Am I red pilled bros?

Am I red pilled bros?


>public bathroom


No. now go drink a bottle of Drano



Gain weight. You look like a sissy emaciated eurofag. Also, loose the white socks.

you're gaypilled, which is different

You dress like a gay sub, if you are going to dress like that at least grow some hair on your head..

what kind of socks should white people wear then?

you look like a faggot

Look at this goofy ass Daniel Craig wannabe lol

People in general should wear black socks.


you look like a typical russian scumbag that lives in sacramento

Uh, with boat shoes literally anything except white socks. In fag OP's case either no socks or dark gray.

Fashion is for faggots. You care about fashion, ergo you are a faggot. Also, those shoes are the height of dorky, useless, nu-male-ness. When I see you dorky kids with skinny pants and full homo shoes such as your pic, I immediately disregard anything you have to say. I would never hire anyone that looked like you, it's easy to tell you won't work out. So please keep the costume on, it helps people like me spot people like you.
Sage for fashion.

DYEL faggot?

What a queerbait

Yes, if by "red pilled" you mean insufferable faggot assed faggot, sure.