If meds are so much superior to nords

Then how come we managed to sack the so called holy grail of civilisation? If we wuz literally snowniggers living in mudhuts and eating dirt-cookies you'd think the might of the roman empire would be able to stand against it. I guess not.



your ancestors were great, however you are a bunch of little cucks






What did Sup Forums mean by this?

The winners are always not the good guys

NORDICS were the muslims of back then, destroyers of civilization

Oh Sweden you are the last one who should be talking shit in this sea of butthurt

why can't snownigs into history?
you only managed to sack the Empire in fucking 410AD, which was pretty much equivalent to stealing candies from children, the Empire was already collapsed

the Huns, which you ran away from like little refugee pussies, were a much bigger and badder enemy than you ever were

Pretty much



Keep paying those taxes so Mohammed can get his welfare for his 30 rape-babies and his 3 Swedish wives

Die Liebowicz

Yeah but only because they let German mercenaries into their armies

>when you're anglo, mediterranean, and nordic
Gotta love being American

Jewish subversion of the traditional Roman way of life sapped the empire of its strength enough to allow barbarian hordes in

And why did was already collapsed? Maybe you can ask your cucked ancestors.

You make fun of northern countries for their immigration, when countries like yours are already the product of it.

it happens when your history spans thousands of years and vast civilizations, which I understand sounds incredible for your people

anyway, I'm still right, don't get too butthurt

You are wrong sandboy, we wuz kangz in your empire

>you are wrong
>can't prove me wrong
as usual
you only sacked Rome in 410AD, pretty much when Rome was already dead

You should stop baiting Ahmed.