuck that little queer up his boipussi
the normalisation of pedophilia is not too far away now.
It's child abuse. Children legally do not have the mental facilities to make such decisions.
This monstrosity should be taken from its parents and treated for mental illness.
The parents should both be sterilized and then imprisoned.
Namaste, weird flag.
Reddit faggot detected
Not NatGeo...
You were the chosen one!
As long as it's cute, I shall allow it.
you just know the honda family is taking turns licking that kid's body.
Nothing wrong with being qt!
don't forget NG is also owned by (((Murdoch))), big surprise
>that weirdly sexual pose
Why the fuck has nobody pointed this sickness out yet?
They will undoubtedly commit sudoku
westren fags , please keep this social abominations away from my clay.
>destroying our countries through immigrant cancer
>complains that we are threatening your country because some fringe loser freaks made up a gender
Roaches need to be exterminated.
I'm sorry guys, but I can't wait for muslims to take over you.
Underaged persons should not be able to get on HRT or SRS. This is what happens when a generation of men is raised without fathers.
The people who made that need to be exterminated.
I want to die.
>everyone is a trapfag
Trapfags are hated here, we get invaded by r9kikes all the time
I pointed it out in one of the first threads, bud.
I am surprised that people arent talking more about it
I'm bi-tri-mis-demni-vehicle-weapon-gender
NatGeo has moved on from subsaharan titties to western traps?
I think this is what they call "going from strength to strength"
what the fuck
when you take yaoi fetish too far it will ruin your life
It's too late guys. We can only wait for Roman Empire collapse 2.0 in our lifetime.
>dem lips
>implying you wouldn't smash his boipussy
you don't need to lie on the internet guys.
I do worry about this stuff too.
Well we're letting people experiment. It's not like anyone is forcing them to fuck up their lives, and maybe it'll turn out ok.
>japan always being a pedo
Well just stick to your loli hentai, Jip
lol talk about eating your own
Fuck me senpai
wtf i love nat geo now
wtf i love loli traps now