>supposedly has (((evidence))) that Putin interfered in the Democratic process of the United States, thus saying that Trump's victory was rigged
>still congratulates Trump on his victory and wishes him well as President
>supposedly has (((evidence))) that Putin interfered in the Democratic process of the United States, thus saying that Trump's victory was rigged
>still congratulates Trump on his victory and wishes him well as President
The dudes gonna be outta office in about a month,theres nothing much he can possibly do anyway.
There's nothing he can do, because Russia literally did nothing wrong.
It doesn't matter.
Unless there is direct proof that Trump and Russia collaborated (which isn't the case) there is nothing he can do without dividing the country even more.
Disclosing that Russia interfered was probably a huge mistake.
He said there is (((proof))) the DNC was "hacked" by Russia. The sad fact is he's ashamed to admit the emails were leaked from inside the DNC itself. Sad.
Factually speaking he legitimized the recount as valid and congratulated Trump on his victory. Did we watch the same speaking engagement?
That stupid nigger knows better than to talk back to a white man like Trump.
Maybe. The news here is outright saying that US Intelligence found a link between the outcome of the election and Russian meddling. Of course not one bit of it true.
While Obama, on the other hand, did not outright say that the Russians interfered in our election, he sort of implied they did.
I can't wait for this topic to die. Nothing will happen. Blaming trump for this is like making Obama because of something Merkel did.
It won't happen. Trump is president.
>Trump's victory was rigged
This isn't the first time a foreign power influenced our elections. Iran purposefully delayed releasing our people in the 80's to help ensure Reagan's victory over Carter. That isn't rigging an election and neither is this.
Interferned in electioneering, but not voting. Voting is fair. So why Trump should not be president?
Why is it muh hackers fault that hillary and the dnc are corrupt as fuck?
and the RNC coordinated that release with the Iranians on purpose to undermine the Carter administration.
This whole thing is just a deflection on why the democrats lost the campaign so they don't have to change their globalist ways.
It may seem stupid now and most likely will be stupid down the line but what they are doing is creating the excuse that Hillary and her shit globalist polices didn't lose her the election. No, no my friend infarct it was Russia's fault. This way they don't have to self reflect and change their ways and become a nationalist party to.
People are forgetful. When next election cycle roles around they can look back with at least a question mark and make excuses for why they are doing the same shit over. They are also banking on Trump doing a bad job and at the same time they are setting up a narrative that Trump is to pro Russian and are trying to whip the neocons into a frenzy and make them more resistant to Trump.
It is just the dying breath of the globalists and most likely the democratic party as we know it.
Screencap this and post it 4 years from now.
it wasn't russia, but even if it was, their only influence on the election was exposing the DNC's corruption and collusion; it doesn't make trumps win any less legitimate and if they would try to deny him the presidency over it, it would be all out war.
"I think it's worth pointing out, that the information was already out. It was in the hands of Wikileaks, so that was going to come out no matter what."
What did he mean by this? Is he saying that Russia supplied the Podesta emails to wikileaks, or is he saying that wikileaks already had the Podesta emails when the Russians did the hack?
My point is that Obama and the media are trying to say that Russia played a huge part in ensuring Trump's victory. Some are more blatant about it, others are subtle. In any case, they also congratulate Trump on his victory and wish him well as President. Which makes little to no sense.
It's like the police threatening a gangster who recently took the position of a crime boss while at the same time, congratulating him on his new-found success and wishing him good fortune in the future. It's doublethink. Believing or stating two contradictory things at the same time.
He is trying to keep the public rustled and uncontent. I whole heartedly believe that other democrats in his cabinet put him up to this to try to create a rift between Trump and Putin as much as possible so the media can have more to report about in the coming months. It's a dilemma he is creating the same as Hillary and democrats would have planned to do regardless. With Hillary taking office as they planned, they would have painted her as a bold leader and stepping up to Russia, but their strategy is all going out of whack for them so they're just going with it for the heck of it.
Who cares what he has to say. He's illegal.
You forgot
>China seizes American drone
>BOBAMA goes to vacation
Obama said that wikileaks already had the Podesta emails. How exactly did Russia play a huge part in ensuring Trump's victory?
All countries playing big roles for candidates victory. Hillary received money from the Saudi prince. So what? Russia did not give Trump the money, but helped with dirty information about Clinton. If this is reason for canceling election results, we (or any other country with a strong intelligence) can spoil all your elections. This is ridiculous.
He said it was an open and free election.
He said russia hacked the DNC and released the pedo-ta emails.
So basically "well they're real and factual. But russia did it!"
I don't know. I'm not saying that Russia did play a part in Trump's victory, because they really didn't. I'm merely pointing out the hypocrisy in some of Obama's statements.
>undermine the Carter administration.
And undermine the republic as a whole. Using foreign powers to gain political victory is typical of right-wingers in the US. This has been going on even as far back as the Civil War. The Confederacy attempted to get aid from the French turn the tide against the north. Which lead to France invading Mexico to set up a proxy government to aid the south.
He said that Russia hacked the DNC, but he did not say that they gave the Podesta emails to wikileaks.
"I think it's worth pointing out, that the information was already out. It was in the hands of Wikileaks, so that was going to come out no matter what."
That's not precisely at all. Obama never made a connection between the Podesta emails and the Russian DNC hack. Do you have any Obama quotes that prove otherwise?
He didn't say it, because there is no proof, ergo it never happened. Period. Idiots who want to fill in the blanks with their own stupidity are free to do so, as this is America. People are entitled to free speech even if it causes an echoing disparity between classes/races/political parties etc etc etc.
Inalienable rights were afforded to me the same as you upon your birth. Whether you choose to exercise them or not is entirely up to you.
If people choose to spread disinformation as a coping mechanism for their butthurt they're allowed to do so. Makes the tears oh so much saltier and plentiful for me to lick up.