>Parents both work, no time to make my lunch
>Comfy Cafeteria Food
>Food is pic related
>WTF is this shit? Fuck you Michelle
A school lunch under Trump
I thought cafeteria food in Germany is bad, even Rapefuggees get better food than you mate, kek.
The football team will be unstoppable
Thanks Obama!
Do you have a pic of said rapefugee food? That makes me very mad
Inlove how she fat shamed the first couple years when they were in office and then she stopped after the acceptence movement moved far to the left side.
Damn, burger food looks quite shite. No wonder you lot love McD's so much.
>Tfw worked in corrections
>Tfw inmates are given better food than this shit.
If this shit keeps up, we'll all be skinny because the comrades won't give us food
My kid's school just gives all their "lunches" to good banks. They're required to provide school lunches by law, but none of the kid's eat that shit anymore.
This entire country is crumbling and it's mainly because niggers
American school """""lunches"""""
Its called caloric restriction. Useful for indoctrination
Time to reclaim the honorable fattest country title.
Could have made your own lunch
Update: another one
Trump school lunch
Holy fuck
No one will be able to join the military because they can't make height and weight coming out of high school......good job!
wouldnt touch that with a shovel...
my penis can only get so erect
any proof this is an actual school lunch?
>tfw my school did not have a cafeteria
Is this just a cali thing? Everyone brown bagged it.
You could buy like, pop tarts and chips from the vending machine if you wanted, but no cooked food.
Don't forget taco bowl Fridays.
What kind of faggy prison are you in OP?
Clinton lunch
You sound like a faggot.
Its magnificent
don't let the nigger kids have it
Damn user...
Fuck off stop posting good looking food
I had do spend my lunch money on buying a rifle before the new year laws in California go into effect.
I can't buy/eat lunch for ~30 more days so I can pay off my credit card
Fuck. Back in my day you could get as much pizza, cookies, and soda as you want. Now instead of frozen yogurt its probably a cum dispenser.
American """"""School""""""
no taco bowl? I love Mexicans!
That cauliflower doesn't look cooked. Do you get any bread and butter with it or are you supposed to make dry "sandwiches" with those tiny crackers? The whole thing just looks random as fuck. Almost as if computer program just generated list of products that add up to whatever arbitrary nutrition value.
>mystery mush
>The average American after four years under Trump
Please... stop this. I'm on a diet.
I say that does look rather scrumptious...
If they can lower the standards for women, they can lower the standards for fatties.
I guess maybe get a job that isnt shit
I don't think we can all lose that much weight in 4 short years senpai
It's funny to think that it was Michelle Obama's food program is what red pilled generation z.
jesus christ...
...what the actual fuck
Jesus Christ....... they probably should have taught the dumb bitch that pesky basic law of thermodynamics.
When I was a kid, we ate amazing greasy food and cookies and delicious fatty pastas.. but PE was also mandatory and everyone ran around and exercised like kids are supposed to.
There was literally only one obese kid I grew up with, and imagine that, he was the only one who didn't do anything in PE or on the playground because he was slightly retarded.
>you were born too late to have Trump Tower Taco Bowls at middle school lunch
>you had to have shitty Michael Obama-approved lunches where ketchup counts as a vegetable
Oh well, at least I get to see the wall be built.
>tfw school lunches are only for the poor and are so bad that you'd rather stay hungry than touch anything provided by the school
One of my poorer cousins got a lizard in his curry and had to stay in a hospital for a week
Not enough diverse Somali bull semen for you?
Is that corn? Why does it look like that?
Getting fish for lunch is pretty based though, that shit is expensive.
I think that might have just been the poo.
>Parents both work, no time to make my lunch
So you can post on 4chin but not able to cook your own food? How about a good old suicide?
awww that's cute britbong thinks he's relevant
Litterally nothing wrong with eating a lizard as long as its cooked.
Curry fucks you up because it is poor streetshitter garbage food.
>india uses paper for lunch but no loo for you
my sides
that Indian 'dish' literally looks like a dollop of shitmaggots
Work in a cafeteria
Its fucking shitty.
