Are women retarded or something:

Are women retarded or something:
>Murray (2003), in a review of human accomplishment, notes that, out of 4,002 people categorized as significant in Science, Technology, Philosophy and Art, only 88 were female
>The December 2013 FIDE rating list records 1441 players holding the Grandmaster title, of whom 31 are women
>Maryam Mirzakhani is the only female among the 56 winners since the Fields Medal was established in 1936
>In the 2012 Michelin guide, there were roughly 2,500 restaurants that were awarded stars by Michelin. Of those, only 10 of them had female chefs
>Since 1901, there have been 825 male winners of the Nobel Prize, but just 47 female winners
Why can't they be as smart as men are?

women are actually smarter than men, it's misogyny that is holding women down.

Women are just giant children who want someone to take care of them



women are smart in other ways. we just dont celebrate being a mother and a wife anymore, in fact those things make you a bad person now.

They just want to have fun while we do all the important and hard stuff. They thank us by fucking our friends and taking all of our provisions for granted and trying to emasculate us when we call them out on it. There are some good ones that know they are inferior and submit to the man who treats them with the most respect and love though.

This is why.

>Why can't they be as smart as men are?
they are smart where it matters.

>those things make you abad person now

According to other women

Within the U.S. I agree but in places like Mexico I know being a mother is celebrated.

Their biological function doesn't benefit from higher intelligence. If anything, it's a detriment.

Women are specialized to have children and raise them, and to care for their household. They're not intended to be providers, and innovation is a part of providing. It makes complete sense that men dominate the sciences.

The only people who are "confused" about this are those who choose to believe a century of propaganda rather than all of human history.

This to be honest.
Not especially evil or devious MOSTLY.
Some are scum, but for the most part they're just irresponsible.

My favorite so far was the chick in a Smart car, barreling down the motorway beside me.
She was slighlty wavering so I kept clear.
When I passed her I saw why.
She was not holding the wheel, she was just leaning on it with one elbow.
She was putting lipstick on with one hand, and mascara with the fucking other one.
The rear view window was blocked by the company blouse she held there with a coathanger.

I bet she was driving still in her home slippers, for fuckssake.

Our women are fucked in other ways but atleast they take their role as mothers and housekeepers seriously.

>no axis

yeah i get that it's IQ and it's mean 100 but come on man.

really makes u think huh....


it has no axis because its not actual data

So what you're saying is they are actually smarter but still can't manage to figure out how to not let someone less intelligent hold them back. Bravo

Whats bad about Mexican women?

Not counting the obvious stuff like them being Mexicans or getting fat the day after the marriage

Too loud. Their are unicorns, of course, but no more than in America (which is to say, very few).

Eastern Europe and most of Asia is good for finding conservative women, specifically, by culture.

Not counting that obvious stuff then I would say the same stuff that is wrong with most women nowadays, they expect to be treated like princesses even when they have fucked tons of guys and they took the "being a single mother is great" thing too far.
Though atleast they have some fucking honor, I rarely see single mothers here fighting for too much money from the father.

IQ distribution is more clustered in women, which means they are statistically less likely to be absolute retards, but also less likely to be geniuses.
Gifted women like Emmy Noether and Marie Curie do exist, they are just rarer than their male counterparts.

damn you almost had kek biting that bait too

Erasmus of Rotterdam
Thomas Aquinas
Meister Eckhart
Augustine of Hippo
Giovanni Pico della Mirandola
Giordano Bruno
Georges Cuvier
Robert Boyle
Johannes Brahms
Roger Bacon
Ludwig van Beethoven
Johannes Brahms
Frederic Chopin
Nicolaus Copernicus
Eugène Delacroix
Henry Cavendish
Rene Descartes
Gustave Flaubert
Galileo Galilei
Vincent van Gogh
Thomas Hobbes
David Hume
Immanuel Kant
T. E. Lawrence
Gottfried Leibniz
John Locke
Friedrich Nietzsche
Sir Isaac Newton
Blaise Pascal
Alexander Pope
Marcel Proust
Franz Schubert
Benedict de Spinoza
Arthur Schopenhauer
Herbert Spencer
Adam Smith
Nikola Tesla
Henry David Thoreau
Leonardo da Vinci
Ludwig Wittgenstein

This list of bachelors might as well be the list of the founders of Western civilization, is bachelorhood the real red pill?

why were they too stupid to invent guns and subjugate everyone like the white man did?

In English it's called being married to your job


smart women have fewer children. simple as that.


What, like, in the vagina?

>too stupid to invent guns and subjugate everyone like the white man did?
>Invented by white men
That shit was an amalgamation of middle eastern alchemy and the Chinese alchemists trying to make crazy shit like immortality drinks.
The thing is, like pretty much everything else, the European man took it, perfected it and blew the fuck out of everyone else so hard they still have enough salt leftover to open up their own mining company.


The fact that men excel in the areas you listed (and many more, obviously) does not prove men in general are more intelligent than women.

It proves (and that's definitely a fact) that men are more predisposed to be especially brilliant; "especially brilliant" however is just a very low percentage of society that can't be used to prove any point regarding particular gender's intelligence in general.

Furthermore, men are natually more competitive, which also contributes to them achieving spectacular successes more often.

Statistically speaking, there is almost no difference in IQ levels between both genders (some studies suggest that the average may be about 2-3 points higher for men though).


>According to other women
According to progressive women.
