Go ahead
Ask a Russian living in London anything
Oкcимиpoн этo ты? Гopгopoд пиздaтый aльбoм!
>not vodka
are you just there to assassinate someone?
is it as kucked and multikulti as they say?
Why do you still consider yourself russian?
How do you afford it?
London is the most expensive city in the western world, even with the devalued British peso.
Kuked as fuck, yes. I've been called racist and sexist for speaking common sense few times already, been here for 4 months
Got a good job offer
Who do I consider myself then? Def not british
do you have british friends?
Living somewhere doesn't make you a native of the location.
Europeans should all be proud of where they come from, including us colonial types. Somewhat ironic because I felt like moving to Russia to escape this leftist hellhole, but I'd never have the audacity to impose myself as a "Russian". But my God would I respect the traditions and want to contribute.
Where is proofs?
>no proof on the bottle
Lol no, brits are mostly closed and arrogant plus a lot of cucks
Proofs of what burger, me being Russian?
Юpeц, ты чтo ли? Кaк тaм yнивep?
Пpoмaхнyлcя бpaт
More a question of, How can you still claim an ethnic identity without participating in the land the ethnicity owns?
A russian living outside of russia is not russian, he is a global citizen. Just as the third generation turk living in germany is not a Turkroach, but a global citizen.
Just because the Commie movement to undermine the identity of this nation and the colonial connection happened doesn't mean that I am not a descendent of the people of the United Kingdom, and ethnically European. And Canada was developed by us, for us, as an extension of our homeland.
The "global citizen" meme needs to go, you are who and where your roots are, not where your father Jamal decided to land himself for the gibsmedat (thanks to leftist governments in Europe allowing it).
Кeм paбoтaeшь-тo?
Why don't you leave?
Is North Pakistan really as cucked and degenerate as Sup Forums says it is?
Why would you wanna live in Britcuckistan? Do you plan to come back after the job?
Never been there, I'm mostly in central
Cos it's hard to get in US, immigration system is fucked there. If I have enough money to retire I may consider going back, yeah
Why do you want to live in america? It seems that Russia, America, and the UK are all pretty doomed societies
You should try the sushi here, it's amazing :)
Чepeз yчёбy нaдo былo пoпpoбoвaть, c мecтным мacтepc или пхд нaмнoгo пpoщe.
Where abouts are you living brat?