We can't even have normal cereal it have to be multi grain frost4ed flakes.
All of it is much more expensive as well.
And we have super strict regulations on portions and such. They come in sometimes and, for instant, tear the pizzas youre preparing apart to measure the ingredients to make sure you aren't off the recipe.
Ours used to have a bake shop, because one of the older ones bakes cakes and stuff. They shut that down FAST.
Remember dodgeball?
My school required PE until 10th grade. In 10th we had to do calisthenics and run 1 mile every day before doing anything else. No fatties allowed.
good god this. My kids were in elementary school when her school lunch changes went into effect. Sweet desserts of any kind-gone. Just fruit. Chocolate milk-gone. Ice cream fridays-ended. But it wasn't just that. nothing fried. Steamed vegetables. Low salt. Low fat.
My kids quit buying lunch and started packing. peanut butter and jelly sandwiches mostly. Saved me a ton of money, but the waste in the cafeterias across the country, I cant even imagine.
Prison meal.
>british cuisine
that tray looks better than the meal
What the fuck? What sort of butt fucking stupid argument did that woman use for this?
Spics literally not giving a fuck how they cook the food.
Its amazing how badly you can fuck up corn and broccoli.
Fatty food actually isn't as bad for you as sugary food.
Think about it. When did America start getting fat? The mid to late 70s when the low fat food craze started. As soon as they started removing fat from food, they started adding sugar to make it not taste like cardboard.
The reason for this is sugar gets directly converted into fat soon after reaching the liver.
The best way to lose weight is to cut out excess amounts of sugar.
Clinton lunches would be having kids wait in Wonderbread™ lines.
It's not corn, it's maize
jesus christ why cant they just serve real food instead
This is something you will probably find in every school cafeteria in sweden, a fucking sallad bar, not to mention the fact that actual food is also served
well, this looks like a nutritious lunch. you got white thing that looks like a brain. some sauce, ham n cheese with no bread, wheat crackers.
Can't be, there is bacon in it.
It's time to make school lunches great again.
Why cant you people use plates for thsi like this? Whats wrong with you? Would look ten times less disgusting.
That is your new government issued Iron, Vitamin C, Calcium. welcome to 1984
Basically said school lunches were making children fat.
So now you get a fruit, a vegtable, and a very perfectly portioned out 2-3 oz scoop of a meat or meat alternative.
schools are making pe an option now so it isn't discriminatory. all the retards who were bad at it when they were young are now parents on the boards and getting rid of it. even 5 years ago when i was in high school they changed it from having to do it every year to only needing 2 semesters of it to graduate.
Also my mom is the head cook in my old high school and there are certain calorie counts that they can't go over. If a kid doesn't want something they have to put it on the tray for them anyways because of michael's dumb ass laws. Just more spending when these kids will just throw the food away. They are having to bump up the price of food a quarter basically every year. It is like $3 where she works. Don't even get me started on the free and reduced price lunches...
I mean, you can always be responsible and choose the gourmet caesar salad. Or you can be a cuck and complain about it and go home and make your plain pasta with just salt.
Just send your child to a private school, so he/she can eat a healthy meal. Look at what the Japs feed their students.
Fucking dictatorship, uncanny.
I didn't get any government issued milk with my lunch. make a big deal of it.
They look like diced string beans, I cooked them with scrambled eggs.
meanwhile, michael has started to chub out
it's like he's lost all hope
get a load of the cuckservative dweeb
A lot of times these kids have extra options that they turn down because "lol, fruits and vegetables. Gross." This guy probably could have had an apple or a banana to go along with this. It doesn't look that bad to me.
>mfw I spend 4 weeks in Switzerland for work
>Everything is made with raw milk
>Literally nothing is "diet" or "low fat"
>Best food I've had in years
I lost 10 lbs in that month because I didn't pig out. Good food is satiating in itself. And you walk everywhere because trains are almost everywhere. And everyone in Switzerland is trim.
even prison food looks better than this shit
>TFW this is what "Hope" looks like
Fuck you underaged faggot