Red-pill me on this goy.
>Jimmy Newtron
>not an argument.
Red-pill me on this goy.
>Jimmy Newtron
>not an argument.
Other urls found in this thread:
He is the perfect example of an alpha male in a beta society. The guy is smart as fuck but because he doesn't groom himself girls won't date him. There needs to be a law against this
>There needs to be a law against this
Maybe, but I still don't know his core views and it is annoying, the shit out of, me.
Can someone please shed some light on this guy's views? If he is smart then he maybe be "Our Guy" in training.
>Another /thread of mine dies
>WTF I HATE Sup Forums now
He's a fedora
>Religion is for idiots
>Girls won't date me cause I don't spend 200 bucks a week to look good
>The Bible needs to be banned but Muslims are simply misunderstood
watch how no one checks the digits
Better watch out guys. He's coming for us
>The Bible needs to be banned but Muslims are simply misunderstood
All we need to do is replace "misunderstood" with "uneducated" and we can bring Jimmy to our side.
how do you get a beard and hair like that without meticulous grooming standards???
Lmfao who is this guy? I see him everywhere. Fuckin ugly cunt
He is the Chad of the nu-male society.
It makes me shudder...
Nice digits.77
Great question, desu,
So, okay it seems Sup Forums is leaning TOWARDS his standards, because he apparently has a gifted mind, so how do we make him, dare I say, our guy? Because I missed that part.
I got you
>Lmfao who is this guy? I see him everywhere.
My sentiments. This is why I made a thread about him. No one seems to call him out, on any actual follies ... maybe we should train him to be one of us.
Cuckerine might be a bastard child of Snikt-Bub
What's the matter, never seen a strong canadian man before?
He has a qt3.14 gf and I don't
maybe I really should move to Canada
He's the leader of the alt-right aka The Inquisitor.
Poland please help me, your nation has the best posts on Sup Forums. How should I truly feel about the goy? Is he special and should he join a meme army?
Fuck this guy. I understand YouTube faggots will always shill on Sup Forums to get more attention, but this dude is repulsive to look at. It's offensive to all of my 5 senses.
When I gaze on him, I appreciate his neckbeard, on a symbolic level. He is like the neckbeard we DESERVE not the one we NEED.
This faggot should be banned like my little pony! Fuck off you stupid leaf
What is the fucking point? What am I going to be called to the Torah soon?
hes /ourguy/
>hes /ourguy/
He is I'm convinced.
Haha this butthurt many people.
Lol. Post
Explosive WebM
Make sense Sup Forums.